My apologies for opening on a somewhat rude note, but:
IPS, on 19 Oct 2009, 15:23, said:
Well, since cnc Unleashed "died", I decided to release my models to the public.
My last WIP, 90% done, one skin detail missing, missile unskinned:
Sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask you to remove that pic, at least for now. ZHU is becoming active again (probably), and this unit is still slated to go in and feature in a (hopefully near-)future update. If you don't want to, all right, in the end it's still your model, but personally I'd rather you keep it hidden from the public for the time being.
And on a more positive note: Your 2D art is absolutely stunning. I'm a big fan of the epic clash on page 6, and this insect looks awesome as well. Somehow, I get the feeling it's a pretty intelligent life-form, or at least a member of a complex society.