Yours is still looking better than mine Warbz. So though it's not done, 7/10.
My computer's something like this (and it's been modified because left stock it'd be a PoS

Brand: Sony
Model: PCV-RX850 (UC) <--- Never figured out what UC is
Motherboard: Asus P4S533VX (Bus clock: 133 MHz, BIOS date 8/20/2002)
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 at 2.4GHz
Memory: 1.5GB DDR SDRAM PC2100 (3x 512MB)
GPU: Sapphire ATi Radeon 9600 Pro 256MB (Core speed 400 MHz, memory speed 223 MHz) AGP 4X
Sound: Yamaha AC-XG Audio Controller (integrated)
Hard drive: 1x 80GB Western Digital Caviar
CD drives: 1x DVD-ROM, 1x CD-RW
Monitor: Sony HMD-A240R 17" flat CRT (running at 1280x1024)
Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2
Internet speed: 1536 kbps down, 384 kbps up
If my brother comes home, I'll have something a lot better than this but still outdated...and this computer will be turned into a server. I also think the weakest link in my computer is that my AGP slot only goes to 4X and not 8X like the card could be running at.