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On Love, Attraction and Relationships

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#51 Cryptkeeper

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Posted 06 April 2007 - 07:49

what if your nice like that to everybody lol XD still i see nothign wrong with being nice all the time as long as you don't force it on them lol

also i'am nice i don't expect someone to give anything back thats wrong as well you should do somethign nice becuase you want to not becuase you want somethign back at least thats how i think

worst part about it is that being nice doesn't earn respect but being mean does but being mean is the easiest out of the two being nice is much harder and takes more courage then to put people down.

Edited by cryptkeeper, 06 April 2007 - 07:49.

#52 Athena

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Posted 06 April 2007 - 09:11

I think nice people deserve more respect than mean people o_O.

But I'm not "the average person". ^_^

#53 Cryptkeeper

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Posted 07 April 2007 - 06:09

thats good but it just tends to be the jerks expecialy in america win most of the time :funnypost: so girls tend to idolize them then get treated like crap and then think all guys are like that

#54 Nexolate

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Posted 07 April 2007 - 06:29

That's what I've heard, at least.
I wouldn't know, they don't like me so I ignore their existence.
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#55 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 07 April 2007 - 08:19

But, all depends of the age of the girl :funnypost:

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#56 Athena

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Posted 07 April 2007 - 08:25

It depends on the person imo.

#57 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 07 April 2007 - 08:31

^That too

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#58 Sic


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Posted 07 April 2007 - 09:45

I agree that it depends on the girl's personality. Some hide it , some don't have the courage to tell you. Some don't care and tell you rightaway, without much hassle.
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#59 RI-Ravager


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Posted 08 April 2007 - 23:45

Me? what can i say? i pretty much love women. I love being really nice to them and stuff. I don't believe you can be "too nice". I like being a sweetheart to girls and them being sweet back. It's how i am i guess. I'm not nice because im expecting it back but i do love it a lot when i get that sweet-ness back.

I'm not interested in sex and i have to say that some women around here would rather take that hot, jerky guy instead of a nice, sweet guy. It is kinda harsh but it's sorta true to and it sucks a lot. As nuker already said being a gentleman is VERY important. So even tho i know a few women who are bitches i found out that they aren't so bad to me when i try to be nice to them.

When i get complimented by girls, like they'll say i'm cute or something, i always compliment them back by saying something just as nice or sweet. Call me a wierdo but i truely enjoy being nice to ppl and to women. I enjoy helping them out and seeing a smile on their face. It's a good feeling when i know i'm making someone happy.

Honestly tho i've been thinking and i think im gonna not worry about girlfriends at all for the time being, just because i'm kinda tired of girls not really knowing what they want in a man. Luckily tho it won't last forever so as they and i get older and mature some more, i'll look for a partner.

I don't believe there are for sure signs of whether or not a girl likes you. Because not every girl is the same, each one may have their own way of showing/telling you they like you. Some are so good at keeping it a secret that you'd never know unless they told you up front. Others may flirt with ya but never admit that she likes ya. So i guess i can't help ya much.


I agree that nice ppl get/should get more respect than mean ppl. Hell i don't respect mean ppl at all. And i happen to have a lot of friends who may not be considered "average" or "normal" but the way i see it, is this: People's differences is what makes them more unique and interesting. Sure it's great to find similarities in people but i tend to enjoy their differences a lot more.

well, that concludes my post.

#60 CoLT


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Posted 09 April 2007 - 02:06

I'm like that from time to time too. I love to say these really nice complimenting lines and I love it when they say, "Awwww, you're so sweet..." or something to that effect.
And yes, I do understand that women can think for themselves, Nuker, and you're completely right. It is a matter of timing for chivalry.
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#61 spiderspag


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Posted 09 April 2007 - 03:42

Yes but you have to agree that "aww you are so sweet" is about the equivalent of "we're just friends, right?"
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#62 Athena

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Posted 09 April 2007 - 08:29

@ spiderspag
Not really to my knowing. Perhaps for some people. Not for others. You shouldn't overgeneralise for every person on this planet so much.

#63 spiderspag


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Posted 09 April 2007 - 10:12

Well as of yet I haven't really seen any proof otherwise.

Btw. I believe that in this day and age, chivalry is dead.
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#64 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 09 April 2007 - 12:59

No, you're wrong dude.

Chivalry has never died, but only in the mouths of fools has it tasted death.

