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#51 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 30 July 2006 - 20:44

People who call you and when you say "hello" they wait a year to say what they wanted to say. People who call you, find out it's the wrong number, then don't pay attention when they dial the number again, only to find out it's you they're calling!!
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#52 Hobbesy

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Posted 30 July 2006 - 21:52

The fat bastards who think I'm gay cause I use a comp instead of a PS2 all day.

Just another reason I don't fit in at my school full of "G-Gangstas"

I'm glad my dad got his new job so we did'nt have to live by them.

Thats probably the one nice thing I have loving happy parents.

Edited by Tic-Tac 1098, 30 July 2006 - 21:53.

#53 MentalAss

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Posted 30 July 2006 - 23:17

View PostSwitchblade, on 30 Jul 2006, 14:34, said:

People who constantly cuss, making "fuck" as common as "and" or "uh".
Such as "Man thats some fucked up shit what the fuck was that all about FUCK!"

What the fuck? That fucking asshole sounds a fucking lot like me, what an inconsiderate fuck.

Sorry, I'll stop fucking around now. :dope:

View PostMajor Nuker, on 30 Jul 2006, 14:48, said:

The people up the street from me are friggin' idiots......his parents need a slap from reality.

I'm glad you have got the patience of a saint, for if someone touched my car......*insert angry grunt here*

#54 Moosy Crisp


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Posted 30 July 2006 - 23:21

If someone touched my charger, they would be missing. I would sell them into slavery, or make them eat grass for 2 weeks straight.

#55 MentalAss

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Posted 30 July 2006 - 23:26


Sorry for the caps but that would be my dream car ...

'69 Dodge Charger R/T. 440 Magnum or 426 Hemi it doesn't matter, its all kick ass.

#56 Moosy Crisp


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Posted 30 July 2006 - 23:26

It isn't a '69 but it still kicks ass.

#57 MentalAss

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Posted 30 July 2006 - 23:29

Well if its cirica 66-70 I still bow my head to you.

#58 Jordan

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Posted 31 July 2006 - 00:48

One thing that really REALLY pisses me off is one of my neighbors.

Ever since we moved in here, they've been yammering on and on, blairing loud music, day and night. It's even worse during July 4th to July 8th, 9th, or however long they go. They play music and blabber until 2 in the morning, and setting off firecrackers during the time. Also, 2 smart-asses were chucking snowballs at our house, and they broke a window. However, we got such good quality pictures of them in the act, that they were busted soooo bad.
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#59 Soul

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Posted 31 July 2006 - 00:52

The fact that lower-class people rarely win the lottery and it is basically middle-class people who win my mom has bought a ticket muiltple times and so far she hasn't one anything useful excipt a free ticket or 5 or 10 bucks I hope she wins.
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 Insomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#60 Foxhound

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Posted 31 July 2006 - 01:01

I did a fucking complete split while playing DDR. I mean what the fuck?!

My legs were at a fucking straight angle and now everything around my upper legs hurt (including my fucking nuts because I fell so fucking quickly)!


(lol, the only reason I said fuck so much was because of Switchblade's post. sorry.)
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#61 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 31 July 2006 - 01:14

No Mental, I don't have the patience of a saint, it's just that the little brat hasn't touched my car.........yet. The minute he does, it will be the minute he wished he wasn't alive because my car is worth more than his life (I drive a 2001 Buick Regal GS btw).

The paparazzi. What's the big deal about a celebrities life? Does it really matter what they wear to bed or who they hang out with? NO!!!! They were "normal" people once too, and now that they have a career that just so happens to pay well, doesn't automatically give someone the right to stick a camera in their face 24/7. Granted, those who wish to become celebrities technically "void" the right to privacy, but that's not the point. The point is that people are people, no matter how you look at them. They will make mistakes, it's just a matter of who's there to take the picture when someone screws up. I hate the paprazzi. Yes, I know I'm not famous (though there is a possibility..... :dope: ), but I wouldn't want someone with a camera taking snap-shots of me walking down the driveway in my PJ's and robe to get the mail. To be completely and brutally honest, I'd snap. I would snap on one of them and probably beat them to within an inch of their life. Then the tabloids would "slander" my name. So what, maybe that would give people a hint: DON'T **** WITH ME!!!! (of course there would be that one person who doesn't get the hint....I pity that person).
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#62 Whitey

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Posted 31 July 2006 - 03:13

Man, I so agree, and if (which I won't) I become famous, I will go outside packing an M4, M92, and a kevlar vest. No paparazi will touch me!

