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Command and Conquer: 2012

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#1 Masonicon


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  • Projects: 2012: Independence day

Posted 01 May 2010 - 13:42

Command and Conquer: 2012(also known as 2012: independence day) is the Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour Partial conversion mod that loosely based on 1996 sci-fi film titled independence day except being set in 21st century and the aliens themselves are different from independence day except wearing bio-mechanical suit of armor. this mod is more sci-fi oriented than most other Command and conquer Generals: Zero hour partial conversion mods so far and this mod have all new story campaign missions that at least twice of the original Command and Conquer: Generals(each playable sides have roughly 10 story missions where some of them are canonical, some aren't, but each 6 campaigns are have it's own 'what if' endings) plus several replayable missions that some of them can be played single player or multiplayer and this mod has Red Alert 2 style Cross-teching.

Story so far:
Mayan Legend says 2012 is the year where everything ends because 2 things: Solar flare and second contact with the race of the godlike reptilians named Anunnaki. we cut to year 2012 where the Anunnaki are come back to earth Unexpectedly because of the pieces of Lost Sci-fi technology recovered from Iraq by the time of 2003 Iraq war being used in the Large Hadron Collider after being reverse engineered for almost 10 years for making that device works perfectly and flawlessly but Humans that armed to the teeth have to fight them as last resort for saving their world, and to make this even worse solar flare(works much like Ion Storm from tiberian series in this mod) and other natural disasters(minus pandemics) are accompanies the apocallyptic war between Human and Anunnaki.

Factions so far:

    United States of America(USA for its short name)
    People Republic of China(China for its short name)
    Global Liberation Army(GLA for its short name)
    European Continental Army(ECA for Short name)
    Russian Federation(Russia for its short name)
    The Anunnaki Empire(Anunnaki for its short name)

Note: Each factions have no generals in this mod, factions other than anunnaki amongst many other things are largely imported from both Rise of the Reds and The End of days as well Other Generals Mods and cut units from Comamnd and Conquer Generals for saving our works on this mod.

Let's talk about one new faction in this mod: the Anunnaki Empire

The Anunnaki Empire
The Anunnaki empire is the Fictional Multi-galactic alien civilization that consists Fictional Cyborg Reptilian Humanoid Species that Called Anunnaki(sumerian word for sky people), they also called: Saurian, Draconian, among many other things. they were infamous for their exceptionally Brutal, Greedy, and racist people despite their average Intelligence level is Thousand times beyond genius level.

]Official fact sheet about the Anunnaki empire

Leader: Supra-galactic Pharaoh

Founded: unknown, probably eons before earth exist

Mandate: Multi-Galactic Empire/Civilization that spans over thousands of galaxies

Bases of Operations: Earth-based Operations are believed to be cordinated from Moon(later nibiru for cordinating operations in the solar system), Primary base located around Galactic core

Ideology: Technocracy, Scientism, Materialism, Racism, Transhumanism, Imperialism, Slavery, Trans-Galactic Dominance

Military Strength: earth-based forces consists massive air and land power

Economic Strength: Extremly Powerful

Political strength: Extremly Powerful, it spans over galaxies

Affiliation: unknown


Lifespan: Immortal(thanks to cloning technology and Mind Uploading technology)
IQ: 8000?
Diet: (mostly)Carnivorous and Cannibalistic
reproduction Method: Mass reproduction via Cloning Technology since their people is genderless(this can make them overrun and outnumber their preys)
Breathing: Obligate Anaerobic(cannot stand oxygen)
Method of eating: food is processed into fine liquid nourishment then simply pumped to their brains
Body: the Anunnaki themselves are looks just like Archetypal Grey Aliens except they have Bigger Brains and far more sinister that real life greys, Despite their Carnivorous diets they have no Digestive Systems since their food is simply pumped into their Brain via Injection on their mouth and since they are Anaerobic they have lacked Respiratory system, their bodies are Mostly Brain Matter where their brains are the only organic parts in their bodies the rest of their body parts consists tissues of Nano-mechanical cells that keeps them alive but their nano-machine cells are can't live without their brains, their brains Despite their size and sheer power have lacks Limbic System and Arguably Creative Brains which they supplant this by Nano-machine tissue however this makes them Superintelligent but Emotionless and Souless Thinking Machine, Despite their nanotech implants they still can't Survive Earth's Oxygenic Atmosphere and due to their their lacks of Physical Strength and Mobility which they makes up with Extreme Intelligence their delicate bodies can be crushed by earth's gravity so they wears Biomechanical suit of armor that works much like human spacesuit, however even there's smallest breach in their suit of armor, this can exposed Anunnaki to the Earth's Oxygen and Gravity to death, However Everytime they died Their Minds are Uploaded their new bodies that created via cloning Technology.
Blood Type: self-replicating nanobots known as Ichor that are flown inside their veins in lieu of any normal blood cells that has ability to eats through everything that it touches(other than Anunnaki's tissue)


Homeworlds: Their world appears to be metallic, cold, manipulative, overpowering, Lifeless and barren, domineering, controlling to the extreme, technological and fascist, without love or joy and with no regard for the free will of other beings. Sounds like a good definition of Hell.

Language: Reptilian/Parselmouth/Draconian with Robotic Voices.

Faith and Spirituality: They has Completely abandons concept of Spirituality due to their Technological Immortality since they believe the Body Lives on While the soul Dies and this is reversed version of the Body dies while the Soul Lives on.

Arts, aesthetics, and Musics: Anunnaki are known for their mathematical and scientific nature so their aesthetics used in their units and structures are geometric with bio-mechanical twists, and their musics(in-game) are mix between techno/electro and Orchestra(like those for alien-invasion themed films) genre.

Science and Technology: their technology level far too superior to other factions since they are Type 3 Civilization and They uses advanced Nanomachines and it's sub-atomic analogues extensively for everything else as well mind uploading for revives it's dead people with everything in their past lives intact before their "deaths", plus technologies like bladed and projectile weapons, wheeled vehicles, and combustion engines are all but obsolete design for the Anunnaki and in the field of Biotechnology, they has gone far beyond crude Cybernetics and Cryogenics.

Games and sports: when it come to the games and sports, all that they have is ultra advanced video games as well as well bionically remote controlled biomechanical robots for their sports given lacks of physical abilities.

Military doctrine

The term "Anunnaki" sometimes refers to the Anunnaki's army

The Anunnaki Empire prides themselves on Over-the-Top end Science and technology where their "godlike" technologies gives them often unfair advantage over their enemies since they can launch genocidal invasion across countless galaxies. the Anunnaki recruited their troops from their newly cloned individuals where those individuals engages rigorous training via simulated reality before being placed inside bio-mechanical suit of armor or more larger constructs that used as their own equivalent of transportation and war machines, any anunnaki units are uses Directed Energy Weapons, Bio-Mechanical legs, and hover engines in place of wheels and projectile weapons, Anunnaki's reproduction via mass production isn't without drawbacks, some of them are have their IQ reduced into no more bigger than doorknob because of the uncommon side effect of their Cyborg Nanotechnology so they become the anunnaki's counterpart of earthly canines.

Anunnaki's infantry are very similar to scrin infantry(wearing thick body armor) althrough far more anthropomorphic and reptilian in appearance and they are small enough to garrison buildings and some of their vehicles are possess transformer-style shapeshifting ability and all of the Anunnaki Vehicles are can bypass any terrains, Their Aircrafts are can fly faster than Lights and their structures are built by Nanite Swarm(A.K.A. perfect little builders)

Anunnaki's arsenals are consists Laser Blaster Guns or smaller Plasma guns in place of Regular Guns, Lightsaber in place of Bladed and Soft weapons, Bigger Plasma Cannons in place of Ballistic cannons, Photon Missile in place of missile weapons, Fusion/Antimatter bomb in place of conventional bombs and Nuclear bomb, and Antimatter Beam Weapon in place of Railgun. they also employ more exotic weapons like: Gravitational wave as energy weapon where it's damage are proportional to target's mass and weight, Nanotech-based Weaponry, and 2 Over-the-Top superweapons: Controlled Black Hole that can grow in size and strength everytime it engulfs everything nearby and Orbital Planet Buster where once it fired, It can destroy everything within a portion of map though their superweapons are more expensive than Giga Fortress and takes more time to recharge that other superweapons in Command and Conquer Series(likely to preventing them from being overused).

