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On Love, Attraction and Relationships

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#1 CoLT


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Posted 04 April 2007 - 13:53

Really don't know if this is the right place.

I just want to know what everyone thinks of this. How can you tell if a girl likes you? What do you look for?

Edited by CoLT, 02 May 2007 - 08:15.

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#2 Dauth

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 14:01

Your guess is as good as mine, every single person is different.

Look for eye contact is all i can mention. Then again i just asked a good friend out almost six years ago.

Also helps me if you give me an idea of age, beacuse people change drastically as they get older.

#3 E.V.E.

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 14:11

Girls in the Age of 12 - 16 you cant be realy sure.
Their Mind can change every Day.

With Girls you dont know, its harder. Eye Contact, Smiling etc.
But, like said before, each Person is diffrent. She could also think that its all just a Flirt and nothing more.
Maybe more, or less.

With Someone you know atleast a bit more (See regulary), you should look at her behaving. Is she diffrent near you? That mostly is the biggest clue you can get.

If you realy are big / best Friends you should maybe even talk about it.

Back to the Girls you dont know, I often saw alot of People wich act like the other Person "Isnt there".
With other words: Sometimes Girls know that a boy likes her, but she doesent show untill the Boy does.
Untill that happends they act like "He´s not there".
A truly strange thing, but its just that way.

I hope I could help you.

- E.V.E.

Edited by E.V.E., 04 April 2007 - 14:13.

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#4 CoLT


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Posted 04 April 2007 - 14:31

That's really helpful thanks.

Yeah the ignoring is kinda strange huh...
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#5 spiderspag


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Posted 04 April 2007 - 14:32

Best way to find out- be nice to her when you are alone, and mean when you are in groups (but not too mean). If she'll talk to you, there's a great start.

And then be a man and ask her what your chances are. If she says good, then she's yours. And if she says bad, fuck her off, and for god's sake don't get stuck in the "friend" zone coz she'll just use you as a confidence booster so she can go out, get fucked by sleazes, then come back and cry on your shoulder and say "why can't these guys be more like you? you are my BESTEST friend in the whole universe."

Then shoot her in the head.


Coz women in general are just too much trouble. I just got rid of mine after 2 years of fucked-upness.


Edited by spiderspag, 04 April 2007 - 14:33.

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#6 CoLT


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Posted 04 April 2007 - 14:34

erm... thanks for that.....

Not saying I never considered shooting them in the head ever....

But seriously... Being a friend isn't that bad, is it?
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#7 E.V.E.

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 15:00


But seriously... Being a friend isn't that bad, is it?

With some Girls, Sometimes its the only way to build up a Relationship.
Normally those dont brake so fast like if you are together with someone you just knew for like, 2 Days.

Yes, of course, somehow you can see a friend in youre Partner, but a true Friendship has to build up first. Its diffrent when you are already Friends, you know how the other Person is like.
And dont forget, you can go down the Street and ask like every Girl "You want to be my Girlfriend?"
But you cant ask "You want to be my Best Friend?"

(Thereotically you could, but it wouldnt make any sense.)

- E.V.E.

Edited by E.V.E., 04 April 2007 - 15:03.

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#8 CodeCat

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 15:45

The best way to get a chick to like you is by getting a hen and a rooster together, waiting a while, and when they hatch, taking care of the little ones by feeding them seeds.

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#9 LCPL Carrow

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 15:58


Being a girl herself, I don't think you're gonna get much better advice than E.V.E. has already given, big dog.
Semper Fidelis

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<Aqua> 0311 Roflemen.

#10 Athena

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 16:16

View PostCodeCat, on 4 Apr 2007, 17:45, said:

The best way to get a chick to like you is by getting a hen and a rooster together, waiting a while, and when they hatch, taking care of the little ones by feeding them seeds.
:pimp: LOL.

#11 Stinger


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Posted 04 April 2007 - 16:58

View Postspiderspag, on 4 Apr 2007, 15:32, said:

Best way to find out- be nice to her when you are alone, and mean when you are in groups (but not too mean).

Don't listen to Spiderspag.

I'm a cynic myself but this is taking it to the extreme.

Colt, if you meet the right person you won't have to "play games" to be with her. It will all happen quite naturally. If you do have to play "mind games", then how are you being yourself? It's so false. It tells you a lot about a person if they actually buy into this crap. A good girl will be no-nonsense and perfectly straight up.

As for telling if a girl likes you or not, it's easy. Eye contact. Their body language is also usually indicative - you'll find they stand near/close to you and you'll get a brush of physical contact. You'll also find they are interested in what you have to say, and you might find yourself being invited into their company. There are lots of tell tale signs and they vary between one person and the next, but those are the most obvious.

Edited by Stinger, 04 April 2007 - 17:02.

#12 Athena

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 17:11

^ I agree.

#13 General

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 17:23

I hear that eye contact thing from some other persons aswell , and I see that in reality that a girl looked and smiled to my friend and later my friend give a card to him ( we was in train ) and girl call him about 15 minutes later .

