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#126 Pav:3d


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Posted 07 July 2010 - 23:05

View Postretry_1, on 7 Jul 2010, 19:59, said:

View PostPav:3d, on 7 Jul 2010, 9:03, said:

View PostCodeCat, on 7 Jul 2010, 13:52, said:

View PostPav:3d, on 7 Jul 2010, 14:50, said:

Code couldnt this have been handled over MSN or something, rather than bringing it on the forums? This has done far more harm to the forums than good for you.

edit: Stinger, please stop shit-stirring.

Making a problem invisible doesn't make it go away. The people of this community have a right to know the truth.

The right to know the truth? Give it a rest, what is this some political scandle? No, its a forum with a dwindling amount of active members, and your little expose' a few a pages back has probably permanently damaged this forum now. So thanks for your selfishness.

edit@ Stinger: all I see you're doing is jumping on everything thats said in here, just to continue stirring things up.

Are you fucking serious? One of the guys here at the beginning, who's done more for the community as a whole than any one who's still around gets booted without even being asked and HE'S being selfish? over they years codecat has been more selfless than anyone. The reason the community is dwindling is because the people in charge are immature. when the majority of the posts in serial spammers are admins, you know not much is getting done to keep people around. sure, code isn't around all the time, and he doesn't post much, but when he does post, it's always something worth reading.

Yes I am fucking serious. Of course I know codecats history here, and I know he's done a great deal for this forum. But like I said, he couldave sorted this all out behind the scenes.

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#127 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 23:15


Stinger has been coming here for the past four of five days, long before this all started. Overdose has been on and off active here for a few months. They hardly came here to 'put wood on the fire'. Even then, Stinger isn't even part of SWR any more so I really cannot see where your giant conspiracy is coming from. Not to mention the SWR members have been as much a right to comment on this as you do, regardless.
FS is hardly stronger than ever, just a week ago we all admitted the whole place was dwindling and we needed to do something about it.

Alias, are you part of SWR Team? Why not let them defend themselves? |8 5 days of just "pooping" in and out...
...now we have a combo of their posts in such a polemic thread...This may be something out of my mind, but you gotta say that it's strange.

Nothing is dwindling. The ZH Modding community is dwindling. We, as modders, we are dwindling.


You sound like you demand a rank just for posting an article once a fortnight.

I'm not demanding anything...I'm just appointing and complainning the lack leadership that we had before AJ. In fact this statement comes in a time that we - from the news team - are discussing why do we even exist over the internal forums and why we aren't doing anything, but that's not the point here.


Revora is itself extremely splintered. I wouldn't call it the ideal model. Revora is more a collection of forums rather than an individual one, like Fallout Studios.

I'm not saying it's a model, because nothing over the entire cybernetic and real world is perfect. Nor forums or people are perfect. There's no model to be followed, despite that one that we have created to ourselves, putting it as a "goal".


That isn't the issue here. Codecat has seen his work come to fruition over the years. The Wiki was simply born from a suggestion from Codecat in the Shockwave team forums, look at it now. The issue isn't about ranks. The issue is about how this was handled.

I know, but with all due respect to CodeCat, life is unfair and life can be harsh at any momment. We must be prepared for situations like this over the real life, what's much more important tham a simple "forum rank". Demotions and Firing happens everyday in RL. For the fired, the boss is a piece of junk, is a bastard (or whatever you calls), but in the end, the boss has always the reason.


As I said before, it is hardly revolutionary and has been attempted before. I will certainly be pleased if it succeeds but it is just as likely to fail, especially after this whole event.

Sometimes, rocks on our way needs simple to be ignored and circumvented, for our own good. I'm prety sure the the Revolutionary spirit will not go away with some small issues regarding assets of the revolution.

PS: Excuse my poor english.

Edited by Gen.Kenobi, 07 July 2010 - 23:24.

"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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#128 CJ

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 23:57

View PostAlias, on 7 Jul 2010, 23:35, said:

View PostGen.Kenobi, on 8 Jul 2010, 8:17, said:

I saw the SWR Departure - The departure was meant to kill this community. They made it with so professionalism, that clearly figure their evil objective regarding FS. And now you can see by yourself, with 2 of the SWR comming here, after a 2 year hiatus just to put more wood into the fire...What makes their objectives more clear tham ever.

You guys were wrong...so wrong that FS is stronger tham ever. You guys failed. And now you have a dead community to take care - at your own forums...Don't get me wrong, but what the hell are you doing here? Go mind your own business.
Stinger has been coming here for the past four of five days, long before this all started. Overdose has been on and off active here for a few months. They hardly came here to 'put wood on the fire'. Even then, Stinger isn't even part of SWR any more so I really cannot see where your giant conspiracy is coming from. Not to mention the SWR members have been as much a right to comment on this as you do, regardless.