They also extensively used Cloning Technology for Reproduction, Create Clones, and Cheating Death when combined with Mind Uploading technology.

The Anunnaki's units can gain veterancy faster than even USA units upgraded with Advanced Training upgrade and once any Anunnaki units are reaches heroic level, their units are somewhat can be overpowered and also, the Anunnaki units are shares it's weakness to Human units likely for balance reasons(other than being impervious to Electrical storms caused by solar flare in the Single Player Missions).

Anunnaki's arsenals:

Anunnaki's Infantry units:

Anunnaki's standard and basic Infantry, armed with Laser Blaster carbine that can also melts light vehicle plating and Resonance Detonator special ability(Requires Resonance detonator upgrade) for sending enemy infantry nearby flying to their deaths plus Force Shield to makes them invulnerable, but unable to attacks enemy with their guns garrisons civilian buildings that already garrisoned by enemy infantry, killing them in process, when upgraded with Offense Nano, they will dual wields their guns(gives their left hands second blaster rifle), increasing their damages by 100%
Can Capture structures

Anunnaki's anti-armor Infantry, armed with Plasma Cutter that can vaporizes even metre-thick metals and can turn intangible everytime being run over by enemy vehicles, when upgraded with offense Nano, they gains second plasma cutter in their left arms
Vulnerable to enemy infantry

Scout unit that Works much like Attack Dogs from Command and Conquer Red Alert series except wear thicker armor and armed with Antimatter bomb that allow them to do suicide attacks that devastating against Vehicles and Structures
Can't upgraded with Nano Upgrade

Anunnaki's support Infantry, uses contangious nanobots to captures enemy units and structures(minus Hero units and aircraft that launched from airport directly), thus only vulnerable to Hero Units and Fixed wing aircrafts
Can't upgraded with Nano Upgrade

Anunnaki's heavy infantry; Armed to the teeth with Spicy GOROX Plasma machine gun that can hit several units at once and devastating against infantry, Antimatter plasma Railgun as their favorite weapon and can fire through several enemy units and devastating against armored vehicles, and Rapid Fire BFG 9000 for wide range of targets, plus Telekinetic Beam for dealing with aircrafts and making it deadly to Aircrafts as same unit to Ground targets; more resillient than Main Battle Tanks but too big to garrison anything else and vulnerable to both anti-infantry and anti-armor weapons
Requires General's promotion

Anunnaki infantry that have ability to shapeshifts into friendly or enemy infantry and uses it's abilities and infiltrates enemy structures

Anunnaki elite infantry that flies and armed with prosthetic Photon Missile Launcher for engaging both air and ground targets and can turn into stone form by lands above surface and envelops themselves with Lithoids for healing themselves at frightening rate, but leaves them vulnerable to anything that can harm surface targets
requires computronium Core

Anunnaki Asssassin Alalu
Anunnaki's hero unit that known for extreme fighting skills, Camouflaged with Cloaking device and moves nearly as fast as Aurora aircraft(fast enough to evade most weapons), armed to the teeth with Lightsaber, Laser Blaster pistol(capable of selective fire and can kill enemy infantry in one shot), Antimatter beam gun(devastating against vehicles and structures), Antimatter det-packs(used as it's equivalent of C4), Nanobots(for capturing enemy buildings other than base defenses), and Teleportation ability(Requires Teleportation device upgrade) for teleport into any location in the map instantly anytime, but it's recharge time are proportional to teleport distance taken, it very similar to Shinobi from Red Alert 3 except it ambidextrous and more skilled than Shinobi themselves.
Can't upgraded with Nano upgrade

Naked Anunnaki
Works very much like USA pilot, except requires Advanced Nanotech implant upgrade to allows them survives destruction of the vehicles and aircrafts that they pilots and armed with antimatter bomb for kamikaze attack
Can't upgraded with Nano upgrade

Anunnaki's Vehicles:

Myrmidon Hovertank
Anunnaki's main battle tanks, Armed with twin Phaser Cannons that allows them to engages wide range of targets and uses Sci-fi hover engines as it's locomotion that makes them somewhat can outrange even Scorpion tanks

Dimensional Transport
Anunnaki's transport vehicle, Amphibious, Unarmed, and can teleport anywhere to any destination on map as one of it's passenger's wayout
Can't upgraded with Nano Upgrade

much like Mechapede from Tiberium wars, except resembles snake/cobra instead centipede/milipede and armed with Laser Blaster Gun for dealing with wide range of targets, Plasma Cutter for dealing with enemy armored vehicles, Photon Missile for dealing with enemy aircraft, Plasma pellet sprayer for dealing with enemy infantry, Gravitor for dealing with enemy heavy units, and nanotech weapopnry

Terminator Tripod
Anunnaki's Equivalent of heavy tanks, armed with Prism cannon(deadly to wide range of enemy units), can crushes even Overlord tanks, and have ability to devours enemy infantry for Credits and Healing this unit
Requires Rank 1 General Promotion

Nanogun Walker
Annunaki's equivalent of Combat Cycle and Exosuit, It's default weapons are Nanite sprayer that slowly drains infected unit's HP and units infected by Nanite can spreads Nanite to unaffected areas, further infecting other units, can occupied by any single infantry, changing it's weapons into more powerful version of occupant's weapons

Anunnaki's mechs that works much like ECM tanks or Microwave tanks, except have special ability to damages groups of enemy units where the damage itself are proportional to Target's firepower
Can't upgraded with Nano Upgrade

Mecha Horus/Jet Horus
Fills the role of Light Vehicles in their mecha forms with their Automatic Blaster cannons that can makes short works of Infantry and Light Vehicles, but nearly useless against more heavily armored vehicles and they works just like Mecha Tengu/Jet Tengu other than this

Anunnaki's advanced hovertank that armed with Gravitor and gravitational rope for bind and slowly damages enemy aircraft

Anunnaki's main long range unit, a Bio-Mechanical giant spider with Anthropomorphic body where both of it's arms are armed with long range Photon Missile pods
Won't drop Naked Anunnaki upon it's destruction and Immune to toxins, Radiations, and Jarmen Kell's sniper attack

Singularity Cannon
Anunnaki's heavy artillery, Fires destructive "black hole" projectile that can instantly destroys all but most heavily armored targets, can sacrifice it's killing power for greater rate of fire
Requires General's Promotion

God-king Lucifer
Anunnaki's assault walker, stood 10 metre tall, Armed with deadly Pulsar cannon that can vaporize anything that hit with this weapon, it's weapon are can also prisms against multiple enemies and can target aircrafts, it's armor are can withstands most ordinances and weapons and can transforms into Shem Capital starship
Immune to toxins, Radiations, and Jarmen Kell's sniper attack

Anunnaki's Aircrafts:

Builds Anunnaki Structures and gathers supplies for the Anunnaki army, works lot like GLA workers except they are flying above(allows them to pass any terrain) and moves lot faster

Vimana atmospheric fighter
Anunnaki's air superiority fighter, armed with photon missile and can only attacks air units
Flies at the speed of light to it's destination

Valixi bomber
Anunnaki bomber for dealing with ground targets, armed with pulse bomb
flies at the speed of light to it's destination