#63 MentalAss

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Posted 31 July 2006 - 07:53

Somehow I cannot come to a conclusion that involves beating the shit out of someone. Might feel nice, but in the end that someone or a relative of that someone will sue the shit out of you, probably win and further fuck your life over.

Now thats a piss off.

Edited by MentalAss, 31 July 2006 - 13:42.

#64 Soul

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Posted 31 July 2006 - 13:24

People who hurt themself's at a place (Like a fast food joint) and then sue the place for there own stupidity >: .
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 Insomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#65 DreadNot

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Posted 31 July 2006 - 18:04

View PostMajor Nuker, on 30 Jul 2006, 20:14, said:

The paparazzi. What's the big deal about a celebrities life? Does it really matter what they wear to bed or who they hang out with? NO!!!! They were "normal" people once too, and now that they have a career that just so happens to pay well, doesn't automatically give someone the right to stick a camera in their face 24/7. Granted, those who wish to become celebrities technically "void" the right to privacy, but that's not the point. The point is that people are people, no matter how you look at them. They will make mistakes, it's just a matter of who's there to take the picture when someone screws up. I hate the paprazzi. Yes, I know I'm not famous (though there is a possibility..... :dope: ), but I wouldn't want someone with a camera taking snap-shots of me walking down the driveway in my PJ's and robe to get the mail. To be completely and brutally honest, I'd snap. I would snap on one of them and probably beat them to within an inch of their life. Then the tabloids would "slander" my name. So what, maybe that would give people a hint: DON'T **** WITH ME!!!! (of course there would be that one person who doesn't get the hint....I pity that person).

View PostSwitchblade, on 30 Jul 2006, 22:13, said:

Man, I so agree, and if (which I won't) I become famous, I will go outside packing an M4, M92, and a kevlar vest. No paparazi will touch me!

Man damn right. IF (and that's a big if) I ever do become famous, I'd go stealth on them and sneak right past them.

On a related note, I hate people who idolize celebrities like Ashlee Simpson, Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, and Paris Hilton. All of them are idiots, their music sucks, and Paris' show can suck on a blow torch (in my opinion of course). And they pantomime half the damn time. I swear there are at least 6 girls in my grade alone that think celebrities are worth taking a bullet for. Personally, I wouldn't even try to slow a bullet down with a piece of cardboard because I hate them so much. I don't care how hot they are, they are all idiots.
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#66 Soul

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Posted 31 July 2006 - 18:08

Truth it be indeed.
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 Insomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#67 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 31 July 2006 - 19:26

View PostForgotten_Soul, on 31 Jul 2006, 09:24, said:

People who hurt themself's at a place (Like a fast food joint) and then sue the place for there own stupidity >: .

You shouldn't have put that there.............it reminded me of a few stupid cases:

People who can't and won't take responsibility for their actions. Case in point: A woman at a furniture store tripped and fell and sued the company for injuries. The cause of her fall: her little boy was crawling on the floor behind a sofa and the woman "unaware" of her son, backed into him and fell over. >: WTF!?! In another instance, a woman wanted to get into a bar, but refused to pay the $2!! cover charge (2 friggin' dollars!!!). She climbed in through a bathroom window, and as she was coming through, she lost her balance and broke her front teeth. She sued the bar for several million (or several hundred thousand) and won!!! Last and not least: a man and his girlfriend were sitting at a table in McDonald's. The two got into an argument, and the woman threw a soda at the man's head. He ducked and the soda spilled all over the floor. As the woman got up to leave, she slipped on the spilled soda and sued McDonald's and won!!! WTF!!! If you do something in a place of business, and it's YOUR fault it happened, then YOU need to take responsibility for YOUR actions. Probably the most famous case: A woman places her HOT coffee on the dashboard of her car and stabs the accelerator. The coffee slides off the dashboard and burns the woman's legs and stomach :wahhhhhaa: She sued McDonald's for a few million dollars and now McDonald's has to put warning labels on their coffee cups. People, it's common sense that when you order a HOT coffee from a fast food restaurant, that the coffee will be HOT!! The woman that sued is the type of person who would sue had the coffee been ice cold :dope: . There's no way to win.

