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Do you take alcohol ?

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Poll: Do you take alchocol ? (32 member(s) have cast votes)


  1. Yes (17 votes [53.12%])

    Percentage of vote: 53.12%

  2. No (15 votes [46.88%])

    Percentage of vote: 46.88%

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#26 General

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 16:10

View PostBlaat85, on 5 Nov 2006, 19:57, said:

Most of the times that does not happen. Only in a few occasions. That's how it's here anyway. I'm not saying I support drunkenness, I have never been drunk. But here that doesn't happen often really, gladly.

What I am saying , should we continue to get risk ?

Its like saying ; ''I found a cure for cancer , its usefull on some peoples but its kill you instantly many occasions '' .

If someone say this , that drug probably gonna banned .

Anyways . I talk and say whatever I can :) So keep up :)

Edited by General, 05 November 2006 - 16:10.

#27 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 16:15

high-sugar products can kill some people, should we take the risk, no lets ban them

houses sometimes collapse, we better not live in them then, lets ban them too

your just being too pretective of people, its like that thing that was mentioned a few weeks back about a school banning tag, just because there is a slight chnace of injury, doesn't mean it should be banned :)
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#28 DreadNot

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 16:24

I have tried it but it tastes like cat piss.

Yes, that means I didn't like it.
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#29 spiderspag


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Posted 05 November 2006 - 16:37

View PostGeneral, on 6 Nov 2006, 02:09, said:

I think they love being stupid and uncontrolled for a while .

That's precisely the point. Crazy things happen when you are out of it, both good and bad things. It's another form of escape from the mundane, predictable and occasionally hopeless. It strips away many of your inhibitions, and occasionally better judgment. But then, so do hormones. And adrenaline.

Edited by spiderspag, 05 November 2006 - 16:38.

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#30 Whitey

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 16:40

None of you even drink Champagne on new years'?

#31 Nuke General

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 16:41

Not old enough, so no alchool for me :)
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#32 Athena

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 16:42

@ Switchblade
No, why would I? I don't even like its taste.

#33 Elezzzark


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Posted 05 November 2006 - 16:50

I drink moderatly. Different types of alcohol.

@General: If you are Islamic, you never drink that. When i was First Communication, i´ve drank holy wine.
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#34 Blonde-Unknown

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 16:58

Yes i do but i only do it on occasion like partys and stuff.. i dont realy do it just to look good or anything
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#35 General

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 17:02

View PostBob, on 5 Nov 2006, 20:15, said:

high-sugar products can kill some people, should we take the risk, no lets ban them

houses sometimes collapse, we better not live in them then, lets ban them too

your just being too pretective of people, its like that thing that was mentioned a few weeks back about a school banning tag, just because there is a slight chnace of injury, doesn't mean it should be banned :)

Aaaaaaaah maan *cries * you don't get it are you ? When peoples get alcohol , they '' may '' harm '' others '' when they drunk ! but when you take high - sugar , you only will harm '' yourself '' ...

I hope you got my point now -_-

#36 Ascendancy

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 17:05

I don't drink because: 1) Underage, 2) I've seen how dumb people get when they drink too much, 3) My disease could be amplified if I drink too much, and 4) There's other ways to be dumb and not screw up your body permanently.

And also, high sugar products would mean instant death for me if I didn't do anything about it.
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#37 Dauth

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 17:05

People do you realise how many forms of alcohol is available?

Beer is split into:
-Lager, its fizzy and usually about 3-5% alcohol, famous brands include Budwiser, Carlsberg, Millers, Kronenbourg

-Ale, its more of an english drink than american but still popular on the continent, brands include Tetley's, John Smiths and Abbots ale (This is my favourite type of beer)

-Stout, Thicker and darker than ale or lager, the irish undisputed best is Guiness

Wine: -
Ok this tastes a little less attractive to me but im a beer drinker most fo these are 10-15% alcohol

White : fruity crisp and clear - white meat chicken turkey etc

Red: sronger taste but to me mostly like vinegar - dark meat, beef lamb or duck

Rose: a combination or red and white -often good with fish

Champagne: only true champagne is form the region that is its namesake, - im not a big fan

Fortified wines: -
These are usually about 20% alcohol and should be drunk in smaller glasses than wine

Port: red wine with brandy, i like this but it is expensive tastes fruity but has a kick

Sherry: Dry like a white wine again with a kick (very small glasses)

Mead: Traditional english drink, made from fermented honey range from 15-20% alcohol, full of sugar great for cold nights


Most of these are about 40% includes whiskey and vodka aswell as rum and brandy. all powerful flavours that are enjoyable try one with coke or orange


Things like baileys, smabuca, uzo, any of the ones with coffee in, these taste as the named ingredient with an alcoholic kick, often thicker than water and much sweeter than spirits, range from 30-50%

Alcholopops : premade mix of spirt (usually vodka) and sugar; popular with teens (in uk) a good way to get drunk if your not used to alcohol.

