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Random Mapper Guild Garbage Topic

Crazykenny's Photo Crazykenny 05 Dec 2006

Will do, and man i just released a second mappack.... These things take time, like 3 months....

Lance The Maverick's Photo Lance The Maverick 05 Dec 2006

Report on Highway to Hell

Map Format
I rather enjoyed the set up of the map as it truly focused on team work and fortifying positions over just raw blitzkriegs carrying the battle. With the narrow bridges and the chances for artillary to rain hell on enemy approaches it really mean you had to micromanage your attacks if you wanted to win. Straight up assaults were typically decimated and it was nearly impossible to straight up blitz an opponent if they knew how to defend. Weather effects were very nice so my kudos to that.

Player vs AI
There must be an AI glitch somehwere because none of the AI did anything so I was rather dissapointed in that aspect and was unable to really test it.

Player vs Player
A friend of mine tried this map out with me and we had a very enthusiastic battle. As I stated in the Map Format this map required micromanaged assaults over raw LOLZ I SEND BLITZ. Both of us were skilled at building fast defenses so the battle lasted a good couple of hours before we decided to let statistics decide the win (he won barely...damn chinese money whoring...).

Overall Grade : 6.1/10.0 (AI Scripting hurt the overall grade.)


Report Urban Assault

Map Format
Someone knew how to build because I found this map extremely detailed even for a one on one map this was well thought out and I enjoyed waging the war against the enemy since I love vertical maps. Maybe it's the nostalgia of feeling like an arcade. I played a few games and I must say that it definantly presented a very interesting challenge since the city was key if you expected to advance much further. Whoever held the city stopped the advance of the other. I liked the spring sort of feel to this map and enjoyed waging war against the AI. I very much enjoyed the building placement and it felt like I was waging war in a town rather then hastily placed buildings.

Player vs AI
The AI was damnably clever using aerial units to cross the center resulting in me focusing my defense on the center lines first. Yet when the AI sent the ground assault I was underprepared and suffered serious losses to my forces having to rush in my jets and my comanches as USA Vanilla to stop the advance. Artillary given proper positioning held the front many times and much to my relief. This was definantly a map where China's forces made a tough match-up especially the Nuke General.

Player vs Player
Not tested but, if it is as anything as good as what Player vs AI was then I look forward to PvP.

Overall Grade: 9.2/10.0 (There is some room for improvement since hover units properly used were devestating as they hurt tank lines in flank manuevers but, I enjoyed this map.)


Long March

Map Format
Another vertical map (god I love these) that was waged war on a desert. The center of the map felt like an Oasis and in some ways viewed from a classic angle it was a battle of resouces and securing the water (Dune anyone?). The plateau in the center provided a very unique defensive option and a king of the hill sort of feel. Sure you could run around the plateau or fly around it but, if you controlled the center you had a heavy advantage over the enemy as your artillary murdered the enemies. With Chinese Listening Outposts I had an early warning system long before the enemy lines were commited to attack (GLA Toxin). With artillary properly positioned and gaurded the enemy was often ruined allowing me to slowly expand.

Player vs AI
In Toxin GLA vs Vanilla China the enemy made good use of fast-moving units to quickly scramble up the plateau and occupy my tanks and artillary while slower-moving units and their artillary came into view. Bunkers and Listening Outposts often became unmanned if the enemies toxin tractors somehow slipped in. The enemy was quick yo expand and gather what resources they could and it became a trench warfare sort of affair when I wasn't holding the plateau. I often came across GLA defenses when I least expected it (damn camo...) and that gave me some real trouble. I did have great fun in trying offensive and defensive roles showing that turtling is very much a good strategy here. That being of course only if you grab the center.

Player vs Player
This was a fast-paced game my friend was Air Force General and I was Vanilla China he giving me endless hell with his King Raptors and I was forced to take the plateau to save myself. The flaw with holding the plateau against a player however, is in the fact that it is super-weapon bait as he demonstrated repeatedly when we weren't blowing up each other's superweapons.

Overall Grade: 10.0/10.0 (I found nothing wrong with this map as I played and I enjoyed it immensely!)

Crazykenny's Photo Crazykenny 05 Dec 2006

This is one of the best report that i ever saw... Great work :P

Lance The Maverick's Photo Lance The Maverick 05 Dec 2006

Updated Report on Highway to Hell

Map Format
I rather enjoyed the set up of the map as it truly focused on team work and fortifying positions over just raw blitzkriegs carrying the battle. With the narrow bridges and the chances for artillary to rain hell on enemy approaches it really mean you had to micromanage your attacks if you wanted to win. Straight up assaults were typically decimated and it was nearly impossible to straight up blitz an opponent if they knew how to defend. Weather effects were very nice so my kudos to that.

Player vs AI
The AI problem was fixed in some ways but, there is still a problem. The enemy had resources and I was viewing the AI in the replay and I noticed one thing. Although I had launched attacks on them early to cripple their machine the GLA was barely showing any retaliations except to defend their base. They made use of the bunkers to fortify but, I was somehow expecting more. Kenny told me that this may be a result of a waypoint error.