Flying Saucer
Anunnaki's equivalent of helicopter, combines functions of both transport helicopter and attack helicopter, armed with particle cannon that can slice through and fry both enemy infantry, armor, and Aircraft, also have ability to cause blackout on enemy bases and drains cash from enemy's supply center
Can teleport themselves around

Stellar assault Carrier
Airborne version of Aircraft Carrier, creates, rearms, and repairs space Manta Fighters
Can't upgraded with Nano Upgrade and Requires Computronium Core

Space Manta Fighter
Anunnaki's Multirole Fighter, armed with Photon Missile and Gravitational wave for dealing with ground targets
Can only created and stationed in Stellar assault carrier

Shem capital ship
Anunnaki's mobile superweapon and versatile Capital Ship, Armed with powerful laser weapon that can level even the largest city and Photon missile batteries for fighting enemy aircraft, she also can build some of the anunnaki structures instantly without Nanoprobe and can change into God-king Lucifer mecha

Anunnaki's Structures:

Command Citadel
Anunnaki's equivalent of Human command center, Creates Nanoporbes and calls in Anunnaki Generals abilities

Quasar Reactor
Ultra advanced technologies requires ultra advanced energy sources so this anunnaki power plant works by contained artificial black hole superheated until they become just like quasar or supermassive black hole found in the galactic cores except they are smaller, but they still produces far more energy than crude nuclear fusion like cold fusion and those that happened in star's core
Power output: 50

Supply Digitizer
Anunnaki's counterpart of supply center where Nanoprobes drop gathered supplies in this structure and converted into credits via digitization process
Power Consumption: 1

Anunnaki's equivalent of Barracks, where the Anunnaki infantry can teleported here from off-planetary Cyborg Stations after they finished their trainings and productions in their Cyborg Stations
Power Consumption: 1

Nanoweapon Materializer
anunnaki's equivalent of War Factory, Creates bionically piloted Anunnaki Bio-Mechanical constructs that works as Anunnaki war machine and vehicles, any damaged Anunnaki vehicles can be repaired by positioning them within vicinity of Nanoweapon Factory or taken into the Nanoweapon Factory
Power Consumption: 1

High tech Base foundation where this structure can upgraded into 3 different base defense structures build above this Ziggurat: Rapid-fire Laser Blaster cannon for dealing with wide range of surface and air targets, Photon missile battery for dealing with enemy aircrafts, and Singularity beam Tower of Providence for dealing with Surface targets and Heavily armored enemy vehicles as the weights of enemy armor are just increases the effectiveness of this weapon
Power Consumption: 0(before upgraded) and 5(after upgraded)

Gravitation Stabilizer
Anunnaki's equivalent of Air Field; Creates, rearming, and repair Anunnaki aircrafts. It equipped with Ultra advanced hangars and Spaceport for Anunnaki's equivalent of rotary wing aircrafts
Power Consumption: 1

Cloning Factory
Anunnaki infantry production structure, everytime Anunnaki infantry warped from Cyborg station via gateway, it's duplicates are emerges from cloning factories for no additional costs, holds Mind Uploading upgrade which after this upgrade researvhed, any Anunnaki infantry that killed in battle can be ressurected instantly and automatically in this structure for no additional costs
Power consumption: 3

Computronium Core
Holds Important Anunnaki technologies, this structures researchs numerous upgrades for the Anunnaki and Omniscience ability(temporarily reveals entire map and enemy stealth unit for some time)
Power consumption: 2

Unobtanium factory
Gives the Anunnaki steady amount of cash over time
Power Consumption: 3

Temple of Anu
Anunnaki's Superweapons, Summons black hole on targeted area, the Black hole summoned by this superweapon works just like black hole summoned by Rift Generator, except it can grow in size and strength everytime swallows anything else nearby indiscriminately, More expensive than Giga Fortress and have longer recharge time than any other superweapons in this Mod, plus it takes some seconds after this superweapon is discharged but before the black hole itself fully summoned, making it vulnerable to start over and makes you wait for another recharging of this superweapon if this superweapon gets disabled by any means whatsoever, also makes weather pattern across the map goes haywire everytime the black hole itself fully summoned
Power Consumption: 20

Space Citadel
Anunnaki's all-in-one base, Performs every single functions that any bases do, can transform into Orbital form, trading it's all-in-one base function for Enki's Breath superweapon by flies off-map to the sky, and Vice versa, it's costs outclasses Giga Fortress, and Exceptionally vulnerable to Enemy superweapon in Orbital Planet Buster form but extremly durable in Terrestrial form
Power Consumption: 30

Anunnaki's Upgrades:

Nano upgrades

Similar to Drone upgrades for American vehicles, except applies to many Anunnaki units:

Offense Nano
Any Anunnaki units upgraded with this Nano have their Firepower, Rate of Fire, and accuracy increased by 100% and gains additional weapons

Defense Nano
Any Anunnaki units upgraded with this nano have regenerative HP and energy field that can reduce up to 90% of incoming damages

Mobility Nano
Any Anunnaki units that Upgraded with this nano have increased movement speed, weapon range, sight, and gets ability to reveal stealth units

Infantry Upgrades

Capture Building
Allows Stormtroopers to capture Enemy and tech Buildings
Researched at Gateway

Resonance Detonator
Allows Stormtrooper uses Resonance detonator to sends enemy Organic units around themselves flying to their deaths
Researched at Gateway

Neural Backup
Allows any Anunnaki infantry to Survives 1-hit-kill attacks like sniper attacks(albeit with only have 1 Hit Point left) and everytime their HP is already reduced to 1 by whatever they takes, they can takes few more damages before they finally dies
Researched at Gateway

Mind Uploading
Allows Cloning Factory to resurrects Slain Anunnaki infantry instantly and automatically everytime they dies with veterancy level just like before their deaths
Researched at Cloning Factory

Teleportation Device
Allows Anunnaki Assassin Alalu uses ability to Teleport to anywhere and anytime
Researched at computronium core

Advanced Mind uploading
uploads Anunnaki mind to their Suits of Armour once their original body dies so once their HP hits 0 by what ever it's cause, Anunnaki infantry have their HP fully restored first instead dies and when this happen, they become lot slower than ever, but can takes much more damage than usual and impervious to Radiations, Neutron Bomb, Toxins, and Specialized Anti-infantry weapons, albeit they are now vulnerable to EMP
Researched at Computronium core(this is don't work on Chupacabras and Nanomorphs for obvious reason

Vehicle Upgrades

Advanced Nanotech implant
Allows Anunnaki vehicles and aircrafts pilots survives the destruction of the vehicles and aircrafts that they piloted and emerges from it as Naked Anunnaki
Researched at Nanoweapons Factory

Quasar Engine
Allows Anunnaki vehicles and Aircrafts to move faster than ever
Researched at computronium core

Nanochitin Armor
Increases Anunnaki Vehicles and Aircraft armor by 100%
Researched at computronium core

Weaponry Upgrades

Compact Energy cell
Increases damages of Anunnaki Weapons(other than Gravitor and Nanotech Weaponry)
Researched at computronium core
Superfluid cooling module
Increases rate of fire of Anunnaki Weapons
Researched at computronium core

Laser Blaster Countermeasure
Allows Anunnaki aircrafts further defend themselves from enemy missiles
Researched at Gravitation stabilizer

Telekinetic beam
Allows Annihilators to uses telekinetic beam ability
Researched at computronium core and requires general's promotion

Black Hole gun
Increases damages dealt by Anunnaki's gravitor armed units
Researched at temple of Anu

Misc. Upgrades

Nanorobotic Assembly
Increases construction rate of the Anunnaki buildings
Researched at computronium core

Atom Manipulation
Allows zombie slaves gather more supplies faster and gives more cash to player
Researched at Slave Supplier

