Battlefield 3 Discussion
29 Oct 2011
Gen.Kenobi, on 25 October 2011 - 20:11, said:
CJ, on 25 October 2011 - 19:37, said:
A real BF

CJ' said:
I dunno, doesn't look like a ripoff to me... yet. I didn't finish the campaign though...
Oh and the sotry was written by some guy from the SAS called Andy McNab.
Oh and the sotry was written by some guy from the SAS called Andy McNab.
Too much Black-Ops mixed with MW.
It's not a bad game, but nothing too fancy or new in the Campaign.
There's nothing wrong with its premise. You don't see everyone saying that every movie featuring time travel is too much like Back to the Future. But I can safely say DICE actually made a good campaign for once. I actually had fun while playing it.
31 Oct 2011
I finished the campaign and played some MP over the weekend.
The campaign was good and was definitely had some COD influences. The dogs barking behind chained gates in the early missions just gave away how the COD blood had leaked into this. Even so the campaign was a damn fun IMO. The biggest difference from COD was the real sense of war that you experience. Unlike COD in which you feel superhuman one man army kinda guy, BF3 actually makes you feel as a small part of a larger fighting force. Special mention must be made of the night missions where the lighting has been quite good. The lighting and particle effects were quite astonishing IMO.
As for the MP, it has a strong resemblance to BC2, but it is damn fun. It feels more immersed than COD quite possibly due to the fact that it has vehicles and jets flying overhead bringing down death. Also the sounds are pretty awesome and helps in the immersion, unlike in COD where you just hear some background clutter. But in this, when you hear a shell explodes you know its real.
All in all its a great game and I have no regrets about buying it.
The campaign was good and was definitely had some COD influences. The dogs barking behind chained gates in the early missions just gave away how the COD blood had leaked into this. Even so the campaign was a damn fun IMO. The biggest difference from COD was the real sense of war that you experience. Unlike COD in which you feel superhuman one man army kinda guy, BF3 actually makes you feel as a small part of a larger fighting force. Special mention must be made of the night missions where the lighting has been quite good. The lighting and particle effects were quite astonishing IMO.
As for the MP, it has a strong resemblance to BC2, but it is damn fun. It feels more immersed than COD quite possibly due to the fact that it has vehicles and jets flying overhead bringing down death. Also the sounds are pretty awesome and helps in the immersion, unlike in COD where you just hear some background clutter. But in this, when you hear a shell explodes you know its real.
All in all its a great game and I have no regrets about buying it.
02 Nov 2011
Raven, on 31 October 2011 - 02:49, said:
I finished the campaign and played some MP over the weekend.
The campaign was good and was definitely had some COD influences. The dogs barking behind chained gates in the early missions just gave away how the COD blood had leaked into this. Even so the campaign was a damn fun IMO. The biggest difference from COD was the real sense of war that you experience. Unlike COD in which you feel superhuman one man army kinda guy, BF3 actually makes you feel as a small part of a larger fighting force. Special mention must be made of the night missions where the lighting has been quite good. The lighting and particle effects were quite astonishing IMO.
As for the MP, it has a strong resemblance to BC2, but it is damn fun. It feels more immersed than COD quite possibly due to the fact that it has vehicles and jets flying overhead bringing down death. Also the sounds are pretty awesome and helps in the immersion, unlike in COD where you just hear some background clutter. But in this, when you hear a shell explodes you know its real.
All in all its a great game and I have no regrets about buying it.
The campaign was good and was definitely had some COD influences. The dogs barking behind chained gates in the early missions just gave away how the COD blood had leaked into this. Even so the campaign was a damn fun IMO. The biggest difference from COD was the real sense of war that you experience. Unlike COD in which you feel superhuman one man army kinda guy, BF3 actually makes you feel as a small part of a larger fighting force. Special mention must be made of the night missions where the lighting has been quite good. The lighting and particle effects were quite astonishing IMO.
As for the MP, it has a strong resemblance to BC2, but it is damn fun. It feels more immersed than COD quite possibly due to the fact that it has vehicles and jets flying overhead bringing down death. Also the sounds are pretty awesome and helps in the immersion, unlike in COD where you just hear some background clutter. But in this, when you hear a shell explodes you know its real.
All in all its a great game and I have no regrets about buying it.
It has a strong resemblance to CoD/BC2/Battlefield 2. All seems pretty finely meshed into one. I do have a few complaints but the list is far shorter than the one I had for BC2. One noteworthy change I was proud of is it seems the hit reg is absolutely spot on unless I'm playing by accident (At one point I had no idea there was a North America filter and I never checked pings.) on a European Server. According to some Damage Charts the majority of the weapons have similar damage type although the guy listed the majority at 25. I'd say its wrong because you can still achieve a 4 hit kill without doing 25 damage each shot.
Pros :
1 : Solid Hit Reg! I have a habit of overshooting because BC2 has made me partially retarded.
