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Kenobi's Art Stuff

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#1 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 15:26

Hi all!

I decided to post here some of my art.

I will start with my reeskins:


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Full pic:



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Full pic:


If you want any of these drop me by PM (i hope i have they somewhere xD ).

More art will come, please comment it :unsure:

"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#2 Dr. Knickers

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 16:17

Ranger's not bad, but I'm not a fan of the green Crusader. Maybe make the green a bit duller so it'd actually look like camo.
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#3 partyzanpaulzy


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Posted 19 April 2009 - 21:16

When green then somehow like this Challenger 2:
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But that ranger looks well.
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(I'm making RA2YR mod, check Revora Forums for more info)
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+ equivalents :p

#4 WNxMastrefubu

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 22:06

your ranger > crusader

ranger is amazing, crusader is too "flamboyant" imo

Edited by WNxMastrefubu, 19 April 2009 - 22:06.

Attached Image: bob.jpg

#5 Rich19

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Posted 20 April 2009 - 08:32

The ranger is good. I'm not a fan of woodland camo units, however, especially those in such a bright green.

#6 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 20 April 2009 - 17:33

Thanks all!

I'm glady you guys liked the Rangers.

About the Crusader, was my first reeskin for Generals, when i was testing how to do that xD. I will try to darker the green a little bit :P

Chevroleet's S-10 Pickup on early 1994-1997, with some tweaks to look more 1990:

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BTW 864 polys. It's planned to be a "techinical" for a World in Conflict Mod in development.
"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#7 Waris

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Posted 20 April 2009 - 18:00

I found the lack of flared wheelarches on that Chevy disturbing. Nice model though.

#8 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 21 April 2009 - 23:49

Thanks ^^

I know, but sice it's a techinical, it will include a M2 Bronwing on the top, and other variants (TOW, AA,...), so, to save some polys, a good texture on the wells will do the rest :/

Edited by Gen.Kenobi, 21 April 2009 - 23:50.

"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#9 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 02 May 2009 - 22:13

Hello all!

More models!

Star Trek Enterprise Bridge for the Final Frontier Mod
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Siege Copter for RA3 Ressuction Mod:

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Edited by Gen.Kenobi, 02 May 2009 - 22:13.

"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#10 Wizard


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Posted 05 May 2009 - 08:43

Nice copter. But what is the idea with the seige cannon? I can't see any vtol rotors so once it deploys the cannon it crashes? Suicide Seige Copter?

#11 Alias

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Posted 05 May 2009 - 08:45

I'd expect it to land, that's what the RA2 one did...

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#12 Wizard


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Posted 05 May 2009 - 08:50

Well that would make sense, but I prefer the suicide seige copter idea tbh.

*wonders how I have never played RA2*

#13 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 05 May 2009 - 10:30

It's in Yuris Revenge to be exact, the addon. Anyway, nice chopper, although, I highly dislike the cockpit of it.

#14 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 05 May 2009 - 16:17

Thanks! What do you guys think about the Enterprise NX-01 Bridge?

Edited by Gen.Kenobi, 05 May 2009 - 16:17.

"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#15 Pav:3d


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Posted 05 May 2009 - 16:36

Whats your WIC mod about btw?
Couldnt find any info in the link you posted

Edited by Pav3d, 05 May 2009 - 16:36.

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#16 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 05 May 2009 - 16:45

What one? xD

Galactic War [star wars based mod in development]
Plastic Mod
or MADCAT? =P i know is MADCAT, hehehee: it's a bit outdated, but it's here: http://www.massgate....hp?39454,310228 I'll add a new faction to WIC, with new units.

Story for a campaingn is it:

I know that it will be awhile before we get seriously into SP but some general ideas I had for a 5 mission sequence (I figure we should aim for no more than 5-7).

Setting: American Forces attempt to use a nuclear weapon at Cascade falls but it is intercepted by Soviet defenses (S-300 battery). The Soviets push forward and take Fort Teller. Satisfied that Star Wars is no threat the Soviets launch nuclear armed ballistic missiles from mobile launchers around Seattle. The Short Launch time leaves Norad with almost no time to react and missiles hit Washington as well as American missile sites across the Mid West. Meanwhile Soviet submarines take out American nuclear missile subs to prevent retaliation. Other missiles explode at high altitude knocking out communications. With the American government in disarray, communications with higher ups in the military knocked out, and the Soviets making a major push to break out east through the Cascades, and facing heavy Soviet air bombardment and a critical shortage of supplies, American forces begin to withdraw eastwards with the Soviets in hot pursuit.


1 With a small infantry force, well dug in, fight a delaying action in a steep cascade canyon to allow your battalion to escape destruction and rally up with the rest of the division.

