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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Mathias's Photo Mathias 14 Nov 2006

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Clueless demigods, timetravelling rapebait, smug, sycophantic psykers, introverted alien bibliophiles and some cynical dude amidst it all.

Episodes: http://a.scarywater.net/afk/

Recently watched this show, urged by Something Awful's ADTRW forum, where it has a strong fan following (it has a strong fan following overall). I recommend you to watch atleast 4-5 episodes before you state your opinion, as that's when the big fleshy core of the plot starts turning up.

Haruhi Suzumiya is a series which masterfully blends almost every genre you can think of, making for a highly entertaining and highly discussable experience which I would not want anyone to miss out on.

Initially I didn't know what to expect. The episodes are in an unchronological order, the first episode offers no intro and is, actually, a short movie made by the characters - but after a few episodes you understand why it was made like this, and it works well. Although the show initially seems like a silly innuendo school comedy, it delves into grand sci-fi themes, kitchy krim plots, romance and underlying classical psychology references - as for Haruhi, she's a living, walking Nietsche's übermensch.
The unconventional chronology builds tension and a neat balance between comedy and plot/philosophical speculation which would otherwise become tedious or forced. I do not recommend anyone to try to watch the episodes in the chronological order rather than the intended one.
The amount of subtle parodies and plot hints, the way everything you've slowly been fed, you've slowly put together in your head comes to a climax in a last episode which, chronologically, is about only the 6th episode, but still feels like the most conclusive and climatic experience you've seen in a series... It's simply amazing and nothing short of masterfully done.

Torrents, character bios, the overall premise and pretty much everything else is in the link to SA at the top of my post. The spoilers are well marked.
Edited by Cycerin, 30 November 2006 - 14:21.

Guest_Centric Founder and Owner_* 17 Nov 2006

OMG you copy cat I found this show first.

Mathias's Photo Mathias 17 Nov 2006

True, but I didn't watch it because of you.

EDIT: Fleshed out the first post with a few more paragraphs.
Edited by Cycerin, 17 November 2006 - 21:55.

Soul's Photo Soul 18 Nov 2006

I'd help if you'd give me a link to the eps you know.

Mathias's Photo Mathias 20 Nov 2006

It'd help if you actually read my posts:


Torrents, character bios, the overall premise and pretty much everything else is in the link at the top of my post.

I guess I'll make a direct link then: http://a.scarywater.net/afk/

Soul's Photo Soul 20 Nov 2006

Um is it in eng or jap or is jap with eng subs?

I just wondering before hand.

Mathias's Photo Mathias 20 Nov 2006

Subbed of course... You call yourself an anime lover and you think you'll get raws from a fansub site?

Mathias's Photo Mathias 30 Nov 2006


This isn't a goddamn sharing site. Do you understand why I'd make a thread like this?

I want to introduce people to something I think they'll enjoy.
I want your opinons. I want a discussion. Even if it's just a oneliner. Does a long opening post indicate that I expect a wall of text in return or something?
Are you guys shy? Is it too much effort to tell the OP what you think? Is it TL;DR? Do you think you'd insult me? Insult me by starting a wonderful discussion - oh PLEASE. :/

I recall the Azu Fighter thread I made here. 200 views, not ONE reply. Something stinks.

Waris's Photo Waris 30 Nov 2006

Oh oh oh. Just bumped into this.

I have watched some episodes when my mate at the campus managed to DL some of the EPs.

Its quite good, I think it is way better than Naruto which I'd stuff a CD of that anime up a dog's arse if I ever find one.

BillyChaka's Photo BillyChaka 30 Nov 2006

View PostWaris, on 30 Nov 2006, 09:24, said:

Its quite good, I think it is way better than Naruto which I'd stuff a CD of that anime up a dog's arse if I ever find one.

Quoted for truth. Naruto needs to die.
Edited by BillyChaka, 01 December 2006 - 00:01.

Alie's Photo Alie 01 Dec 2006

It's pretty good. I like the fact that the episodes aren't in chronical order. after watching an episode you start to make predictions on the next which sorta ruins it if your correct . but then the next episode it seems that the whole anime switched gears or something but in reality this is what the director indends. when you watch the next episode you forget about your prediction and focus on the episode at hand.

thanks Cycerin for turning me onto this anime :/

Mathias's Photo Mathias 01 Dec 2006

Mm. If they had done it chronologically, the gradually intensifying plot would just have appeared clichéd, predictable and overdone. Also, jeez, that rainy day episode where NOTHING happens is chronologically the last one. Imagine THAT as a conclusion to the series... :/

Soul's Photo Soul 06 Dec 2006

Sorry for posting so late but I can't watch it cause I don't have the right codec to play it and I'm to damn lazy to get it, so is there another place I can watch the eps like YouTube or something?

Comr4de's Photo Comr4de 06 Dec 2006

View PostBillyChaka, on 30 Nov 2006, 17:59, said:

View PostWaris, on 30 Nov 2006, 09:24, said:

Its quite good, I think it is way better than Naruto which I'd stuff a CD of that anime up a dog's arse if I ever find one.

Quoted for truth. Naruto needs to die.

Wow thank god I'm not the only one.

You know what, I'll have to check this out since there hasnt been a good anime I've seen since Trigun :P
Edited by C0|V|R4DE, 06 December 2006 - 21:36.

Soul's Photo Soul 06 Dec 2006

I found Haruhi on YouTube.

BillyChaka's Photo BillyChaka 07 Dec 2006

I saw it. Even if they're aliens, I don't find it ridiculous enough. It's funny, but it's still boring to me.

Mathias's Photo Mathias 07 Dec 2006

So you need overblown style aka. Bebop or insane randomness like FLCL to find something amusing? Not taunting you, I just wonder.

P.S: They're not aliens. Just one. :P And she's not even an alien... More like a bug in the system.

EDIT: Forgotten_Soul, get VLC. It takes ANY type of video file. You should see them in the big format.. YouTube is so shitty. :bigeye:
Edited by Cycerin, 07 December 2006 - 07:38.

BillyChaka's Photo BillyChaka 07 Dec 2006

Yeah. It just doesn't have enough "finesse" or "subtlty" I guess.

Mathias's Photo Mathias 07 Dec 2006

It has. People find new things to discuss, new theories, there are shitloads of fandom here. Depends on what "finesse" is to you, of course. But don't come here and call this series shallow, because it isn't.

BillyChaka's Photo BillyChaka 07 Dec 2006

So this is deep to you?

Mathias's Photo Mathias 07 Dec 2006

Yeah - somewhat. There's tons to analyze here, subtle humor for people who read between the lines. As Kyon said, "freud would have a field day with this dream". Can't you bring up some proper arguments to back up your opinion? Easier for me to pick them apart then.

You seem to be set on the fact that this series is a simple highschool comedy or something and leave it at that, though.

EDIT: By the way, did you see it all? The entire series, taking the time to watch every episode from start to finish? Or did you just skim through.
Edited by Cycerin, 07 December 2006 - 11:25.

Comr4de's Photo Comr4de 07 Dec 2006

Oh I remeber FCLC, it was crazy as shit - but the animation and well the story was crazy :P( but I liked it.) :dope:

Wait, who are aliens? O_o
Edited by C0|V|R4DE, 07 December 2006 - 16:33.

Soul's Photo Soul 07 Dec 2006

Edit: Nothing to see here go on your way.
Edited by Forgotten_Soul, 08 December 2006 - 18:18.

Mathias's Photo Mathias 07 Dec 2006

Don't spoil shit, dude.

Soul's Photo Soul 08 Dec 2006

Fuck sorry.