2 :The entire map will no longer turn to rubble and the map design is absolutely amazing on the Urban maps. I feel some maps are WAY too small and even the big ones have some "small" problems because of the flag layout.
3 : Knifing... I LOVE how knifing works. How you actually see your attacker and how I can make that sniper look me in the eyes before I gut him.
4 : Lots of interesting and unique unlocks for each class sans the medic. They get a lot of guns and stuff though.
5 : The vehicles all perform very well but I feel Jets should be better. There's no excuse for me mowing down on infantry for 2.5 seconds dead on and not obtaining a kill for it.
6 : Rush maps are fun and play extremely well this time around. Especially Kharg Island and Damavend Peak where I perform a MASSIVE Paradrop as the attackers from ontop of a Mountain.
7 : Great unlocks and camoflauges and customization. My particular favorite for the optics is definitely the IRNV Scope
1: Flashlights. Plainly agitating but still useful as hell in CQB when you have people just proning in buildings and refusing to leave.
2 : When I rez a Guy I shout obscenities at him because it thinks I'm trying to fry an opponent. Things like "DIE YOU FUCK" or "ZAP ZAP MOTHER FUCKER.
3 : Battlelog. Where the shit is my actual game? Stupid browser shit.
4 : There was only one two coop missions I really liked...The others just felt like I was doing campaign with a more intelligent bot at my side. no actual Cooperation
5 : The all Kit SMGs have terrible base ammo stats without ammo upgrades. Sans the P90 which always has 50 rounds. I do like the PDW-R though.
6 : Tehran Highway...Seriously what the fuck DICE? 9 times out of 10 this map rubber bands like a son of a bitch. I'm betting a twenty that its the rockets that just fire off as backround aesthetics. Because when they do? EVERYONE on the server starts rubberbanding. And I absolutely love this maps design too. Really a shame and I hope they fix it soon.
03 Nov 2011
To add to Kalo's pros and cons.
I have seen on a couple of servers where rush maps contain 48 people, which is way too much IMO. The whole point of rush is to out push or out maneuver the defender. 16 players on each team allows holes in flanks the the attackers can exploit. 24 players on each team dissolves mainly any way to slip past the defenders. Rush with 32 players is well balanced and enjoyable to play.
Although battlelog does have issues, the interface design is very well done, easy to navigate, and the server browser keeps the same general interface as the previous battlefield games. I do agree with Kalo that the player loses the aesthetic of starting up an executable file, and the ability to change settings outside of the client. But battlelog does do its job, connecting other players together in a way that caters to the current generation of internet users (facebook-esque chat rooms and status interfaces, drag and drop invites, etc.). I do wish viewing player statistics would move towards its logical conclusion, side by side comparison of players.
Edited by Slevered, 03 November 2011 - 17:36.
I have seen on a couple of servers where rush maps contain 48 people, which is way too much IMO. The whole point of rush is to out push or out maneuver the defender. 16 players on each team allows holes in flanks the the attackers can exploit. 24 players on each team dissolves mainly any way to slip past the defenders. Rush with 32 players is well balanced and enjoyable to play.
Although battlelog does have issues, the interface design is very well done, easy to navigate, and the server browser keeps the same general interface as the previous battlefield games. I do agree with Kalo that the player loses the aesthetic of starting up an executable file, and the ability to change settings outside of the client. But battlelog does do its job, connecting other players together in a way that caters to the current generation of internet users (facebook-esque chat rooms and status interfaces, drag and drop invites, etc.). I do wish viewing player statistics would move towards its logical conclusion, side by side comparison of players.
Edited by Slevered, 03 November 2011 - 17:36.
04 Nov 2011
I got the chance to play some more MP games. I don't know whether this is because of my machine, but I am experiencing some serious lags in the multiplayer. Makes it impossible for me to play as recon. Quite dissapointing really. Actually I managed to play some good games earlier , but not its kinda laggy. It might be because I have C2D or maybe because of my pings. But other games like BC2, MW2 and BLOPS play ok.
04 Nov 2011
At any rate, you should be able to choose servers with decent ping if you use the server browser... Maybe you put the graphic settings too high too, use Fraps (the free version) to check if the FPS count is above 24.
At any rate, you should be able to choose servers with decent ping if you use the server browser... Maybe you put the graphic settings too high too, use Fraps (the free version) to check if the FPS count is above 24.
04 Nov 2011
The return of 7 flags and Conquest Assault. It's a shame vanilla BF3 didn't have any of that.
But fuck yes, this will be good.
05 Nov 2011
Yep C2D. Well initially the server browser did not show any pings. Then I found some that it is actually a bug in the server browser and I overcame it by refreshing the entire browser page. Yesterday it was a bit better, but no where near as good as battlefield 3. I am playing with all settings set to the lowest but playing @ 1920x1080
05 Nov 2011
its good fun and looks like a mesh of battlefield 2 and bad company 2, pity it lacks the flight controls and physics of BF1942 DCfinal
run it on ultra or low, same game-play, just more or less eye candy
Edited by cccdfern, 05 November 2011 - 04:33.