I know ive missed some things and sipped over others but;

taste something before you decide you hate it. [blast now ive said that ive got to eat broccoli]

#38 Athena

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 17:13

@ General
You can also harm others with kitchen knifes or guns, yet those are not forbidden everywhere (although I personally believe guns should be forbidden). Most people who drink alcohol do not hurt others. While I really agree that those who do, should be punished and be denied alcohol, the rest shouldn't have to suffer from it. There's a lot of people who drink alcohol but don't get drunk often, it's called moderation. While I personally don't want alcohol ever, I can't stop those who do. Despite the fact it hurts me to hear for example my sibling's voice changed or to see them feel bad, it was their choice to get in a tipsy or drunk state. As long as they do not hurt or bother people with it, it's their full right to do so.

Edited by Blaat85, 05 November 2006 - 17:14.

#39 Teron

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 17:18

View PostSwitchblade, on 5 Nov 2006, 16:11, said:

New years = Champagne!

Agreed. And not only Champagne. Though I don't like the taste of beer, I get more attracted to Wodka, Baileys etc.. But new year is the only time I drink more than it is good for me (I have never puked, cause of alco.).

I drink sometimes one to two cocktails per half year.(birthdays...)
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#40 General

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 17:27

View PostBlaat85, on 5 Nov 2006, 21:13, said:

@ General
You can also harm others with kitchen knifes or guns, yet those are not forbidden everywhere (although I personally believe guns should be forbidden). Most people who drink alcohol do not hurt others. While I really agree that those who do, should be punished and be denied alcohol, the rest shouldn't have to suffer from it. There's a lot of people who drink alcohol but don't get drunk often, it's called moderation. While I personally don't want alcohol ever, I can't stop those who do. Despite the fact it hurts me to hear for example my sibling's voice changed or to see them feel bad, it was their choice to get in a tipsy or drunk state. As long as they do not hurt or bother people with it, it's their full right to do so.

Ok ok ok , enough for me >_> * out of discussion *

#41 Blonde-Unknown

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 17:33

Its kinda the same situation as cigorates.. you get addicted.. but they ont ever ban it... but they shoukd the pricces really high so peoplle might stop buying it.. or increase the age level of use
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#42 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 17:36

View PostGeneral, on 5 Nov 2006, 17:02, said:

Aaaaaaaah maan *cries * you don't get it are you ? When peoples get alcohol , they '' may '' harm '' others '' when they drunk ! but when you take high - sugar , you only will harm '' yourself '' ...

I hope you got my point now -_-

ok maybe a bad example, how about cars, thats a good example, you may say "cars, you sir are insane", but cars are most of the time perfectly alright, but sometimes accidents happen and people die (that includes people that weren't even driving), so that has good and bad points, but no-one has banned cars because sometimes people die or get injured

its all about how you use something, i do agree that sometimes alcahol is not always the solution, and sometimes it does make people violent, but that does not happen to everyone, for example, when i drink i become more confident within myself, that is not a bad thing
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#43 Blonde-Unknown

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 17:42

Yeah thats a good point actually.. But i still think they should make the pirces higher so people dont buy it as mutch.. Well i dont kno if that will help.. maybe it will make people poorer O_O or they should advertise help centers that are near you city/town/village
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#44 Mathias

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 17:42

Yes, but I am careful not to get drunk-
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#45 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 17:52

View PostBlonde-Unknown, on 5 Nov 2006, 17:42, said:

Yeah thats a good point actually.. But i still think they should make the pirces higher so people dont buy it as mutch.. Well i dont kno if that will help.. maybe it will make people poorer O_O or they should advertise help centers that are near you city/town/village

or they shouldn't advertise to people who are two young to drink, think about it, alot of alchopops are brightly coloured, appealing to a young market :)
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#46 Blonde-Unknown

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 17:56

Very good point.. i agree with that alot acutally.. also its should be like £8 a pop :) and really dull apeal on the bottle
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#47 Dauth

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 21:40

Im a student and can leagally drink in the UK, i'll be well pissed off if my beer was scaled up by teh same price as alchopops being £8. Id probably start home brewing and thats dangerous

#48 Alias

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Posted 06 November 2006 - 04:54

I've had 1/4 glass of wine, and a little beer. Once.

It tastes foul.

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#49 Ironside

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Posted 06 November 2006 - 05:44

I have taken alcohol on special ocasions such as a party or after a realy hard days work. I will probably never spend money to buy it as I don't realy care for it. It has one plus thought, top shelf wisky can cure a sore throat unbalievably fast, one shot and a minute later your throat feels almost perfect, five minutes later and you'll never know you had a sore throat.
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 Rumpullpus, on 22 May 2006, 20:55, said:

ironside is my hero!
i say we just wipe the asshole of the world with nukes and make it nice and clean.

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#50 Flying Tigers

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Posted 06 November 2006 - 06:49

I take alcohol but only a few glass then I stop so I don't get drunk

PS: I think some people more addicted to alcohol and some people not because of family genes and brain? I watch discovery channel

Edited by Flying Tigers, 06 November 2006 - 06:50.

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