2. After being extracted by helicopter, get shot down in territory recently occupied by advancing Soviet troops. With survivors, escape capture or destruction by Soviet search teams then meet up (accidentally) with local guerillas and participate in the ambush and destruction of a Soviet supply column as it crosses a high mountain pass. Then escape before Soviet back up arrives.

3. An opportunityto return to your unit opens up a couple weeks later in Eastern Oregon. Work with guerilla units to raid a Soviet helicopter FARP and hijack a ride. before leaving, hold off a Soviet counter attack.

4. Returning to your battalion after locating the retreating American forces in Southern Idaho retreating along I-84, learn that Soviet forces, growing frustrated by being unable to draw the Americans into a decisive battle where they can be destroyed and finding it harder and harder to keep pace as their supply lines have become stretched, and increasingly, attacked, have pooled most of their resources to create a fast force of armor and mechanized infantry which aims to outflank the Americans by plowing overland to the South then turning North to cut I-84 and encircle the fleeing Americans. To counter this all the divisions remaining armor is being sent South to attempt the destruction or at least halting of the Soviet force. Placed in command of a tank platoon that recently lost its CO fight an intense meeting engagement tank battle with the advancing Soviet force on open desert terrain in a gap between two mountain ranges in the North East corner of Nevada.

5. North of Salt Lake City the division finally stops its retreat digs in and prepares to face the full weight of the Soviet attack. Communications are finally back up (to a degree) and word has arrived that American reinforcements from the East should arrive soon. Hold the line until they arrive. Possible events to add to this mission include a supporting attack by Canadian air force Tornados (I just think we need some Canadians) and the arrival of large numbers of guerrillas in technicals as back up. When reinforcements arrive, counter attack and destroy the Soviet spearheads.

This series would allow for a variety of combat experiences in a limited number of missions as well as relatively easy map making (no urban maps). On the other hand it doesn't give lots of map variety and is fairly short. It also means that in order for missions to feel realistic the player will have to cope with the following issues:

-Little to no reinforcements most missions
-Little to no off map support (TA)
-Overwhelming Soviet Firepower on some missions (especially #1)

the result I think will give the battles a desperate feel (which I think is good) but will also largely prevent having truly epic confrontations (which some people like).

This series also leaves little room for NATO (though we could always give them a stand-alone mission or two). Any thoughts are appreciated. Feel free to propose a totally different mission sequence too.

Also I know Madmonk had a way of getting NATO into a campaign a while ago so if you'd share that, that would be great. [Tevkid wrote that]
Read more here: http://madcat.2ksite...ryline-t31.html

I still writing a comunity based info post. Like this one: http://www.massgate....hp?77960,388041 More details will be include.
More info will come in time. We're also needing testers, so apply at our foruns if you are interested.

Edited by Gen.Kenobi, 05 May 2009 - 16:46.

"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#17 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 17:26

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WW2 German super tank. Fires 800mm shels. For C&C Flashback mod
"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#18 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 09 June 2009 - 17:29

*Epic Bumb*

More models for ya.

WW2 Barbed wires.

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Texture by myself too =P

Defense Cannon
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for something planned in my mind

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Assembly *cant tell* factory.

Hope you like ti, feedback, as always, welcome.
"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#19 Kalo

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Posted 14 June 2009 - 04:16

Ohhhh...those WW2 Props look pretty sick man. show me more :P.
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[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: The only thing I could do in safe mode
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: Is browse my porn photos
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: GIGGITY.

#20 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 14 June 2009 - 06:23

Excellent work on your latest models mate, though the barbed wire could use a few more "barbs". Other than that, the skin work is quite good. The "it's a secret" assembly plant is also quite nice, keeping with the "this definitely looks like a factory" design (not that that's a bad thing). The cannon's wheels seem a bit non-traditional, and by that I mean the spokes of the wheel. Perhaps when they're skinned they'll look better, at least in my own eyes, but for now I'll hold off complete judgment until then.
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#21 WNxMastrefubu

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Posted 14 June 2009 - 19:12

good idea's and good skins, wonder what the assembly factory does. and sweet barbed wire btw
Attached Image: bob.jpg

#22 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 18:58

Thanks guys! I just saw this yesterday =P

Tiger I Tank (WIP)

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Tiberium Sun GDI Powerplant (i've added some extra details that will be deleted)

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Towed Cannons

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>Deployed (fully animated)
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SAM Site plus the missels:

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Flame Tower:

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Edited by Gen.Kenobi, 21 June 2009 - 19:15.

"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#23 JJ

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 10:44

Wow, not bad, not bad at all. GDI power plant is a little out of proportions though. The smoke stack is too short and fat.

#24 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 19:48

About the GDI powerplant, the additional turbines shouldn't have openings either. The rest of your models have a "Red Alert" feel with most of their proposrtions and shapes I don't know why.

I'm liking the Tiger tank also.
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#25 WNxMastrefubu

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 21:27

tiger tank is coming along very nicely
Attached Image: bob.jpg

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