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CoLT's WIP Thread

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#1 CoLT


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Posted 07 July 2012 - 11:40

Every so often I will post WIP pictures of stuff I'm making. It can be for a mod or for future public use. I will declare each item I post what it will be destined for. So please don't ask me to release every single thing I post up here for public use. Thanks.

Currently working on a new mod with some friends. Hopefully it will be downloadable in beta form by this year's end.

Some pictures of an anti-tank grenadier that I'm working on for my mod's USA side. NOTE: still WIP. Will not be up for public use unless it gets dropped from the mod.

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This is his weapon. It's a 50mm Pump-action grenade launcher, loosely based on the EX-41 project. Fire High Explosive Anti Tank Grenades up to 1,200m distant.

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This is the soldier himself. He is wearing a heavy ballistic vest. Will have leg armour and more armour on his arms as well. He wears a Kevlar Helmet that will have a reflective chrome layer on top, plus a protective eye visor and ballistic face shield. This is to protect him against flying shrapnel from explosives more so than gunfire. He also carries a small ammo satchel on his back that carries extra rounds. He can also carry more ammo in the various pouches on the front of his vest.

NOTE: This model is not yet complete and is not optimised yet so currently it is extremely high-poly for a ZH infantry. The relative poly counts will be much higher than for vZH as my mod is infantry-focused, in terms of playstyle. There will be much less vehicles and a lot more use of infantry. :)

EDIT: Lol, the pics look so much nicer on the white background of FS, haha.

EDIT 2: Current Count for Soldier model, without weapon is 1598 polies. Too high?

Edited by CoLT, 07 July 2012 - 11:59.

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#2 CoLT


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 10:55


The USA Grenadier with skin. Polycount: 768. Must have miscounted earlier lol.

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#3 CoLT


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Posted 16 July 2012 - 15:53


Latest update!

This is an AT Rifle that'll be used in my upcoming mod.
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And with scope added. Slightly different render angle and lighting this time.
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Added Bipod mounted at muzzle. Total polycount: 714, unoptimised
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Edited by CoLT, 16 July 2012 - 16:11.

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#4 CoLT


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Posted 29 July 2012 - 09:46


Finally got the AT Rifle UVWmapped and textured.

Here's the render.
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Final polycount: 492, optimised.
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#5 CoLT


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Posted 30 July 2012 - 15:50

Hello. Getting the feeling I'm the only one reading this but here goes anyway....
Another update. This time, it's a structure.

This is what I call the Electromagneto Drive. It's a power generating structure for a new side in my new mod.

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Here it is with the roof opened.

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...and with the roof closed.
There is a spinning magnet in the middle of the building. That generates the power. It can also be forced to spin at higher RPM for brief periods of extra power. It does overheat though so the roof will open up to vent the extra heat. However, this exposes the generator and thus the structure becomes more vulnerable when attacked.

I have a video of the animation available here.
Part of the animation will also be to raise the generator upwards slightly. But that's a seperate thing. :)


Obviously, not skinned yet.

Edited by CoLT, 30 July 2012 - 16:05.

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#6 CoLT


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Posted 30 July 2012 - 17:14


Animation is completed. Check it out here.

Model still WIP, will be adding more details such as lights, vents, etc.
Texture also still to come.
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#7 Bakelitu


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 00:49

Love the rifle. And about the building the Animtaion looks neat. But the whole building itself looks abit boring at the moment (I know its a wip) hope you will add some extras too it though
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#8 CoLT


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 13:13

Yeah I agree. It is a little plain, but then again, it's not finished yet. :)
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#9 CoLT


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Posted 05 August 2012 - 16:48

Another model I've been working on. This one is 90% ready to go ingame. It's for my own mod, currently named the Puma.

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Render is less than what I wanted. Couldn't get the right settings.

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This is a render of the model before it was skinned and had the tracks added. Some tweaks were made between this and the skinned version above.

Polycount: 900, optimised.
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#10 CoLT


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Posted 09 August 2012 - 08:36

Another update!

Here's a model I've been working on. The Type 101 MBT for the Chinese Faction in my mod.

