Clueless demigods, timetravelling rapebait, smug, sycophantic psykers, introverted alien bibliophiles and some cynical dude amidst it all.
Episodes: http://a.scarywater.net/afk/
Recently watched this show, urged by Something Awful's ADTRW forum, where it has a strong fan following (it has a strong fan following overall). I recommend you to watch atleast 4-5 episodes before you state your opinion, as that's when the big fleshy core of the plot starts turning up.
Haruhi Suzumiya is a series which masterfully blends almost every genre you can think of, making for a highly entertaining and highly discussable experience which I would not want anyone to miss out on.
Initially I didn't know what to expect. The episodes are in an unchronological order, the first episode offers no intro and is, actually, a short movie made by the characters - but after a few episodes you understand why it was made like this, and it works well. Although the show initially seems like a silly innuendo school comedy, it delves into grand sci-fi themes, kitchy krim plots, romance and underlying classical psychology references - as for Haruhi, she's a living, walking Nietsche's übermensch.
The unconventional chronology builds tension and a neat balance between comedy and plot/philosophical speculation which would otherwise become tedious or forced. I do not recommend anyone to try to watch the episodes in the chronological order rather than the intended one.
The amount of subtle parodies and plot hints, the way everything you've slowly been fed, you've slowly put together in your head comes to a climax in a last episode which, chronologically, is about only the 6th episode, but still feels like the most conclusive and climatic experience you've seen in a series... It's simply amazing and nothing short of masterfully done.
Torrents, character bios, the overall premise and pretty much everything else is in the link to SA at the top of my post. The spoilers are well marked.
Edited by Cycerin, 30 November 2006 - 14:21.