Fully Automatic Mass Production
Decreases Costs and production time of Anunnaki units and structures
Researched at computronium core

Picotech Breakthrough
Makes Anunnaki shapeshifting units morphs even faster
Researched at computronium core

Anunnaki Generals Powers:

Rank 1

Terminator Tripod
Enables the Production of terminator Tripods

Singularity Cannon
Enables the Production of Singularity Cannon

Unit Training
All the anunnaki units are trained as veterans

Rank 3

Enables the Production of Annihilators

Fanatical frenzy
Instantly captures every single enemy and neutral units and structures in the targeted area without fail
Recharge time: 4:00

Warp Drive Reinforcements
Summons Stormtroopers, vaporizers, and Myrmidons at target's location via Warp Drive Technology
Recharge time: 5:00
Level 1: 4 Stormtroopers, 2 Vaporizers, and 1 Myrmidon
Level 2: 8 Stormtroopers, 4 Vaporizers, and 2 Myrmidons
Level 3: 16 Stormtroopers, 8 Vaporizers, and 4 Myrmidons

Enlil's Hammer
One or More Plasma beams that fired from space platform towards intended targets where each of these beams are several times hotter than sun's surface and causes EMP upon impact that disables surviving targets
Recharge time: 4:00
Level 1: 1 Beam
Level 2: 2 Beams
Level 3: 3 Beams

Emergency Aid
All friendly units and structures in the selected area redouble their damage-control efforts, healing themselves continually for a period of time.
Recharge time: 4:00
Level 1: Heals for 5 seconds
Level 2: Heals for 10 seconds
Level 3: Heals for 20 seconds

Pharaoh's Wrath
Makes friendly units and structure in the targeted area Invulnerable to damages for some time
Recharge time: 5:00
Pharaoh's Rage: Lasts 15 seconds
Pharaoh's Revenge: Lasts 30 seconds
Pharaoh's Retribution: Lasts 60 seconds

Rank 5

Ichor asteroid
Drops a Nanite laced asteroid where those nanites infects and slowly eats through everything in the infected area that they infects, to make this even worse, any units infected by nanite spreads that nanite to any unaffected areas and objects
Recharge time: 6:00

Space Citadel
Enables the Production of Space Citadel

Enki's Breath
Fires Plasma beam that can destroy everything instantly within portion of map
recharge time: 7:00
Requires: Space Citadel(orbital form)

Anunnaki's People and Characters:

The Pharaoh(Anunaki Leader)
Anunnaki Assassin Alalu
Ducaz(Anunnaki's equivalent of American Lieutnant Eva, Chinese Lin Zhong, and GLA's Kanwar Khan)
The rest of the Anunnaki is Anonymous(including it's generals)

All of the Anunnaki characters and Units are Voiced by MacIntalk computer program instead Human voice actors

Lets talk about other factions in this mod(about something new for this mod), but this isn't exhaustive list for new stuffs in this mod:

United states of America

USA infantry

New Ghost recon advanced warfighter-esque skins(their goggles glows blue during Night time) and new weapon models for rangers(XM8 Rifle with M320 Grenade Launcher) and for Missile Defender(FGM-148 Javelin), Colonel Burton is Armed with Laser Carbine Capable of Sustained fire of laser beam and Railgun attachment in his Laser Carbine for dealing with Enemy Vehicles and structures(only available via Burton's special equipment upgrade), Pathfinder now Don't need General's Promotion and have binocular ability

New Infantry:

Navy seal
Navy seal from Red Alert 2 is back, Their machine guns now can fires various rounds

CIA agent
Armed with Anti-Personnel silenced handgun, C-4, and Disguise kit(for disguise as Friendly, neutral, and enemy infantry and when disguised as enemy infantry, he can past enemy base defenses unharmed), He can also Infiltrates enemy buildings(apart from blowing it up) and convert surrounding enemy units to your side by Bribing it(this ability cost you some cash)

Biohazard Technician
clears area from toxins, radiations, and Grey Goo Nanites

Cold Fusion Trooper
American experimental Exoskeleton-clad infantry armed with Plasma rifle(capable of firing both Plasma streams for dealing steady amount of damages and Plasma pulses for isolated punch of destroying enemy armor) where their weapons shares power sources with their Exoskeleton that they wears: the cold Fusion reactor Backpack in their backs and can jump higher with Superhuman strength from exoskeleton and even higher via Cold Fusion powered jetpacks
Requires Rank 3 General Promotion

USA Vehicles

Crusader tank in this mod are replaced by M1A2 Abrams(retains Hover engine upgrade) where the original model for Crusader tank are reused for Leopard tank model(ECA Main battle tank) for this Mod, Humvee are replaced by Stryker APC Other than Increased Passenger capacity into 8 and Increased armor, still remain identical to Humvee in terms of Functions, Paladin tanks are now can upgraded into Paladin mechanized walker that looks lot like GDI's Titan, Ambulance Humvee are replaced by MULE Drone that Heals and repairs Friendly Units, but Can't clear area from toxins, Radiations, and Grey Goo Nanites, Sentry Drones are renamed and Remodelled into Foster-Miller Talon SWORDS, unlocking Cold Fusion weaponry generals abilities are also unlocks Cold Fusion tanks which essentially they are Cold Fusion troopers on wheels instead foot, Exosuits are back and armed with the weapons of the Infantry that they mounts inside, Drones for Manned USA combat vehicles are reworked: Battle Drones are Renamed into Cypher UAV Variant with Machine gun and it's camera on it's bottom instead top, Hellfire Drones are Changed into MQ-1 Predator(uses original Scout drone model, but Fires Hellfire Missiles instead increase the effective sight range of the vehicle, and reveal any stealthed units nearby), and Scout Drones are Changed into BQM-147 Exodone Dragon drone(Uses original Hellfire drone Model, but increases the effective sight range of the vehicle, and reveal any stealthed units nearby instead Firing Hellfire Missiles), all of these drones are also armed with point Defense Laser for defending themselves and their parent vehicles from enemy missiles, Like any factions in this game, USA are equipped with 2 Long Range units: Railgun(uses The end of Days railgun model) and Tomahawk Launcher(Has Waypoint targeting ability and ability to switch between Guided mode for dealing with moving targets and longer range with sacrificed ability for dealing with moving targets), and both M1A2 Abrams and Paladin Tanks now in this mod can be individually Upgraded into Laser Abrams and Laser Paladin respectively.

USA Aircrafts

F-117 Nighthawks are removed from this mod, It's stealth abilities are possessed by F-22 Raptor(has stealth detecting ability, but can only attacks Air Units in this mod) and F-35 Lightning II(can attack both Air and ground targets and the Bunker Buster bombs are now provided by this Aircraft), Chinook choppers are now in this mod replaced by V-22 Osprey(Performs Similar functions to chinook choppers but with Increased supplies that they gathers and also armed with Light Machine gun and fireports), Comanche Helicopter can be Stealthed with Upgrade, All the USA aircraft(including those for delivering Generals Powers) are now in this mod armed with Point Defense Laser, little Bird Choppers from shockwave mod are also appears in this Mod, and new Triangular Flying Saucer that works Just like Comanche, but for dealing with Enemy Aircrafts.