It is armed with a 122mm M62-T2 Main Gun, as well as a coaxial 14.5mm Heavy Machinegun, mounted in the gun mantlet above the main gun.

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Rumor has it that the design of this vehicle was aided by Soviet engineers. Others say that it is merely influenced by the former Soviet Union who were allies with China. All we know is that while the weapons might have been of Russian origin, this MBT is more modern than most vehicles in the chinese arsenal.

It comes prepared with Steppes/Jungle camouflage, with optional Snow patterns for Tundra operations.

Model is 1000 polygons, optimised. Texture is 32bit TGA (working file) 2048x2048.
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#11 CoLT


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Posted 10 August 2012 - 06:14

Normally, Double/Triple Posting would be considered bannable.... Or am I thinking of the old FS Forums... Hmmm....

Anyway, another update. I've reworked the camos and made a couple of others just for fun. The camo system in my mod works like the technical, i.e. it'll randomise the pattern as a vehicle reskin. I might add some additional details to the texture to allow more uniqueness to each vehicle. However, the camouflage system will only randomise depending on the map, so you won't see snow colours on desert or woodland maps, but you will see variations in the pattern between vehicles.
However, since ZH SAGE only differentiates SNOW and DEFAULT type maps, I will only be able to use the Jungle/Steppes pattern and the Snow pattern. The two desert types are just for fun. However, I'm considering using the Digital Pattern, hence the Desert Pixel Pattern (Rightmost tank, if you don't notice) is a testbed for evaluation.

And now the render.

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#12 CoLT


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Posted 10 August 2012 - 06:28

2nd Render Below.

Reworked Colours to enhance the pattern distinction on the Desert Colours.

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#13 CoLT


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Posted 11 August 2012 - 09:55

WIP Render.

One internetz to anyone who can guess what it is. (HINT: It's a walker of some sort.)

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#14 Zeke

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Posted 11 August 2012 - 15:03

not sure if it's just me, but I can't see any of the pictures :/

#15 Bakelitu


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Posted 11 August 2012 - 16:48

Try to right click and click on reload picture it worked for me.
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#16 CoLT


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Posted 11 August 2012 - 17:47

Looks like no one wanted to guess. Anyway, It's the assault walker for my mod. Loosely based on the "Vulture" from Battletech.

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Texture is WIP as below:
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#17 Bakelitu


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Posted 11 August 2012 - 18:07

looks neat. I personally doesn't really like the Battletech Designs but this one Looks great.
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#18 Zeke

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Posted 13 August 2012 - 12:35

You should use a skylight for your renders next time. Atm it,s hard to see the model details. Design looks good though.

#19 CoLT


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Posted 13 August 2012 - 13:48

Gonna sound like a newbie but... how do you add or use a skylight?
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#20 Zeke

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 03:43

It's one of the light choices :P

create>lights>standard lights>skylight

Here's a good tut:

#21 CoLT


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Posted 14 August 2012 - 16:29

Found it!

Thanks, Zeke. I've tried out the skylight on the renders in this post.

Update on the walker, the above model is actually just a testbed and it's currently being remodeled extensively. Here's a preview of the WIP.

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Due to limitations of the game engine, the weapon I needed for this unit could only be fired from one point and not several. So instead of two arms, it has a single large weapon mounted on the torso directly.
This weapon is the Electrolaser Cannon. It uses a laser beam, emitted from the pointy piece in the middle of the muzzle, to ionize the air and create a conductive plasma channel. (Yes, it IS a real thing and really does work :P). The diodes surrounding the laser emitter then emit a charge of high voltage electricity that fires down the channel.
The bulbous parts around the barrel of the weapon are capacitors that store electricity temporarily before they are boosted again and sent down the plasma channel. Think of it in a similar way as a turbocharger in a car.
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This is the more or less final shape of the electrolaser cannon (in green). Ignore the orange dots, they are bones :).
I will still be adding more detail to it as I go. Currently the cannon alone is about 250 polies. Or more, I can't remember.

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This is what I've completed so far. I'm also working on a 3 barrel vulcan minigun, mounted below the torso, in between the grenade launchers (The grey tubes). Barrel of the minigun is visible (in light green) It's more or less the final shape of the barrel but the size and the remainder of the components are not done yet.

