Much as I have absolutely no love for the man or his music whatsoever, I can appreciate this is a great loss to the world of music that he inhabited. My doubts remain as to his integrity after the allegations against him, but I would not wish death on him for it, least of all for something which can never be proven.
I think that people should take careful note of the sad story of this man; a thoroughly unhappy life, and a thoroughly strange one that would have earned him no respect were it not for the fame his music brought him, despite success, wealth and fame that have few matches. He should be remembered for his contribution to the arts scene, of course, but I hope people do not idolise the life he lead.
Also, to Wesley and Ion, you have both acted wrongly in this thread. Wesley, I hope you will consider what you say and the allegations you make carefully in future, and show much greater sensitivity for peoples' feelings, especially where a death is concerned. Ion, you've crossed the line of personal attacks and that's something I am not prepared to overlook. Do it again and there'll be consequences. You're welcome to refute people's opinions, but if you can't do it politely don't do it at all.
Edited by CommanderJB, 26 June 2009 - 01:48.