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Metal storm

BillyChaka's Photo BillyChaka 30 Nov 2006

A 48 year-old man couldn't be involved with the Vietnam war unless they were in country for like, 3 months, as they would only be 17 years old. But anyway, this topic is getting ever so spammy. Bottom line: Metal Storm is redundlets.

AllStarZ's Photo AllStarZ 30 Nov 2006

No, Metal Storm has potential as a modular system. But it is not battle-tested technology. So to those people who go around saying OMG METAL STORM TEH PWN you have right to be excited, but always take everything with a grain of salt. The attraction of the high firing rate is impractical for individual soldier use, and as again, its not battle-tested technology. We will never know how well it performs in comparison to conventional weaponry until we get enough examples of it.
Edited by AllStarZ, 30 November 2006 - 20:15.

Mathias's Photo Mathias 30 Nov 2006

I think Metal Storm has merit as point defense on ships and the like. Should be able to shred most anti-ship cruise missiles.

TankCommandz's Photo TankCommandz 01 Dec 2006

It might have some applications as an orbiting missile defense system, but aiming it would be an imperial pain.

AllStarZ's Photo AllStarZ 02 Dec 2006

No not really. Range is very limited.

Jordan's Photo Jordan 05 Dec 2006

The only problem with this weapon would be the supply of ammo, as it blows out 180 rounds in 1/4 of a second.

AllStarZ's Photo AllStarZ 05 Dec 2006

As I said before, the greatest potential for infantry it has is as a modular weapon. I will post up drawings demonstrating how the modular capability of metal storm will work.

Razven's Photo Razven 07 Dec 2006

As demostrated in the video, you can fire off rounds row by row. as in if you have a 6x6 barrel, one bullet from each barrel will fire off one shot, resulting in 36 bullets. So you basically get a very effective saturation fire for an area. Like a claymore, but can be repeatedly used.

AllStarZ's Photo AllStarZ 09 Dec 2006

What matters is human capacity to utilize such firepower. As I said many many times, in the hands of infantry Metal Storm will find best use as a modular weapons system. You can switch from utilizing 40 mm grenades to using 5.56 mm ammunition simply by popping off a barrel, all within a few seconds, thereby greatly lightening the load of infantry and reducing the need for specialization in training.

Razven's Photo Razven 09 Dec 2006

Not too sure about the last part, setting up one of these for field combat seems to be a bit impractical, but as a ambush or stationary defence, I guess it would excell at is since it's basically a multi-use claymore that could fire either bullets or 40mm grenades all over the place.

AllStarZ's Photo AllStarZ 09 Dec 2006

No, its not a multi-use claymore, its a multi-purpose firearm which can be used in conjunction with more conventional arms and which may supplant them entirely.

Razven's Photo Razven 10 Dec 2006

I'm not saying you shouldn't/couldn't use it as a firearm and what you have said, I am merely stating that it could also be used as a multi-use claymore/ambush weaponary.

There was something about a similiar design loaded with plastic/non lethal bullets used to defend US embassies in case of a riot outside of its compounds walls overseas. Not too sure, I just caught a brief segment of it.

AllStarZ's Photo AllStarZ 10 Dec 2006

I'm not going to bother anymore. Its like talking to a brick.

Kobra's Photo Kobra 14 Dec 2006

I just read through what was 1 page of useful information and 4 pages of two guys argueing about their personal preference of a gun. Stubborn + stubborn = 0

Methinks the metal storm would not be good anti infantry in its current stage. While you can alter the rpm, a belt fed gun would still be able to mow down the front row of an infantry charge without wasting huge amounts of ammo. Of course the thing is, how accurate is it? It will still be limited by how much it can turn left and right. No point in having 1,000,000 rpm if it can't even turn on its own.(By the time you turned it, all the bullets would be gone)
How many bullets can be loaded into the thing at one time anyway? Highly doubt they stuff 1,000,000bullets in it.

One final thing, how is it powered? In terms of electricity?
Edited by Kobra, 14 December 2006 - 14:31.

Eureka Seven's Photo Eureka Seven 08 Jan 2007

More info on this gun has recently come up the military is now useing them so, ha, so much for redundent they have found efficient uses for it and its effective.Future weapons just click on the video area icon and look for the metal storm video, you should also take a look at the other weapons.

Eddy01741's Photo Eddy01741 09 Jan 2007

View PostShas'O Kais, on 8 Jan 2007, 16:13, said:

More info on this gun has recently come up the military is now useing them so, ha, so much for redundent they have found efficient uses for it and its effective.Future weapons just click on the video area icon and look for the metal storm video, you should also take a look at the other weapons.

Read better, military gave a nine-month 125k dollar contract for further research, way to twist words there. And what do you expect, navy? Navy wants most likely a better 'phalanx' for last line anti-missile defense, which was one of my only proposed efficient roles (unlike others who said, it'll be good for infantary) *shuts door again*.

AllStarZ's Photo AllStarZ 09 Jan 2007

View PostShas'O Kais, on 8 Jan 2007, 16:13, said:

More info on this gun has recently come up the military is now useing them so, ha, so much for redundent they have found efficient uses for it and its effective.Future weapons just click on the video area icon and look for the metal storm video, you should also take a look at the other weapons.

Ooooh, future weapons did a special on it! It must be good.

Metal Storm is just another instance of popular science.

Eureka Seven's Photo Eureka Seven 21 Jan 2007

well i can say now eddy i have no fucking clue what u are talking about because i just watched and read metal storm on the future weapons site and it said nothing about the military funding, id like to know how u twisted the words so it would say that???, and allstarz, yea it must be good if the most advanced military in the world is utilizing it, and your point its a instance of popular science, so what if it is, it works and is being used.

AllStarZ's Photo AllStarZ 22 Jan 2007

You don't get my point. The weapons' capabilities are being overinflated by attention and possess a number of flaws which are not discussed in media. Also, it is not being used, and it hasn't even reached ComEval yet.

Eddy01741's Photo Eddy01741 24 Jan 2007

I don't know why I even bother, if your stuff is true about military using them, you say that my thing about military merely FUNDING the project is untrue, hey, the arguement is still on your side, and you reject it, i'm to strapped on time, but just google "navy metal storm contract" see what you get. Anyways, are you f8cking kidding me, futureweapons did metal storm over 3 months ago (i'd think over half a year), do you even know when the contract was signd, oh yeah, about a week after new years day, way to not use any backup support besides futureweapons. Seriously, in futureweapons, they called a F-16 a F-15, or was it the other way around. Also, one of the first episodes of futureweapons was on the M-82/M-107, first episode of this season, they're bragging about the AS-50. Seriously, M-82 isn't anything of the future, and neither is the AS50, and they definitely shouldn't go around saying the M-82 is the best for one year, then the next say that the AS-50 is the best when they were both in use before the first season of futureweapons started, they are both long range sniper rifles firing the .50 cal BMG as well, why don't they do a report on the new sniper rifle from i think it was the company 'Amp' from Germany instead, that thing is made for precision, not for power. The point is, if you go to futureweapons for your weapons knowledge, well, then I guess many people could say what I'm gonna say. *shuts door AGAIN*, FYI, I only come back here for amusement, I'm not here all-out arguing my point, and i don't think you would want that either.