Work continues...
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#22 CoLT


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Posted 16 August 2012 - 14:39

Took Zeke's advice on using a skylight and went a little nuts with it. Remastered a few of my renders and here they are below, in this post that I made on SWR forums.



I made a thread like this on FS so I'm going to summarise that one over here and then add updates both here and there as well.

First off, this is the Type 101 Main Battle Tank. This is the PLA's Main Battle Tank, starting it's service in 1998. It is armed with an indigenously developed 122mm Main Gun, derived from the Soviet-era M62-T2. The hull design harks back to the age-old Kilment Voroshilov Model 3 (KV-3) from the 1940s. Its turret is a hybrid of many designs, including the KV-2, IS-6 and IS-7.
It is also armed with a 14.5 mm Coaxial Heavy Machine Gun.

Tank is shown below in the various camouflage patterns currently in service with the PLA, as well as a close-up look at the two-colour Jungle/Steppes pattern.

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Total Polycount: 1200, approx.

Next, we have the PLA's solution to armoured assaults. The heavy-barreled 45 mm QJZ-335 Anti-Tank Rifle. This is a delayed-blowback, gas-operated, semi-automatic weapon. It comes equipped with a 6.4x magnification rifle scope and bipod. The body is made from high-strength stamped steel with a wooden stock. Ammunition is stored in a 5-round detachable box magazine that comes with an internal jack-up system to lift the rounds as well as a water drainage system to allow the weapon to be brought, unprepared, through river crossings.
Accurate to within 20cm at 650m. Due to the long barrel (in excess of 1.5m), it is inadvisable to fire the weapon from a standing position.

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Total Polycount: 700, approx.

Lastly, here is the newest in the US Army's weapons development. This beast stands on two legs and up to a height of 16m. It weighs 140 tons and carries the latest in experimental field direct-energy weapons. Mounted on the right side of the walker's torso is a 30 ton Electrolaser cannon. It utilises a high-energy laser to create a conductive plasma channel, through which a bolt of controlled lightning is fired. It can deal great damage to vehicles, even overloading their electronics, causing a total shutdown. This system has been proven to be equally devastating to infantry, however, it is prone to overheating so the walker carries two backup weapon systems. Mounted on its chin, we can see a newly designed three-barrel vulcan cannon as well as a twin barreled multipurpose grenade launcher. Both are powerful enough against infantry and light vehicles. Due to the torso not being able to elevate or depress, the walker is not able to effectively engage anything that is above or taller than itself. Therefore, the walker needs external protection against enemy air assets.

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Total Polycount: 2600, approx.

Hope you enjoyed this post!

Stay tuned, as you can see, the walker is nowhere near complete and the AT Rifle still lacks a soldier to carry it. So, you can be sure that there will be updates still to come.

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#23 Wizard


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Posted 16 August 2012 - 15:54

Some of your images are not showing up for me. Not sure if it's your links of Chrome. Nvm.

Your walker looks superb! But your Abrahams could use a little less sheer sides on the front, imo anyway.

#24 Zeke

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Posted 16 August 2012 - 16:31

Them Renders look much better, Model look great, pretty high poly though. :P

Edited by Zeke, 16 August 2012 - 16:32.

#25 CoLT


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Posted 16 August 2012 - 16:37

View PostWizard, on 16 August 2012 - 15:54, said:

Some of your images are not showing up for me. Not sure if it's your links of Chrome. Nvm. Your walker looks superb! But your Abrahams could use a little less sheer sides on the front, imo anyway.

What's "Abrahams", precious? :gollumface:

View PostZeke, on 16 August 2012 - 16:31, said:

Them Renders look much better, Model look great, pretty high poly though. :P

They were always highpoly, lol.

Another update. I'm now also working on a new model. It's an APC for the USA. It's going to be very versatile, however, being able to transform from being just a normal APC, to a tank destroyer and even an artillery piece and much more. Render below shows the basic shape of the APC in its standard variant.

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Lol, I'm now just noticing that it looks a lot like a cockroach with wheels haha :P
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