Pav:3d, on 13 Nov 2010, 11:45, said:
EVERYONE seems to use the FAMAS, its quite boring...
That's because it's one of the best weapons in the game, possibly the best
deltaepsilon, on 13 Nov 2010, 12:09, said:
Are many of the weapons that sucky?
Well, everything that isn't an assault rifle is, yeah
. Though that's been kind of true for every CoD game to date.
Stalker, on 13 Nov 2010, 12:30, said:
Yes, a chopper gunner is powerful, but one of the default classes has a Launcher to shoot them.
I had six games in a row I was thrown into with a chopper gunner so I know some about them. I tried the default launcher class, but every time I spawned, the chopper had killed me before I was able to even unfold the M72. Besides, even if I were able to, it wouldn't kill the chopper because you only get one missile, and of course nobody else in the whole universe takes them down. So how do you REALLY counter the chopper gunner at low levels? The answer is of course, you don't. You simply never get the chance to.
Chopper gunner doesn't really happen that often. The normal chopper is weak as hell.
Chopper Gunner doesn't really happen that often?
Besides, the normal chopper spawnkills as well, doing the same trick the CG does sometimes.
Pro perks are even easier to get than in MW2. Marathon is harder (you have to play CTF) but it isn't really needed. 2 or 3 other perks IIRC require you to plant/defuse bombs, which is quite easy in demolition.
At the moment I don't have any pro perks yet, but in MW2 I would've had the best two perks in the game leveled to pro already. The requirements are basically three times as much for everything, some even more. Leveling perks to pro in MW2 was a breeze.
What's wrong with the early weapons? The HK21 kicks ass, and the other ones aren't that bad either. You also level, and unlock the 'better' guns really fast.
Starting weapons:
M16: too weak and burst-fire
MP5K: too weak and useless
HK21: decent but no match against any higher-level assault rifle
Olympia: you've GOT to be kidding me
Dragunov: too weak, too unreliable, too slow, too heavily affected by DVK
You can't kill anyone? I had the same feeling in my first 2 games. But guess what, now I'm constantly getting K/D of at least 1.5, and I'm usually in the top ranks.
Yeah, now that I ditched the stupid M16 it goes a lot better. But guess why that is?!
IIRC you are a pretty good player, so I really don't believe you that you have 'zero chance'.
If I were to fight, with any of the start weapons and perks, a copy of mine using a good assault rifle and pro perks and other useful stuff, I would never get a single kill in, because I'm completely outgunned on every front. Sure I can kill noobs with the starting stuff, but no-one worth their salt. If you are outgunned that severely, I would say you chances from an objective point of view are indeed zero percent or near enough as makes no matter.
I respect your opinion, but it seems you are a bit mad about the game. If that's the case, you should calm down, otherwise, well, there are other games out there :-)
Well, to be frank, I was kind of grumpy yesterday, yeah, since it was an extremely hard day. I figured I'd give the game a chance with some friends, and this does help alleviate the atmosphere. Way I see it though, is that the game is basically MW2 except a million tiny things were fixed and a few massive things were unfixed. It's hard to say which of the two games I like more at the moment. BO has so many huge design flaws - most of which were corner stones of all previous CoD games' balance - that it tends to madden me from time to time.