“I understand that you have an urgent declaration regarding the relationship of our nation?” The Ambassador of China asked his grim faced Russian counterpart as he took out a short official letter from his pocket, as the Ambassador’s one eyebrow raised comically over the other, his lips pursed together. “So, when does this start?”
“Three hours ago, when we ordered a decapitation strike on your strategic assets, now if you excuse me, I have work to do, I cannot be seen chatting with my nation’ enemies” The Russian responded awkwardly and looked around before quickly a small box into the Chinese’s hands before returning to his paperwork. “You and your countrymen will be taking the last Aeroflot flight to neutral Mexico, goodbye.”
It wasn’t until Ambassador had gotten back into the car to go back to the embassy to inform his country of this grave news when he reached into the pocket for a smoke when he remembered the box, curious of its contents, the box was opened to reveal a small jar of Russia’s best caviar. The Ambassador smiled to himself, before putting the jar back into his pocket. He puffed on his cigarette as he looked through the window, staring out into gloomy Moscow dawn, there was going to be a lot less of a reason to smile once he got back to China.
Russia/China border, 30
“Major Golovko, the division is ready to move out on your command.” A private, fresh from training camp, barely 20 years old ducked into the hull of the command vehicle to inform of the division’s development to the Major as the BMP-3K started its engines and rumbled and jostled on the muddy Siberian road.
“The order still stands, commence the operation.” Golovko replied as he unfurled what seemed to be a large paper map, pointing at locations, which is faithful and loyal lieutenants would mark down with a special marker onto the map itself. The private looked at the map puzzled until it saw that the map was actually a foldable LCD electronic display, the pen that marked were real time satellite photos – photos of the Chinese-Mongolian-Russian border and the armored column that has amassed at the said border.
“Operation Foxhound starts now. Commence firing.” Golovko said, his voice calm and monotonous, the brief silence shattered when the entire ground shook with the force of an minor earthquake as the both their regiment and many others all across the Siberian border opened fire, the MSTA-S’s 152mm howitzers booming in unison, the echo of the opening barrage barely receding when the screeching sounds of incendiary rockets fired from Buratinos masking the thunderous roar of Russia’s finest tank division rolling into China and Mongolia. Many people were going to die by if his predictions were correct, Golovko thought, but this war was a matter of his nation’s survival.
Golovko’s father fought the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan, his grandfather served in Chechnya, his great-grandfather was a tank-commander in the Great Patriotic War. A Golovko is ‘born into combat, not for glory but for the defense of the Motherland from enemies. To fight enemies both abroad and internally inside the nation to protect our homes.” Funny how that translated into invading China and invading somebody else’s home, the Major wondered the irony of the isutation.
As usual, read and review.
Edited by Razven, 14 May 2009 - 17:09.