run it on ultra or low, same game-play, just more or less eye candy
Edited by cccdfern, 05 November 2011 - 04:33.
05 Nov 2011
Today I was more lucky. I think the lag was caused by the pings rather than my machine. Found some relatively low ping players and I was able to have a good game. But one annoying bug ruined the experience a bit. Sometimes my camera would change to show my self from a 3rd person view from the front. I.E not over the shoulder. So the controls were all f**** up. Firing the RPG to the ground did not kill me and I could not get the menu by pressing ESC.
Also sometimes the view would change to some enemy soldier while I am still on the ground. I don't know whether it is due to a sever issue or a client issue. But it was annoying!!! Did anyone experience anything similar? I was playing Tehran Highway btw.
Also sometimes the view would change to some enemy soldier while I am still on the ground. I don't know whether it is due to a sever issue or a client issue. But it was annoying!!! Did anyone experience anything similar? I was playing Tehran Highway btw.
11 Nov 2011
A little late to the party, I only bought the game yesterday, all of my housemates were in my room while we took it in turns shouting at the screen. It took us a good two hours to get a kill but we were all very very happy when it happened (congratulations to dave the housemate) The game runs so smoothly, and I was very impressed. I was expecting my computer to struggle with it, it's two years old and collecting a lot of dust these days, however I seem to be able to run mostly on high graphic settings rather smoothly, (even if my fans are stupidly loud) Frankly, all I can say is, it's an amazing game, not only is the gameplay incredibly involving, but so are the graphics, which is something I dont usually bother worrying about. Several times now I've been left screaming FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKK at my monitor as the map seems to be exploding all around me. I'm not even bothered by the RPG spam, it's just too awesome. When you have a sub on your PC speaker system too, it makes all the difference.
I think one of my favourite aspects of the gameplay they have worked on since BF2, is that it doesnt suck being infantry on a vehicle server, it's still so much fun, and I dont feel like I'm going to be arseraped by a tank/chopper/jet. I'm in awe of the game at the moment (which i'm sure will wear off in a week or so, but i'm enjoying in for now.)
In fact I love it so much I'm not even annoyed by Origin, or Battlelog.
Also Warbz, if youre reading this. Stop spying on me with drones :(
Edited by Nid, 11 November 2011 - 23:29.
I think one of my favourite aspects of the gameplay they have worked on since BF2, is that it doesnt suck being infantry on a vehicle server, it's still so much fun, and I dont feel like I'm going to be arseraped by a tank/chopper/jet. I'm in awe of the game at the moment (which i'm sure will wear off in a week or so, but i'm enjoying in for now.)
In fact I love it so much I'm not even annoyed by Origin, or Battlelog.
Also Warbz, if youre reading this. Stop spying on me with drones :(
Edited by Nid, 11 November 2011 - 23:29.
11 Nov 2011
12 Nov 2011
CJ, on 11 November 2011 - 23:39, said:
I dont even mind that, I tend to spam RPGs myself when I cant actually see an enemy. Makes for a better version of a frag grenade

cccdfern, on 12 November 2011 - 04:32, said:
well, is there an FS platoon?
Nope, but I'd get involved if there was one, regardless, I'd like to get a few people as friends on Battlelog or Origin. My handle for both is Nidmeister.
Edited by Nid, 12 November 2011 - 11:18.
12 Nov 2011
Let's create a FS platoon! It'll be really fun to play with you guys...
BTW, does anyone know how can I get the stuff I won by buying the Limited Edition?? Haven't got the Type 88 LMG... Kinda annoyed...
BTW, does anyone know how can I get the stuff I won by buying the Limited Edition?? Haven't got the Type 88 LMG... Kinda annoyed...

12 Nov 2011
added, cccdfern as per usual, any others? and someone should set up the FS platoon, please 
limited didn't give the 88 lmg, only the pistol and the map, you needed to buy the warfare pack one to get those, all but the
88 can be unlocked normally.
Edited by cccdfern, 12 November 2011 - 12:16.

limited didn't give the 88 lmg, only the pistol and the map, you needed to buy the warfare pack one to get those, all but the
88 can be unlocked normally.
Edited by cccdfern, 12 November 2011 - 12:16.
12 Nov 2011
Gen.Kenobi, on 12 November 2011 - 12:06, said:
Let's create a FS platoon! It'll be really fun to play with you guys...
BTW, does anyone know how can I get the stuff I won by buying the Limited Edition?? Haven't got the Type 88 LMG... Kinda annoyed...

BTW, does anyone know how can I get the stuff I won by buying the Limited Edition?? Haven't got the Type 88 LMG... Kinda annoyed...

You must check your emails, there is an email you get with a code to redeem to get the physical warfare pack

16 Nov 2011
I'd make one myself if not for two reasons; I'm constantly disconnected from servers before and after i enter them, and I think we need a lot more support from active players who also visit FS
16 Nov 2011
Given that fact that most of you who play are very different timezones, I'd say you'd be lucky to make it work across the community.
16 Nov 2011
Well, I'd play, but my internet is in the shitter right now, so i'll have to wait a week or so before my pc finishes download the damn game.
30-90 Kb/s, *sigh*
30-90 Kb/s, *sigh*