I firmly believe in chivalry. Call me out-dated, or old-fashioned, but I will not change my belief in chivalry just because some people think it doesn't work. I am living proof that it does. It doesn't have to work everytime for everyone, but it does for me. If you respect yourself, you can respect others.


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#65 xjjohnno


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Posted 09 April 2007 - 12:59

I suppose as one of the old farts who visit here I'm not quite up on how you youngsters show interest,but from my own experience,and that's been over quite a few years, if some lady/girl likes you, she usually finds a way of letting you know, loud and clear.
You can make a right proper prat of yourself by (hurumph) reading between the lines and mistaking a friendly smile for a more keen interest in you.
If she likes you,she'll let you know soon enough.
As for making her like you,mission impossible,cute lines,pig testosterone sprays and all the other hocus pocus is exactly that. You'll be liked for who and what you are and all the bull shit will be seen through. So be yourself.

#66 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 09 April 2007 - 13:27


the age of the girl


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#67 CoLT


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Posted 09 April 2007 - 14:03

 Major Nuker, on 9 Apr 2007, 12:59, said:

Chivalry has never died, but only in the mouths of fools has it tasted death.

Couldn't have put it better myself.

I believe that some girls do like guys who will incovenience themselves for them. Simple things like offering a seat instead of leaving her to stand, Opening the door for her and letting her in first, Offering to help her with just about anything.
However, here in Australia, the ladies (if you can call them that) prefer more freedom. They'd much rather do things for themselves, however, they still enjoy chivalry. Just as long as it DOESN'T mean that you want to do everything short of breathing for them. (Which isn't all bad if you're a medic, but I digress)

The line is just more distinct here. Be nice, but give them space. That's how it is.
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#68 spiderspag


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Posted 09 April 2007 - 14:04

 Major Nuker, on 9 Apr 2007, 22:59, said:

No, you're wrong dude.

Chivalry has never died, but only in the mouths of fools has it tasted death.

I firmly believe in chivalry. Call me out-dated, or old-fashioned, but I will not change my belief in chivalry just because some people think it doesn't work. I am living proof that it does. It doesn't have to work everytime for everyone, but it does for me. If you respect yourself, you can respect others.



Oh, I'm sure it works sometimes, I just don't think the modern woman deserves it anymore.
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#69 Athena

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Posted 09 April 2007 - 14:10

You really need to open your eyes sometimes. I don't know where you live, but implying something like "no woman deserves kindness" is kind of a brute statement. You know what? I'm nearly starting to think that someone with a mentality and attitude like you have doesn't deserve any kindness.

#70 CoLT


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Posted 09 April 2007 - 14:10

Spiderspag, obviously you've been hurt pretty bad by a chick and have a lot of hatred for them. What happened, man? Do you ever get lonely at ALL???
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#71 spiderspag


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Posted 09 April 2007 - 14:13

Geez some strong feelings here.
I'm not saying not to be nice to people... I'm saying that in this day and age, what goes for one goes for all, and noone deserves special treatment just because they have breasts. Please stop shooting me down because you disagree. And no I haven't really been "burnt" any more than the next man... but I have seen a lot of hypocrisy.
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#72 CoLT


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Posted 09 April 2007 - 14:26

Ok... I just kinda got that impression from what you were saying.
Yeah, I do disagree with you about them all being the same. I have seen the kinds that do think that they deserve to be worshipped almost because they are female and I understand your view.
I just don't agree that ALL women are neccessarily the same, even here in Australia.
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#73 spiderspag


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Posted 09 April 2007 - 14:54

ps. whoever invented the "men should buy the first dinner, and then women should "think" about paying for their half in later dates" should be shot. Chivalry has become a sick and twisted thing, corrupted by our consumerist society and by the greed of self-centred women who still believe that they should be put on a pedastel even though they now have equal rights.

Edited by spiderspag, 09 April 2007 - 14:56.

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#74 Athena

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Posted 09 April 2007 - 15:03

I just think there should be mutual respect for each other. How two people decide who pays is up to them. I personally am fine with equal and I'd say that is the most fair. It depends on the situation.

Hmm I have the feeling we've gotten a tad offtopic heh.

#75 spiderspag


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Posted 09 April 2007 - 15:08

Ah but you say it depends on the situation.
And I have the feeling that most girls would feel disappointed if the guy didn't at least offer to pay for the first date... which means that it is expected of him, but not her.

Which is, frankly, bullshit.
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