Player vs Player
A friend of mine tried this map out with me and we had a very enthusiastic battle. As I stated in the Map Format this map required micromanaged assaults over raw LOLZ I SEND BLITZ. Both of us were skilled at building fast defenses so the battle lasted a good couple of hours before we decided to let statistics decide the win (he won barely...damn chinese money whoring...).

Overall Grade : 7.2/10.0 (AI Scripting hurt the overall grade once more though the computer building rather then doing nothing was a relief.)
Edited by Maverick, 05 December 2006 - 18:46.

Nuke General's Photo Nuke General 05 Dec 2006

What would you like me to do? If you want I could just start testing the new guild mappack or whatever you want is fine :P
Edited by Nuke General, 05 December 2006 - 20:36.

TheDR's Photo TheDR 05 Dec 2006

please may i join the team as a map tester

Sic's Photo Sic 05 Dec 2006

In the MG, testers go on msn and the mappers contact them sending maps and requesting reports and suggestions.
The mapper and the tester might go ingame together too, to test. And a hint : while testing , look for bugs the most and always test hills ( if you can walk on them with cars and stuff ).
Edited by General Sic, 05 December 2006 - 21:37.

Lord Atlantis's Photo Lord Atlantis 05 Dec 2006

I have a question for the leaders/admins of the Mapper's Guild:

My I (or all other mappers) double post for updating map projects?


Sgt. Nuker's Photo Sgt. Nuker 06 Dec 2006

Well, it is better that you revive your own topic than to make a new one. This is pretty much if it's your thread.

@The Dr.: If you want to join, test maps in the map pack and give a detailed report. Kenny, Revan and I will decide from there. This is nothing against you, as we've done this to other members, but it's the way we root out wannabes and actual testers.


Major Nuker

Nuke General's Photo Nuke General 06 Dec 2006

Thanks for the tip, I never thought to look at that :P

Lord Atlantis's Photo Lord Atlantis 06 Dec 2006

Kenny, I have put another updated version of "Night Shift" up for download. I have fixed some bugs that Major Nuker reported to me. Use that download for the third map pack :P


Comr4de's Photo Comr4de 06 Dec 2006

I have 2 maps to on work atm, so I'm not sure when I'll get around to doing that map 8 player map - and the map I'm working on for WG will also be available for ShW (counts as the 4 cty player map). However both maps I wont release until we get new releases from both mods.

Edit: Oh a US style city map :P
Edited by C0|V|R4DE, 06 December 2006 - 17:51.

kill mod's Photo kill mod 06 Dec 2006

i want some one to fix it for me i know how to do it but im V.busy so if any one ho want to help in this map it is ok and it is a good map :P .

Attached File(s)


TheDR's Photo TheDR 06 Dec 2006

ok what mappack?

Sic's Photo Sic 06 Dec 2006

It's not rocket science, you can select any one of them. I prefer the second one.

Crazykenny's Photo Crazykenny 06 Dec 2006

One good hint :P Dont think your own maps are cool, let the public deside...

Amdrial's Photo Amdrial 06 Dec 2006

I think his borders need to be fixed (as it was with the last version of the map.

Ascendancy's Photo Ascendancy 06 Dec 2006

I'm glad we have more testers, as it lessens my work load. And I'm sorry to be so hard to get to sometimes, school can be overwhelming. :P

Zancloufer's Photo Zancloufer 07 Dec 2006

Okay, I asked if I could join a while ago, can I?
I posted my most complete mission, Da Hamlet in the Fan maps section. I have a Shokwave mission I could show you, it's almost done. I have 4 skirmish maps I made, but I am not done the scripting on Infantry Tournament For ZH. I also have another 2 missions almost done.
Anyone want me to post one?
I have:
Snowy NightV3, a 2 player Night snow map for Generals
Tourmenant Snow, a 2 player evening snow map, the most balanced since TD. -ZH
Infant Tourmenant, a 4 player Day temperate map for Generals, Infantry only
USAF, a mission for the USAF, vs 2 GLA players.
Stealth Infiltration, a Shockwave mission.
I am working on three Gen challenges:
One vs the Inf Gen, one vs the Demo Gen, and one where you are the 'Hidden' side of Generals, vs all 4 USA factions. -ZH

Sgt. Nuker's Photo Sgt. Nuker 07 Dec 2006

I don't know how Kenny feels, but I would think it be okay if you joined. Your resume seems pretty good, and you have done nice work.


Major Nuker

kill mod's Photo kill mod 07 Dec 2006

yes i know but i need some of a good mapers to Fix it im too :P

Crazykenny's Photo Crazykenny 07 Dec 2006

Hmm....... (Really hmm........ im not 100% sure)

Zancloufer's Photo Zancloufer 07 Dec 2006

Oh, I forgot to add my USA vs China Mission, not to mention the 20+ maps I stopped working on/Deleted. They weren't going anywhere.

Crazykenny's Photo Crazykenny 07 Dec 2006

Take your time COMRADE i havent set a deadline...... yet

Crazykenny's Photo Crazykenny 07 Dec 2006

Well i have desides ill give you a Temp-MG job....