OMG! War at Wal-Mart!
Posted 22 September 2005 - 21:30
Women nearby " Alright shugah!"
*they get into the humvee*
*Humvee teleports out*
7/23/07 - Next Post
Posted 23 September 2005 - 02:45
then overlord targets the humvee and shoots off two rounds and unleases a gattling fire and the humvee is destroyed the is told to guard against anyone who comes near it and go after and rockteers
Posted 23 September 2005 - 12:52
Posted 23 September 2005 - 16:16
Posted 23 September 2005 - 16:17
Posted 24 September 2005 - 17:17
you are all my bishii's!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!111
*throws a man eating rabit at nexus*
*calls jeebus on his celliphone and asks him to get a sniper rifel and help me pick off a couple of the newbs

me and jeebus are gunna blast your A**!
*forest gump runs in and throws a grenade at randome peaple and runs away and keeps running untile he reaches california... and then runs back to florida... then newyork... and all over again...*

Posted 24 September 2005 - 21:41
Console follows
Teleport to September 2005 at a random wal mat battlefield Unable... "Teleport Disabled in this year"
" . . . . " "Ok Plan B," *Gets on his Cell phone and calls KOMBAT WOMBAT... On a secret mission to destroy the stick rabbit, and retreave the backup teleporter hack so he can get on with his quest...
(( You Must Watch this Video to continue my story, I though id try this )) (( DO NOT RANDOMLY ATTACK, CUS YOU DOn'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS GONNA HAPPEN ))
Posted 25 September 2005 - 02:17
Edited by Carnage King, 25 September 2005 - 04:50.
When you fall down and can no longer walk, you will hear the sound, the cry of the silv3r hawk
Posted 25 September 2005 - 03:05
ok he is hiding in the clouds over the wal-mart battle field... looks like his sniper rifel is trained on... Carnage King... no way can jeebus make a tricky head shot like that...
w00t jeebus got a headshot for me

*calls jeebus on cellphone*
meet me in the toy section so i can give you the stinger missle launcher k.
*runs to toy section and walks past the millions of pecies of jazz man laying everywear...*
now were is jeebus?

Posted 25 September 2005 - 04:33
moab_there_butt, on Sep 25 2005, 12:35 PM, said:
ok he is hiding in the clouds over the wal-mart battle field... looks like his sniper rifel is trained on... Carnage King... no way can jeebus make a tricky head shot like that...
w00t jeebus got a headshot for me

*calls jeebus on cellphone*
meet me in the toy section so i can give you the stinger missle launcher k.
*runs to toy section and walks past the millions of pecies of jazz man laying everywear...*
now were is jeebus?
umm, did you read the first post?
Quote from Deathstrike, first post:
*locks the guns department*, no cheating

NO GUNS!!! NO guns can be used, duh
but, for now...
deflects Jeebus's bullet and it flies back to him, feel the power of hell!
Jeebus's body falls out of the sky, and lands on moab, Jeebus's big body squishes him and a huge shockwavehits everybody else except for my allies
Edited by Carnage King, 25 September 2005 - 04:36.
When you fall down and can no longer walk, you will hear the sound, the cry of the silv3r hawk
Posted 25 September 2005 - 04:39
Carnage King, on Sep 25 2005, 02:17 AM, said:
How can you kill me in the future... if your in the past and "Teleport" is disabled?
Posted 25 September 2005 - 04:45
Jazz Man, on Sep 25 2005, 04:39 AM, said:
Carnage King, on Sep 25 2005, 02:17 AM, said:
How can you kill me in the future... if your in the past and "Teleport" is disabled?
i dont know he just enjoys makeing no sense

Posted 25 September 2005 - 19:35
Edited by renegade, 25 September 2005 - 19:35.
Posted 25 September 2005 - 23:36
*GOD launches huge lightning bolts at carnege king and renegade and kills them both*
w00t thank you god
hay i found a randomly placed time warp macheine... looks like its set to... do not alow time travel in year 2005. i think i will change that to... alow time travel in 2005.
*transports jazz man to same time as moab*
uberness is upon you...
i think i will degread carnege king now...
*places "you are property of moab_there_butt" sign on carnege king.*
*jeebus runs in and slaps carnege king in his face and says "u r my bishii!!!!!!!" and goes back to heaven*
*uses time macheine to go back to the past and unlock the gun room.*
*smacks deathstrike in the face and prevents him from locking up the guns and takes his axe away... then he chops him up

W00T gun room is now unlocked

if deathstrike isnt there to lock the gunroom then there is nothing keeping me from my aka's

Edited by moab_there_butt, 25 September 2005 - 23:39.

Posted 26 September 2005 - 04:17
Also he has declared that his holy son will not allow u to travel back in time and has forever locked time travel ...such is the word of god (no offense meant to the real god)
Posted 26 September 2005 - 19:17
*And Hits Reset on his teleporter*
*Gose back to the future.
Posted 26 September 2005 - 20:04
Posted 27 September 2005 - 02:46
*slaps nexus in the face*
*throws bannas at jazz man and nails him in the face before he leaves*
*finds a hammer and smashes nexus head in

Posted 27 September 2005 - 06:17
Edited by Eva, 27 September 2005 - 06:17.
Posted 27 September 2005 - 18:45
Yeah, that sucks, doesn't it? Mod powers rule the world!

Like me? Put this in your sig then!

Posted 28 September 2005 - 06:43
Posted 29 September 2005 - 02:16
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