USA Structures

Patriot Missile Batteries are now replaced by Multigunner Battery that works just like Multigunner Turret from Red Alert 3, except it has ability to do relay targeting, and When Fire Bases firing it's cannons It never misses any targets even the faster moving ones not to mention can only be garrisoned by American Infantry

New structure:

weapons related Upgrades for USA are researched here

USA Upgrades
Flashbang Grenades Upgrade are completely replaced with Fragmentation grenade upgrade that works just like Flashbang grenades upgrade from Original Generals except Frag Grenades that Ranger fires in place of Flashbang Grenades are does few more damages to enemy light vehicles and somewhat Indiscriminate(other than this, Frag grenades are works just like Flashbang Grenades from Original Generals and I replaces the Flashbang Grenades with Frag Grenades because Frag Grenades kills several infantry at once are makes far more sense that Flashbang Grenades kills infantry)

New Upgrades

Nanotech suit
Makes American infantry More resistant to Toxins, Radiations, Grey Goo Nanites, and Other damages plus makes them runs faster and heals themselves
Researched at Strategy Center and Replaces Chemical Suit Upgrade

Chobham Armor
Increases the Armor of American Vehicles and Cold Fusion Troopers and protection against any Damages
Researched at Strategy center and replaces composite armor upgrades

Caseless Rounds
Increases Firepower and range of Rangers, Pathfinders, Navy seals, CIA agents, Strykers, Foster-Miller Talon SWORDS Drones, Colonel Burton, Little birds, and Comanche Choppers by 100%
Researched at armoury

Scramjet Missile engines
Increases Firepower and range of American Missile armed units by 100%
Researched at Armoury

superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage
Increases Firepower, Rate of Fire, and Range of Laser Tanks, Railguns, and Cold Fusion Units by 100%
Researched at Armoury

Strong AI
Allows Drones(other than drones spawned from American Vehicles) like Foster-Miller Talon SWORDS gains Veterancy
Researched at Strategy Center

Cold Fusion Engine
Increases speed of the American Vehicles by 100%
Researched at strategy center

USA Generals Powers:

Rank 1

Paladin Tank
Enables the Production of the Paladin Tanks

Spy Drone
Summons Global Hawk anywhere in the map where you can manuever it to any location that you want
Recharge Time: 3:00

Aurora Strike Fighter
Enables the Production of the Aurora Strike Fighter

Rank 3

Cold Fusion Weaponry
Enables the production of the Cold Fusion troopers and Cold Fusion Tanks

Carrier Airstrikes
Calls in F-35 to Strafes and Bombards Targeted area with Bombs, Cannons, Lasers, and Missiles
Recharge time: 3:00

Drops Rangers and Missile defenders from Air via Parachute
Recharge time: 5:00
Level 1: 5 Rangers and 2 Missile Defenders
Level 2: 10 rangers and 4 Missile Defenders
Level 3: 20 rangers and 8 Missile Defenders

YAL-1 Run
One or more Boeing YAL-1 flies toward target, Shooting just every single enemies that get in their way with their Secondary Lasers where their point defense lasers protect them well from enemy missiles and once they reaches their targets, they will shoot it with their main Lasers
recharge time: 4:00
Level 1: 1 YAL-1 Gunship
Level 2: 2 YAL-1 Gunships
Level 3: 3 YAL-1 Gunships

Emergency Aid
All friendly units and structures in the selected area redouble their damage-control efforts, healing themselves continually for a period of time.
Recharge time: 4:00
Level 1: Heals for 5 seconds
Level 2: Heals for 10 seconds
Level 3: Heals for 20 seconds

Spectre Gunship
When deployed, the Spectre Gunship will strafe the area for a given amount of time, bombarding the target with chainguns and its on-board howitzer.
Recharge Time: 5:00
Level 1: 10 seconds
Level 2: 20 seconds
Level 3: 30 Seconds

Rank 5

Leaflet drop
The Leaflet Drop is dropped by plane, and will spread propaganda leaflets over nearby targets. Any units will cease to fight while they take their time to consider the message delivered.
recharge time: 5:00

Fuel-air Bomb
The Fuel Air Bomb is deployed by B-52, and when dropped will spread fine clouds of highly flammable fuel on the target area. The clouds then ignite, resulting in a massive explosion.
Recharge time: 6:00

A B-3 bomber deploys the single most powerful non-nuclear explosive device; the Mother Of All Bombs or MOAB. When deployed it will result in an extremely powerful explosion, destroying anything but the strongest buildings in a wide radius.
Recharge Time: 6:00
Requires MOAB Upgrade

People's republic of China

Horde Bonus are now applies to Most Chinese units

China Infantry
Red Guards are now can do the bayonet Attacks, Tankhunter's bazooka now are can fires various types of Rockets, hackers are can "infiltrates" enemy Buildings from distance, and Black Lotus are now can place Suitcase nuke, Minigunners is back, But they trades their ability to capture Buildings for Mounting their guns where they trades ability to moves with Vastly increased Firepower, rate of fire, and range

New Infantry:

Siege soldier
They now can fires various types of Mortar shells and Garrison Buildings

Flame Thrower
esentially this is Dragon Tank on foot where they can also garison buildings

Chinese answer to the sniper infantry, Armed with High-tech Repeating crossobws that deadly against infantry, Finds strength in numbers

China vehicles
Battlemaster tanks are renamed into type-88 with new skins, gattling Tanks and Dragon Tanks are gets new realistic skins, Has Reaper tanks, and Numerous new vehicles for China in this Mod

China Aircraft
Chinese MiG are now become MiG-35 Fighter-bomber with Napalm Missile, MiG bomber is armed with Nuclear Bomb, helix are renamed inti it's real life name, and Tiger Choper with AA missiles, Machine gun, EMP Resistant electronics, and grenade Launchers is Back, Plus Propaganda Blimp

China Structures

Much of New chinese Structures for This mod are imported from Other Zero hour Mods

China Upgrades

Lots of the New Upgrades for China in this Mod

China Generals Powers:

Rank 1

Red Army Training
All chinese infantry are trained as Veterans

Artillery Training
All Inferno and Nuke Cannons are Trained as Veterans

Nuke Cannon
enables the Production of the Nuke Cannons

Rank 3

Cluster Mines
Cluster Mines are delivered by plane, forming a stealthy mine field that will damage or destroy enemy ground units that move over it.
Recharge time: 4:00

Napalm Strike
Three Iron Dragon bombers fly in formation towards the target area and each fire one unguided rocket which immediately produce a firestorm on impact, burning units and buildings to ashes. The destructive power can be enhanced with Black Napalm.
recharge time: 3:00

Artillery Barrage
An off-map barrage of artillery shells is fired into the target area.
Recharge time: 5:00
Level 1: 12 shells
Level 2: 24 Shells
Level 3: 36 Shells

Cash Hack
Allows you to steal cash from an enemy Supply Center.
recharge Time: 4:00
Level 1: steals $1000
Level 2: Steals $2000
Level 3: Steals $4000

Emergency Aid
All friendly units and structures in the selected area redouble their damage-control efforts, healing themselves continually for a period of time.
Recharge time: 4:00
Level 1: Heals for 5 seconds
Level 2: Heals for 10 seconds
Level 3: Heals for 20 seconds

Frenzy temporarily raises the firepower of your units.
Recharge Time: 3:00
Level 1: 15% higher firepower for 20 Seconds
Level 2: 25% higher firepower for 40 Seconds
Level 3: 35% higher firepower for 1 Minutes

Rank 5

Carpet Bomb
One bomber drops its payload of high explosive bombs on the target area.
Recharge Time: 3:00

EMP Bomb
The EMP Bomb bomb is dropped to the targeted area, Disables Vehicles and Structures in Large Radius
Recharge time: 6:00

Neutron Bomb
The Neutron Bomb is an upgrade to the EMP Bomb. When it is used, it kills all infantry, vehicle drivers, and garrisoned troops in its area of effect, and disables any nearby buildings.
Recharge Time: 6:00
Requires Neutron bomb upgrade and EMP Bomb General power