One of the few moments where I actually agree with Alias, stop picturing SWR as evil just because they left. Plus as Alias said, Stinger isn't even in their team anymore and as far as I know he's perfectly got the right to voice his opinion, like everyone else on these forums.

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#129 Golan

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 08:15

Great, so we're back to five Admins again...
Now go out and procreate. IN THE NAME OF DOOM!

#130 Wizard


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Posted 08 July 2010 - 08:30

Temporarily, yes. It isn't a long term solution but in light of recent events it was felt that it would help. One of the things that will be done is a look at the staffing structure with a view to making some changes in the long term. The system is currently merely a modification of the older Admin/Staffer structure. Whether this is needed now is something we'll be discussing shortly.

I don't plan to be in this role forever. My return is a very temporary situation.

Edited by Wizard, 08 July 2010 - 08:31.

#131 CodeCat

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 08:54

I really do appreciate Wizard's comments here, but I still think the people who actually are responsible (that is, AJ and DR, and probably Bob) should come out and say something too. They've been very quiet during all this, but I know as a fact that the admin forum is very active about this issue. I've been an admin myself long enough to know that it's never silent behind the scenes in situations like this. So I ask for all of you to come forward and stop hiding. You owe it to me and you owe it to Fallout Studios.

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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#132 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 09:00

View PostCodeCat, on 8 Jul 2010, 9:54, said:

I really do appreciate Wizard's comments here, but I still think the people who actually are responsible (that is, AJ and DR, and probably Bob) should come out and say something too. They've been very quiet during all this, but I know as a fact that the admin forum is very active about this issue. I've been an admin myself long enough to know that it's never silent behind the scenes in situations like this. So I ask for all of you to come forward and stop hiding. You owe it to me and you owe it to Fallout Studios.

Bob already commented a page or so back.
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#133 CodeCat

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 09:12

Allright, sorry Bob then. But I don't think Bob was very involved in this anyway, so...

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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#134 JJ

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 11:27

lol, do I see conspiracies of SWR being evil flying around? I'm part of SWR, do you see me doing anything destructive? They have problems even making their mod, do you think they would forego that just to types a few posts?

I know SWR, or at least I think I do. It is largely dependant on a single leader, ie Hunter, no one else actually seems to lead any more except for him, with Stinger now gone, though honestly I don't remember things that matter to me easily, not to mention trivial ones like authority over... well nothing. And now, his modding interest has eroded a fair bit, which explains the slow down of activity over there.

Anyway, what I want to put across, is that SWR is largely on Hunter's shoulder, and I know Hunter as a genuine and honest person, if not a little stubborn. What makes you think a person like him would attack a virtual entity like FS, for something he's losing interest in? I'll leave you at that.

I dunno about this guys, I do not know what are you fighting over. Getting backstabbed sucks, I know, same happened to me with SZ, so I do hope CodeCat gets some justice. Aside from that, any other problems? I see none honestly. I personally trust AJ, DR and Bob, and I hope to stay that way. As a modder, I want to see this problem gone, that's all.

#135 deltaepsilon

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 11:54

View PostJJ_, on 8 Jul 2010, 21:27, said:

Getting backstabbed sucks, I know, same happened to me with SZ

You were?

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#136 Chrizz

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 13:30

Pretty Sad how this turn'd out. I think CodeCat had to announce it by himself of making a topic how I back in the days.
Its not fair to demote Admins or Moderators without a conversation between them. I Gave this community to good hands "The_Hunter & CodeCat" and trusted in them.

Now I shame of these actions and other things on this community... The community went pretty much downwards wich I expected before I leaved the Community Boards and started a new one.

I hope to see more Mature behaivor in future of the admins You are 1 team 1 task and keep the community boards stable and always have conversations wich eachother before taking actions like this.

Greets Chrizz

Edited by Chrizz, 08 July 2010 - 17:21.

#137 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 15:26

View PostCodeCat, on 8 Jul 2010, 10:12, said:

Allright, sorry Bob then. But I don't think Bob was very involved in this anyway, so...

I just wish to clarify one thing, it has been playing on my mind. I did agree that CodeCat should step down from his Admin position, but I did not agree to the method used. At the time this was decided and implemented, I was playing Bar Billiards (Lost 2-1 |8). I also wish to reiterate what I said in my last post, I really appreciate the work that you have put into this community, Code, I am sorry that it ended this way.

Edited by Bob, 08 July 2010 - 15:27.

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#138 CodeCat

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 16:19

Well that does confirm one thing. Bob was not involved, Hobbesy was basically drafted right in the middle of it. That leaves two admins that actually took the initiative. It wasn't even a majority decision...

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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#139 Dauth

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 16:33

What the fuck? You know I bloody hoped FS had learned after the last few scandals.


You know, Code and I disagreed a lot, but this is just not on.

See ya, better remove this from my CV because its a right stain now.