I just afraid to look a girl's eyes anyways :pimp:

#14 Warbz

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 17:25

make a crappy joke and if she laughs, then she prob likes you, or is taking pity :pimp:

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#15 Kris

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 17:26

View PostCodeCat, on 5 Apr 2007, 01:45, said:

The best way to get a chick to like you is by getting a hen and a rooster together, waiting a while, and when they hatch, taking care of the little ones by feeding them seeds.

BEST...Random..Post....EVER :pimp:

#16 General

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 17:27

View PostWarbz, on 4 Apr 2007, 18:25, said:

make a crappy joke and if she laughs, then she prob likes you, or is taking pity :pimp:

I should prefer to look girl's eyes instead :pimp:

#17 Warbz

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 17:30


I should prefer to look girl's eyes instead

lol. try this one:

a man walks into the dentists and says i think im a moth.
the dentist says: then why are you in here?
the man replies: because the light was on.

if she laughs at that, your in. XD

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#18 Whitey

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 20:45

I think Eve and Dauth have the best answers here.

#19 Overdose

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 22:09

Let's say if you and a girl are going out for reasons unknown. Being a guy you should like to put 'borders' on women to determine what kind of relationships you should be aiming at. This is a good chance to put the subject under observation and classify it's type.

1) If the girl likes to touch your arm. Either rub your forearm and grasp it gently with her hand it probably means your at a very good chance. Strangers may want to touch your arm to see how well you are built.

So only takes this advice if you are already acquainted with the subject. You may want to keep distance from strangers that just come up and do that, but that's for another thread.

If she simply can't let go of your arm, it means the subject likes you enough (a lot, in some cases) to start physical contact and is trying to maintain it. Girls may also take your arm when they start to act like tour guides and drivers, so be sure to take note of the arm only when you two are alone.

She may just like to eat human flesh instead, so remind yourself to do a localized anesthesia and to sprinkle your arm with the necessary spices before you are butchered at her home.

2)The smile is not a 100% fool proof method. In fact some girls may completely throw you off by not smiling and avoiding eye contact. This can be caused by shyness or simple insecurity (especially if she's under 16).

However even if she likes you or not I do not recommend starting a relationship until she's more comfortable around you. Women are NOT diesel engines. You can push her a little, but don't try to push too much or it will be the shortest relationship of your life.

3)The best way and fastest way is also the most dangerous. It's the moment that you decide to start physical contact. Finding an excuse to touch her hand and give her innocent compliments and if she doesn't quickly shun you, you can inspect her facial expressions for response even if she suddenly turned quiet due to the contact.
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#20 Cryptkeeper

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 22:31

i wish i could figure out too :pimp: advice i've seen is stuff i've heard over and over and none of it works for me which is why i've never had girlfriend probly never will becuase girls simply tend not to like me.

I don't know why maybe becuase i'am too weird or just too quite around them or they just don't understand me so there intimdated by my ideology what ever the reason is it makes me sad.

I hope you won't have as much trouble as i have and that you may find someone.

lolz at codecat

#21 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 04 April 2007 - 22:42

i have an advice for you:
Take she to a calm site, before say to him that you have to give him something, when she asks for it, you say him: wait, you have something in the eye, close them and kiss she.
i you want to kiss him i tryed that and ha good results....
(dont ask how but the next day me encontre undress with she too close my)

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#22 E.V.E.

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 22:49


i you want to kiss him i tryed that and ha good results....

Sorry, but that was just :pimp:

Pardon me.

- E.V.E.

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#23 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 01:16

This hasn't been said, and I feel it needs to be said:

BE A GENTLEMAN. I can't stress that enough. It sounds old school, but I know for a fact that most girls/ladies find it refreshing when a guy does things for them (such as opening doors and pulling out a chair for them). It shows that not all guys think with just the lower portion of their anatomy. Being a gentleman shows that you not only have respect for her (which is extremely important), but that you have respect for yourself.

If when you meet a girl that you like, and she has a friend or a group of friends with her, introduce yourself to her friend(s). Mean every word you say, for girls can pick on whether or not you're sincere. This will show that you not only care about others, but also that you care about the people connected to her (this includes family as well).

Guys that are nice just to get a date, or "try and get in her pants" are a dime a dozen. Be chivalrous to her the whole time, that way if she dumps you after you are going out, you'll have left a positive impression on her. Who knows, she may come back to you then (though this isn't a certainty).

The rest is pretty much as E.V.E. and Stinger said.


Major Nuker
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#24 Lord Atlantis

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 01:36

Hmmm... everyone has pretty much said the general indications. But having a good friend who is good friends with the girl that you like helps. She can ask and chat with the girl that you like to see if she likes you.

On a side note, perfect timing for one of these threads to show up.

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#25 spiderspag


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Posted 05 April 2007 - 01:53

Pah! You are all dreaming!

I've tried all of that romantic shit a billion times, and I am sad to report that modern girls these days only react to a sharp wit playfully directed at them. In other words, treat em mean, keep em keen. And then they will be surprised and happy when you are a gentleman to them.

Mind you, this is probably just limited to my experience with Australian girls, whom I believe are all messed up. My experience with European girls was quite different... being their friend first and a gentleman worked wonders. But I am sorry to say that Australian women love an asshole, and unless you are one, or endevour to be one, you won't get "any."

Not sure about American girls... I think they are similar.
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