Global Liberation army

GLA Infantry
GLA Workers like any construction units now can fight for defending themselves in this mod, Rebels gets realistic skin with realistic AK-47 and can switch into knife mode, RPG Troopers also get Realistic skin with realistic RPG-7(replaced with FIM-92 stinger once they get Stinger Missile Upgrade) that can fires both Toxin rockets and High Explosive rockets, Jarmen Kell now can Plant timed demo charge on enemy structures, Sniping enemy Vehicles as Usual and Sniping Enemy rotary Wing Aircraft and disables enemy structures by severing it's power line, saboteurs now can steals enemy technology from Strategy denter and it's equivalents by sabotages it, Angry Mobs now in this mod can switches to Melee attack mode(uses Modified Butcher Knives and Axes before receives Arm the Mob upgrade and uses Chainsaws and Flaming torches after Receives Arm the Mob upgrade) and Vice Versa, Hijackers are now armed with Grappling hook for stealing enemy aircraft(other than aircrafts that launched from airfields and it's equivalents) after receives Grapling hook upgrade and EMP grenade for subduing enemy vehicles in case of enemy vehicles fights back when Hijackers are trying to Stealing them(vehicles that hijacked by Hijackers when they are disabled by Their EMP are restored to normal state

New Infantry:

Toxin trooper
Esentially they are toxin rebels with all new skins: the Hazmat Suit where their Hazmat suits makes them resillient against toxins, Radiations, and Grey Goo Nanites

GLA Vehicles
Combat cycles aren't set to self destruct when abandoned, Many GLA vehicles are renamed into it's real life equivalent names, Mobile Demo Traps are can be upgraded into either Stationary Demo Traps or Airborne Demo Traps

GLA Aircraft
Hot-Air Baloon and MI-8 Hip are makes appearance in this Mod, GLA has a New Dirigibles(Airship with cannon)

New Aircrafts:

GLA only Jet Fighters, armed with both Toxin and High Esplosives
Build at GLA Airfield

GLA Structures
windmill Power plant are Back, Provides power for Captured Enemy structures from other factions

New Structures:

Builds MiG-15, Baloons, and Dirigibles as well importing Quadbikes and Dozers

GLA Upgrades
Arm the Mob Upgrade are now also Arms Angry Mobs with Chainsaws and Torches for Melee attacks apart from AK-47 and Molotov Cocktails for Ranged attacks

New Upgrades:

Organ Transplant
Allows all the GLA infantry slowly heals themselves over time
Researched at Black Market

Grappling Hook
Arms the Hijackers with Grappling hooks, allowing them to Hijacks Aircrafts(Other than Aircrafts that launched from Airfield and it's equivalents)
researched at Black Market

Makeshift Plate armour
Increases armour of the GLA infantry
Researched at Black Market

Stinger Missile launcher
trades RPG Trooper's RPG-7 With FIM-92 stinger for greatly increased accuracy and Missile's speed
researched at Black Market

GLA Generals powers:

SCUD Launcher
Enables the Production of the SCUD Launcher

T-72 Tank
Enables the Production of the T-72 Tanks

Recon Vehicle training
Technicals and Rocket buggies are trained as Veterans

Rank 3

Demo Trap drop
Drops Demo Traps which can be detonated when enemy pass near the demo traps or on your will
Recharge time: 4:00

Salvage drop
Drops Salvage crates anywhere on the map
recharge time: 3:00

creates Rebels and RPG Troopers anywhere on the Map
Recharge time: 5:00
Level 1: 4 Rebels and 2 RPG Troopers
Level 2: 8 Rebels and 4 RPG troopers
Level 3: 16 Rebels and 8 RPG Troopers

Cash Bounty
Gives you a small bonus in cash for each enemy unit or building you destroy. The size of the bonus depends on the cost of the enemy that was destroyed.
Level 1: Receives 5% of the cost of destroyed enemies
Level 2: Receives 10% of the cost of destroyed enemies
Level 3: Receives 20% of the cost of destroyed Enemies

Emergency Aid
All friendly units and structures in the selected area redouble their damage-control efforts, healing themselves continually for a period of time.
Recharge time: 4:00
Level 1: Heals for 5 seconds
Level 2: Heals for 10 seconds
Level 3: Heals for 20 seconds

GPS scrambler
Cloaks all friendly units within its area of effect. These units retain their cloaking ability indefinitely, and only reveal themselves when firing.
Recharge Time: 4:00
Level 1: 30-unit radius
Level 2: 60-unit radius
Level 3: 110-unit radius

Rank 5

Anthrax Bomb
Drops Anthrax Bomb on the targeted area
recharge Time: 6:00

Sneak Attack
This allows the player to spawn a Tunnel Network anywhere on the map. The tunnel doesn't have a weapon mounted, but is connected to the main network.
Recharge time: 2:30

Russian federation
though the Russia makes appearance in this mod, Their units are both real life and fictional units with some fantastic and sci-fi twists like classic Tesla Technologies

Russia Infantry
Russian Infantry are Mostly imported from either The end of Days, Rise of the Reds(like Boris hero unit for this mod), and other Generals Zero hour mods with Russian army, Shock Troopers gets new sci-fi skins, VDV Infantry are back

Russia Vehicles
Russian vehicles are also mostly imported from Other Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour mods with russian army where russian vehicles are nearly advanced when compared to American Vehicles as well have their firepower and armor that can rivals even Chinese vehicles, Their long range units consists Howitzer as basic ones and TOPOL missile launcher as advanced ones, and now Russia have Rhino tanks as their MBT and Behemoth Ultra Heavy Tanks that armed with Dual 220 main cannon and Surface-to-Air missile launchers(both Rhino and Behemoth tanks can individually upgraded with Railguns(in the same caliber with the tank guns that they replaces) for greatly increased firepower, but this upgrade requires both Industrial plant and Tesla Weaponry General Promotion

Russia Aircrafts
Russian Aircrafts consists Real life Russian aircraft and fictional ones, all the aircrafts are armed with Tesla Countermeasures for defending themselves from enemy misiles(via Upgrade)

Russia structure
Almost all of the Russian structures are imported from Rise of the Reds mod like Coal Power plants for providing Electricity for the Russian army

Russia Upgrade
Russian upgrades are Either Imported from both Rise of the Reds and The end of Days as long as the upgrades are can fit each other in this mod

Russia Generals Powers:

Rank 1

Emergency Recovery
ressurects russian vehicle hulks to empty vehicles with full health
recharge time: 3:00

Air Command
Enables the Production of the airfield

Tesla Weaponry
Enables the productions of the tesla units as well tesla related Upgrades

Rank 3

Conscript Paradrop
Drops 12 conscripts at the targeted area
Recharge time: 3:00

Armor Paradrop
Drops Rhino tanks and BRDMs at destination via Parachute drop
Recharge time: 3:00

Missile Strike
Bombard targeted area with both Cruise Missile and Missiles fired from plane
Recharge time: 4:00
Missile Strike: 1 Backfire, 2 cruise missiles
Missile Salvo: 2 Backfires, 4 cruise missiles
Missile Bombardment: 3 Backfires, 6 cruise missiles

VDV Airborne Raid
Drops VDV Infantry, VDV RPG Infantry, and BMD at the destinations
recharge time: 4:00
VDV Airborne Raid: 3 VDV Infantry, 2 VDV RPG Infantry, 1 BMD
VDV Airborne Attack: 6 VDV Infantry, 4 VDV RPG Infantry, 2 BMDs
VDV Airborne Assault: 9 VDV Infantry, 6 VDV RPG Infantry, 3 BMDs

Emergency Aid
All friendly units and structures in the selected area redouble their damage-control efforts, healing themselves continually for a period of time.
Recharge time: 4:00
Level 1: Heals for 5 seconds
Level 2: Heals for 10 seconds
Level 3: Heals for 20 seconds