#140 Wizard


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Posted 08 July 2010 - 17:11

It was at my suggestion that I post the apology, which, despite suggestions to the contrary, was drafted by all of the admins. It was also at my suggestion that the rest of the admins avoid posting, primarily to avoid any unnecessary aggravation in an already hot and controversial topic.

#141 Foxhound

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 17:33

Alright. Since I finally know what the crap happened here, I can comment. Like Bob, I think it was time for Codecat to step down. That is NOT to downplay what he has done for the community, mind. But I do think that it was completely wrong to just remove his admin position without even warning him. That, to me, is nothing short of a coup. (edit: there seems to be a lot of misinformation on this matter, so if I am wrong, I am unaware of the fact.)

In any case, this could have been handled far better than it was.

Edited by Foxhound, 08 July 2010 - 17:58.

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#142 Zhao

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 18:08

View PostFoxhound, on 8 Jul 2010, 18:33, said:

Alright. Since I finally know what the crap happened here, I can comment. Like Bob, I think it was time for Codecat to step down. That is NOT to downplay what he has done for the community, mind. But I do think that it was completely wrong to just remove his admin position without even warning him. That, to me, is nothing short of a coup. (edit: there seems to be a lot of misinformation on this matter, so if I am wrong, I am unaware of the fact.)

In any case, this could have been handled far better than it was.

Whats preventing this from being resolved ,there's 6 pages already.

#143 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 18:11

View PostWizard, on 8 Jul 2010, 18:11, said:

It was at my suggestion that I post the apology, which, despite suggestions to the contrary, was drafted by all of the admins. It was also at my suggestion that the rest of the admins avoid posting, primarily to avoid any unnecessary aggravation in an already hot and controversial topic.

While I understand your suggestion it would have made more sense for them to post in a similar manner to Bob. At least it shows they acknowledge the thread, as even if something is going on, its behind the scenes and thus from the membership POV some admins have just ignored the thread.
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#144 TheDR

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 18:16

The reason for the way in which you were removed was that we were wrongly convinced that you would react very badly to a request to step down. Hence the vote to remove you amongst the others and then it happening. Quite clearly this wasn't the right thing to do. However, we all make mistakes and this was one.
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#145 Wizard


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Posted 08 July 2010 - 18:18

View PostIon Cannon!, on 8 Jul 2010, 19:11, said:

While I understand your suggestion it would have made more sense for them to post in a similar manner to Bob. At least it shows they acknowledge the thread, as even if something is going on, its behind the scenes and thus from the membership POV some admins have just ignored the thread.

Not posting and allowing members to vent their feelings and frustration is one thing, ignoring the thread is another. In this situation there is not really outcome that can be seen as right or is. Refraining from posting until things have calmed down somewhat is the particular option I suggested and was taken. Bob felt he wanted to put the record straight in regards to his involvement and that is fine.

I am sure that more will be said in the not to distant future. Ninja'd already

Edited by Wizard, 08 July 2010 - 18:18.

#146 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 09 July 2010 - 01:08

Just realised that i joined in 2009... :read: LOL. It has been just 1 year that i'm here. But it just don't change the validity of my previous argument.

But whatever.

"You do what you think it's right of course" - Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Right" has many denotations. And many implications. If for someone, something is right, for another one it's wrong. It's life. It's RL. It's Cyber-Life. It's our path throught this world.

PS: I'm kinda philosophizing. But i guess you all can understand what i mean.
"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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#147 Nid

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Posted 09 July 2010 - 15:19

I'm not going to stick my neck in this shitstorm.

Sorry abous what happened Code. Good luck in the future, and I hope you can enjoy bieng a part of this community still for a long time to come.

Sorry to see you go Nem, old friend, I was wondering what happened to you, even the circle has died down.

Congratz Nuker, if you do half the job you used to, you will have this forum in top shape.
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#148 Deformat


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Posted 13 July 2010 - 12:30


At the end of this discussion,I dare to say that two things:

-I like Nutella
-I like Bob's avatar.


On a serious note:Congrats Nuker,and I'm pretty much sorry for what happened around,its quite a bad way to end stuff,but I guess that this discussion leads to nowhere.

#149 deltaepsilon

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Posted 14 July 2010 - 05:13

View PostDr. Defo Wacko, on 13 Jul 2010, 22:30, said:


At the end of this discussion,I dare to say that two things:

-I like Nutella
-I like Bob's avatar.

If only this was posted earlier, it would've resolved everything :)

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#150 Zhao

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Posted 14 July 2010 - 18:56

View Postdeltaepsilon, on 14 Jul 2010, 5:13, said:

View PostDr. Defo Wacko, on 13 Jul 2010, 22:30, said:


At the end of this discussion,I dare to say that two things:

-I like Nutella
-I like Bob's avatar.

If only this was posted earlier, it would've resolved everything :D


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