Another thing, where the **** do they get the judges for these cases?!? What, did they pull them out of freshman year at law school?? The fact that these people won ther cases, and it wasn't the place of business' fault is OUTLANDISH!!! Something should ring in the judges head that the people who are suing need to be the ones who are getting sued, not the company!!!

Disclaimer: The fact that all of these stories contain women committing mindless acts is pure coincidence and in no way is supposed to portray women in a negative light.


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#68 Soul

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Posted 31 July 2006 - 19:31

I agree with what Major said it's the fact that it's true.
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 Insomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#69 Moosy Crisp


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Posted 31 July 2006 - 20:14

Or like the burglar who tried to break into a garage. A shelf fell on him and he was trapped for several days. He had to eat dog food to survive. Then he sued the dude he was trying to rob and won! I mean, damn! If you're that stupid to try to break into someone's garage anyways, you deserve it! You deserve to eat dog food for the rest of your life!

#70 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 31 July 2006 - 20:32

Dog food and soda to be more precise, but yes, how in Andre Agasis' name did he win?!?!?

A man fell through the skylight of a lady's house that he was going to rob. The skylight was placed over the kitchen, and when the potential burglar fell, he fell and got his hand stuck in the garbage disposal. He sued the woman for his mangled hand.......and you guessed it, he won. :chainer: He deserved to get his hand mangled, or worse. He was trespassing on private property and to top it all off, he broke in and entered (rather literally might I add).

A man who was driving his RV decided to make a pot of coffee, while on the freeway (some of you know where this is going). He put the RV in cruise control (which only maintains the speed of and does not physically drive the vehicle). Because the man was not in the driver's seat and in contact with the steering wheel, and IIRC, the RV hit a pole or another vehicle. The man sued the RV company, and not only did he win several million dollars, he got a new Winebego...... :dope: >: :chainer: . How the **** did he still keep his license after that?!?!?! Was the judge deaf during the part where the man physically left the driver's seat and proceeded to make himself a pot of coffee?!?! How can someone win a case like this? Better yet, how did all of these people win their case??

I stand by this mantra, and always will until someone proves me wrong: People (in general) do not think before they act. If these cases are not proof of this, I don't know what is.
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#71 AllStarZ

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Posted 31 July 2006 - 23:23

Somebody school smashed open a window in our cafeteria at school right in broad daylight 2 weeks ago, and stole some snacks from the vending machines. There were about 4 video cameras and 1 motion detector device right around the area he broke into.

#72 Jordan

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 02:48

I bet he got owned, or did he sue the school for "violating privacy" and his probably cut hand.
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#73 AllStarZ

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 11:55

Nope, he smashed it open with a dislodged sign.

#74 Soul

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 12:31

Kids (If any age) who blame video games, music, or T.V for doing something stupid or illegal cause they try to get out of being in troble I mean why do in the first place if you don't want to be responsble for something you did that was wrong it's patetic you'd think that they would have enough commin sence not to do these things but they do then anyway >: I wouldn't be as dumb or irresponsable as those kids.

Edited by Forgotten_Soul, 01 August 2006 - 12:32.

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 Insomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#75 Foxhound

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Posted 04 August 2006 - 21:24

I'm kinda pissed off now because it seems that the only good gaming computers out there are out of my budget. Hear me out on this one:

I'm a fan of gaming, but I'm horribly suppressed by this old comp I'm on. The only comp here that has a prayer of playing games well at all isn't exactly convienient.

Most newer games require something with muscle (aka anything over $1000). Basically, that means if you're low on cash or a teenager but really want a new comp, you have to settle for some piece of crap that can't do shit. Even when you get into the better stuff, it doesn't really get good til you hit the $3000+ range...out of the league of most people with a normal job. The best comps can go anywhere from $5000 to $10000 dollars. You can't be a normal person to own something that big, unless you want to sacrifice on necessity.

Basically, that means that you need to win the freaking lottery if you're Average Joe Office Job Guy (or any regular job, for that matter), and for someone my age...forget it.
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