Currently working on a new mod with some friends. Hopefully it will be downloadable in beta form by this year's end.
Some pictures of an anti-tank grenadier that I'm working on for my mod's USA side. NOTE: still WIP. Will not be up for public use unless it gets dropped from the mod.

This is his weapon. It's a 50mm Pump-action grenade launcher, loosely based on the EX-41 project. Fire High Explosive Anti Tank Grenades up to 1,200m distant.

This is the soldier himself. He is wearing a heavy ballistic vest. Will have leg armour and more armour on his arms as well. He wears a Kevlar Helmet that will have a reflective chrome layer on top, plus a protective eye visor and ballistic face shield. This is to protect him against flying shrapnel from explosives more so than gunfire. He also carries a small ammo satchel on his back that carries extra rounds. He can also carry more ammo in the various pouches on the front of his vest.
NOTE: This model is not yet complete and is not optimised yet so currently it is extremely high-poly for a ZH infantry. The relative poly counts will be much higher than for vZH as my mod is infantry-focused, in terms of playstyle. There will be much less vehicles and a lot more use of infantry.

EDIT: Lol, the pics look so much nicer on the white background of FS, haha.
EDIT 2: Current Count for Soldier model, without weapon is 1598 polies. Too high?
Edited by CoLT, 07 July 2012 - 11:59.