Satellite scan
Russian GLONASS targeting satellites perform a detailed scan of the targeted area by radar and laser sensors, revealing any hidden enemies, transmitting all coordinates and information gained to nearby Russian units, allowing them to attack with greater speeds for as long as the scan is active. The satellite can be moved around freely and can follow enemy units at will. It's altitude is too high so it cannot be attacked.
Recharge time: 2:30
Short Scan: Lasts for 30 seconds
Medium Scan: Lasts for 1 minute
Long Scan: Lasts for 2 minutes

Rank 5

father of all Bombs
Drops FOAB Bomb at the destination
recharge time: 6:00

Blackout node
Hides Friendly objects from enemy Eyes and Radars
Recharge time: 2:00

European Continental army
ECA in this mod are utilizes both Speed, agility, and latest High tech weaponry with little sci-fi and fantastic twists and Prefers subtlety over brute force and they extensively uses Sonic Technology

ECA Infantry
Many ECA infantry in this mod are may made up for this mod Like new ECA Hero unit that Armed with dual H&K MP7 that allows her to Wipe out entire enemy infantry platoon regardless their sizes and strengths and C4 that can destroys any enemy Vehicles and structures instantly regardless their Hit points plus Grappling hooks and Parachutes(both obtained via upgrade) that allows her to become bane to enemy aircrafts, ECA rifle soldiers are armed with H&K G36 as their standard issue weapons, plus New Smartgunners(Smartgun(high-tech Handcannon) toting infantry that can used as one man army against both Infantry and vehicles(with high explosive rounds fired from their Handcannnons), however they normally can't gain experience)

ECA Vehicles
There's tons of new and old ECA vehicles for this mod like Leopard tank(ECA's Main battle tanks that uses original crusader tank model), Siege Tank, as well new Low-tech skateboards as ECA's equivalent of American exosuits and GLA combat cycles except it only gives any infantry that rides it massive amount of speed and mobility instead increased armor and firepower

ECA Aircrafts
ECA aircrafts are includes real life aircrafts like Eurofighter typhoon as ECA's air superiority fighter and some fictional ones

ECA Structures
Coming soon... Some of the Possible structure for ECA in this mod are Hydrogen Power plants for providing Electricity for ECA by Hydrogen Fuel cell and Sonic Decimator(works lot like Japanese Psionic Decimator from Red Alert 3) as ECA's Superweapon for this mod

ECA Upgrades
some of the New upgrades for ECA in this mods are: hydrogen Fuel Cell engine for ECA vehicles and Aircrafts, Parachutes and grappling Hooks for ECA female hero unit, etc.

ECA Generals Powers:

Some of the ECA generals Powers:

Enables the Production of the Smartgunners

Emergency Aid
All friendly units and structures in the selected area redouble their damage-control efforts, healing themselves continually for a period of time.
Recharge time: 4:00
Level 1: Heals for 5 seconds
Level 2: Heals for 10 seconds
Level 3: Heals for 20 seconds

And Many more...

this sections contains those that Normally Unaffilatd with all 6 playable factions in this mod

New tech Buildings for this mod:

Tech Stargate Terminal
Works like Tunnel networks, except completely immune to Bunker Buster and can teleport safely it's Loads anywhere on the map, located throughout C&C: 2012 maps in tactically key locations

Tech Mercenary Camp
Hires Mercenaries(Neutral Infantry) for very Litle cost, but they may drains your Cash once they are around

Tech Mercenary Garage
Hires Neutral Vehicles for Very Little Costs

Tech Cryptid Bestiary
Hires cryptids and Fantastic creatures to fight for the Player

Tech Tavern
Hires Neutral hero units to fight for the player

Veteran Academy
When Captured, it instantly raises veterancy of every single units on the player disposal by one level per Building

Cryptids and Fantastic Creatures
C&C: 2012 mod are possibly the First command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour mods with loads of the Paranormal Creatures (other than the Anunnaki) where they can come as neutral enemies or Hiring them to fight for you, Here are some of the Cryptid and Fantastic creatures: Yeti(Freezes enemies then clubbing them into pieces), Ambulatory Venus Flytraps(swallows enemy infantry), Technovore(damages mechanized unit), and Many more

Mercenary units
Here are the lists of the Mercenary units: Shinobi from Red Alert 3, Sapper(armed with various bombs), gadgeteer(armed to the teeth with Various gadgets), Battle Limo(Works lot like any vehicles with fireports), and many more

New Neutral Buildings
Here are the non-exhaustive list of the new buildings(other than tech Buildings) for this mod:

White House
Petronas Twin Tower
Burj al-Khafra
Burj al-Arab
Taj Mahal
Tokyo Tower
Eiffel Tower
Big Ben
Pentagon Building
Mayan Pyramid
statue of Liberty
Taipei 101
Dome of the Rock
Large Hadron Collider
and many more.....

Neutral hero units(some of them are only avaliable from Easter Eggs in certain Single player missions)

Cho Seung Hui(have very Similar fighting style to Tanya from Red Alert series, except he can't demolish structures, however he can enters civilian buildings garrisoned by enemy forces to clean it from enemy soldiers garrisoned that building from inside, thus he can captures enemy structures from inside)

Hiro Nakamura(Armed with Dual samurai sword, speaks in Japanese accent, and can teleport anywhere)
Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Raven From Teen Titans animated series

Taichi Kamiya, Yamato Ishida, Sora Takenouchi, Mimi Tachikawa, Koushiro Izumi, Joe Kido, Takeru Takaishi, and Hikari Kamiya from Digimon(they all takes Digimon 02 forms in summer clothes and Uses Special Powers associated with their Elements and Personalities and special abilities in place of their Digimon partners, thus they also more Physically formidable on their own)

Sora, Kairi, Riku, Donald, Goofy, and Ash, Misty, Tracey, Melody (Sora, Kairi, Riku, Donald, and Goofy are comes in their KH2 Forms while both Ash and Misty are wears their Advanced Generation clothes and Melody are wears her Street clothes and by their abilities here they are:

Spongebob, Patrick, Sandy, and Squidward(Spongebob is only vulnerable to Directed Energy Weapons and NBC Weapons as well Flame weapons and comes with various special abilities, Patrick is overall similar to Spongebob in terms of armor except he can destroys vehicles with melee attacks, Sandy is immune to the NBC weapons and she is very similar to hacker in term of her functions, except she has lot of special abilities and weaponry, and Squidward's abilities has to do with his tentacles

And Many more...
Note: Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Mimi, Koushiro, Joe, Takeru, Hikari, Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, Spongebob, Patrick, Sandy, Squidward, Ash, Misty, Tracey, Melody, Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy and some other neutral hero units are only avaliable through easter eggs found in certain Single player missions

New maps
Here are the New maps specifically for this mod:

Area 51
Easter Island
Forgotten Bases
Kuala Lumpur
Metropolis Citadel
Silicon Valley
and Many More.....

Disclaimer: I didn't own anything in this mod(other than made up Anunnaki Characters for this mod)

Currently I'm looking for Skinners, AI Scripters, coders, Logo artists, etc.
The Deviantart page for this project are: 2012: ID4 on deviantart
The Facebook page for this project are: C&C Generals 2012

In case of this Project won't getting hosted here in Fallout studios likely because this thread is locked, Try to Host this project in other websites like: Revora or GRANS Productions

Edited by Masonicon, 17 February 2011 - 06:18.


    I am sarcastic and evil

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 14:07

i recommend doing some actual work first. like models and such. and what can u do in the mod?

and what is unique about ur mod? ur russian side is at first glance, a copy of ROTR, and it is from the generals and such,
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RIP CommanderJB

#3 Alias

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 14:08

For one, 75% of what you've posted here is uncodable.
For two, your story is completely ridiculous.
For three, completely ripping other mods resources is a sure way not to get hosting.
For four, providing the story and then expecting people to run towards you in awe to help will do nothing. You need to show the first initiative if you want anyone to help.
For five, did I say the story is ridiculous?

Posted Image


    I am sarcastic and evil

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 14:14


are largely imported from both Rise of the Reds and The End of days as well Other Generals Mods and cut units from Comamnd and Conquer Generals for saving our works on this mod.


IMO, u cannot rip off models from them. and do u even know about the limits of ZH engine? u cannot have 6 factions with 3 generals each!

if u want ur mod to live
: Do some work to show us
:hire people, and start work, even if u're understaffed.

Edited by AZZKIKR, 01 May 2010 - 14:17.

Posted Image
Posted Image
RIP CommanderJB

#5 V.Metalic

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 14:41

It is possible, but some factions and sub-factions will be without AI
Posted Image

Also I am fan of fan-made Transformers Legacy. Even its fan-made, its really nice work. If you want to check it out, come here.


    I am sarcastic and evil

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 14:51

yes. but 18 generals will screw up balance, as well as upgrade limits. need i mention the difficulty on keeping faction diversity?
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RIP CommanderJB

#7 Golan

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 15:07

Hm, this text seems to be ripped right out of the example section of a definition for "TLDR". Is there perhaps a short and comprehensible version available?

Edited by Golan, 01 May 2010 - 15:08.

Now go out and procreate. IN THE NAME OF DOOM!

#8 CJ

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 15:34


In case of this Project won't getting hosted here in Fallout studios likely because this thread is locked, Try to Host this project in other websites like: Revora or GRANS Productions

What the hell does such a line do at the end of your great wall of China text?

View PostChyros, on 11 November 2013 - 18:21, said:

I bet I could program an internet


    I am sarcastic and evil

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 15:41

it appears its just an idea for a mod. not anything serious, like he wants to hire people.
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RIP CommanderJB

#10 JJ

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 15:51

tl;dr version: ROTR + lizards. Honestly, I stopped reading once I reached the second word.

#11 Camille

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 16:07

this... what... i...

i'm just going to leave quietly, take a nap. observe the sky. write a poem.

ZH modding is ASS.
it's time to wake up

#12 V.Metalic

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 16:11

Its his thing if it will be strewed or not.
Posted Image

Also I am fan of fan-made Transformers Legacy. Even its fan-made, its really nice work. If you want to check it out, come here.

#13 Wizard


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Posted 01 May 2010 - 16:34

We need a post size limit :P

#14 Destiny

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 20:46

View PostWizard, on 2 May 2010, 0:34, said:

We need a post size limit 8|

Wait for it to load and press End? :P
Posted Image

#15 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 22:38

Hopefully he doesn't do the same thing here as he did in his other threads of reposting the entire first post every time O.O

Anyway, to me it sounds like a mockup of pretty much every sci-fi movie/series and a few games and mods from the past 20 years put into a mod, with half the stuff undoable.

#16 H4mm3r


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Posted 02 May 2010 - 02:01

View PostSargeant Rho, on 1 May 2010, 18:38, said:

Hopefully he doesn't do the same thing here as he did in his other threads of reposting the entire first post every time O.O

Anyway, to me it sounds like a mockup of pretty much every sci-fi movie/series and a few games and mods from the past 20 years put into a mod, with half the stuff undoable.

Helge, Helge, Helge. Come on, some people can bring some new idea's to ZH modding, even though the only new thing is the Alien faction(s)
We should be praising him for success not condemning him for thinking radically. (Even though half of his stuff is not easily coded or impossible.)
Posted Image

#17 Masonicon


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Posted 02 May 2010 - 02:12

People-People! Forget about Generals! all the 6 factions in this mod have no Generals because their generals are just make this mod unbalanced

View PostAZZKIKR, on 1 May 2010, 21:51, said:

yes. but 18 generals will screw up balance, as well as upgrade limits. need i mention the difficulty on keeping faction diversity?

I has removed all the 18 generals from this mod! :P

View PostV.Metalic, on 1 May 2010, 21:41, said:

It is possible, but some factions and sub-factions will be without AI

All the 6 Factions in this mod are now have no Sub-factions

View PostSargeant Rho, on 2 May 2010, 5:38, said:

Hopefully he doesn't do the same thing here as he did in his other threads of reposting the entire first post every time O.O

Anyway, to me it sounds like a mockup of pretty much every sci-fi movie/series and a few games and mods from the past 20 years put into a mod, with half the stuff undoable.

I has changed this mod's title into Command and Conquer: 2012 and have nothing to do with sc-fi movies where this mod is inspired

View PostAZZKIKR, on 1 May 2010, 21:14, said:


are largely imported from both Rise of the Reds and The End of days as well Other Generals Mods and cut units from Comamnd and Conquer Generals for saving our works on this mod.


IMO, u cannot rip off models from them. and do u even know about the limits of ZH engine? u cannot have 6 factions with 3 generals each!

if u want ur mod to live
: Do some work to show us
:hire people, and start work, even if u're understaffed.

The reason where I need to importing stuffs from Other Generals: Zero hour mods as well cut units from Generals alpha versions is to makes our works on this mod easier and shorter instead creating it from scratch

Edited by Scope, 02 May 2010 - 08:50.

#18 Genrail


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Posted 02 May 2010 - 03:18

......so you plan doing this all by your self? :P

(watch... he will make the best mod ever, and we will feel like tards for yelling at him,, watch you'll see, it always happens like that 8| )

watch your grammar too, its not very good

So your going to TAKE their stuff with out their permission?

good luck with that....

Edited by genrail, 02 May 2010 - 03:20.

This place still exists?

#19 Masonicon


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Posted 02 May 2010 - 03:33

View Postgenrail, on 2 May 2010, 10:18, said:

......so you plan doing this all by your self? :P

watch your grammar too, its not very good

good luck with that....

Yes, but I need some people for doing this, but hey why people mean to how I types and my grammar?

Edited by Masonicon, 02 May 2010 - 03:35.

#20 Genrail


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Posted 02 May 2010 - 03:40

View PostMasonicon, on 1 May 2010, 22:33, said:

Yes, but I need some people for doing this, but hey why people mean to how I types and my grammar?


1.) if you want help having good grammar would be a plus, so people don't get a headache when they read SUPER BIG POSTS!
2.) if you want help, DO NOT post the entire PLAN!!!! if i was trying to host a mod i would put just a quick LITTLE summery of the mod, not a book about it.
3.) Taking stuff from other peoples mods is just plain gay, don't do it...

:P have a nice day...
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#21 Masonicon


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Posted 02 May 2010 - 03:44

View Postgenrail, on 2 May 2010, 10:18, said:

So your going to TAKE their stuff with out their permission?

No! I ned to ask them for their permission for taking their stuffs politely

#22 Genrail


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Posted 02 May 2010 - 03:53

View PostMasonicon, on 1 May 2010, 22:44, said:

View Postgenrail, on 2 May 2010, 10:18, said:

So your going to TAKE their stuff with out their permission?

No! I ned to ask them for their permission for taking their stuffs politely


I'm just going to watch how this turns out...

Edited by genrail, 02 May 2010 - 03:59.

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#23 Pandut

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Posted 02 May 2010 - 05:35


I'm disappointed at you guys. You're all still taking his threads seriously...
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Posted 02 May 2010 - 05:57

Well. if u want ur mod to succeed. be realistic. ROTR is not even complete, and if it is, what makes you think theyll give the models to you?
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#25 Masonicon


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Posted 02 May 2010 - 07:30

View PostAZZKIKR, on 2 May 2010, 12:57, said:

Well. if u want ur mod to succeed. be realistic. ROTR is not even complete, and if it is, what makes you think theyll give the models to you?

It's up to us that makes model in case they won't give us the models to us

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