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#3426 Chyros

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Posted 26 May 2011 - 20:50

View PostHobbesy, on 26 May 2011, 22:44, said:


3:41 PM - Chyros: I'm not anywhere near as nerdy as you are >:(
3:41 PM - Hobbesy: You're a fucking scientist.

Says the meme boy 8| .

Edited by Chyros, 26 May 2011 - 20:50.


The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

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#3427 Hobbesy

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Posted 26 May 2011 - 20:53

Says the guy who argues over which game's reload animations are better. >:(

Edited by Hobbesy, 26 May 2011 - 20:53.

#3428 Major Fuckup

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Posted 27 May 2011 - 14:23

Says the guy who says my grammar is bad >:(

I question the general assumption that i am inherently deficient in the area of grammar and sentence structure

#3429 SquigPie

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Posted 27 May 2011 - 14:30

View PostMajor Fuckup, on 27 May 2011, 16:23, said:

Says the guy who says my grammar is bad >:(

Your grammar is bad.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#3430 Ghostrider

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Posted 27 May 2011 - 17:24

View PostSquigPie, on 27 May 2011, 10:30, said:

View PostMajor Fuckup, on 27 May 2011, 16:23, said:

Says the guy who says my grammar is bad >:(

Your grammar is bad.

Yeah it's pretty bad alright.
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AJ is responsible for this signature masterpiece... if you see him, tell him I say thanks.
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#3431 Liten

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 20:38


Liten: Another reason to move to sweden
Brad: perhaps.
Liten: You could probably catch a blonde girlfriend with a nice rack if you did
Liten: :D
Brad: ..
Brad: that alone is probably the best reason to move there
Liten: Try a french accent
Liten: It would probably attract more chests
Brad: but.. British wit is renowned!
Liten: Yes, but we look at Britland as a whole = Posh british people with top hats, suits, monocles and gigantic teeth
Liten: Even though it's awesome, it wouldn't attract breasts
Brad: I wihs I had a tophat and monocle.
Brad: And a cape.
Brad: And a cane.
Brad: /sigh.
Brad: And yeah, that's unfortunate
Brad: But I;'m sure I could rely on my accent and 'wit'
*5 minutes pass*
Liten: I tried to make a dirty joke about having a cane, but I couldn't
Liten: I am a huge dissapointment
Liten: :<
Brad: you digust me.
Brad: how can you not relate a cane to a penis?
Brad: Liten,
Brad: I am dissapoint.
Liten: D;


Brad: Being British, I am also inherently lazy
Brad: We British are a lazy people.
Liten: Lazy with you canes aswell?
Brad: Our legs are fine, yet we have canes to make walking eaiser
Brad: therefore, lazier.
Liten: That "cane" was meant as "penis"
Liten: Hence, I read that sentence in a really akward way
Brad: Liten, what made you think I didn't know that?
Liten: Your general lazyness?
Liten: I figured with such lazyness your brain may be affected aswell
Brad: while that is true, I had hoped you'd take it as a penis joke.
Brad: As everyone enjoys a penis joke

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Kyle Carter said:

Harry Potter is the safety scissors of the Fantasy genre

#3432 Dutchygamer

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Posted 11 June 2011 - 21:56

A discussion about the logo of an army from my mod ended in this:


Gufu zegt (23:43):
That's not symbolism.
That's Supremme Commander having fanboy reasons to make a rebelious faction.
Richard / Dutchygamer / "Groovy!" zegt (23:44):
I couldn't care less
look at all the Space Marines chapters
Blood Ravens, Ultramarines, Space Wolves
Gufu zegt (23:44):
Richard / Dutchygamer / "Groovy!" zegt (23:44):
where do those names and logos come from?
Gufu zegt (23:44):
Richard / Dutchygamer / "Groovy!" zegt (23:45):
that's not my faction D:
Gufu zegt (23:45):
That's Chaos.
Your faction is silent
Except a few Pariah/Lord sayings.
Richard / Dutchygamer / "Groovy!" zegt (23:45):
Lord is silent as well
Gufu zegt (23:45):
But those are generic "Hurr the living, me so emo"
Richard / Dutchygamer / "Groovy!" zegt (23:45):
only Pharias can speak
Gufu zegt (23:46):
Pariahs AND Necron lords.
Gufu zegt (23:47):
Pariahs because they are still part human.
Lords are well... more sentient than their Dell mass-produced brothers.
Richard / Dutchygamer / "Groovy!" zegt (23:47):
but Dells don't self-repair, or will be reconstructed every time it is KIA
Gufu zegt (23:48):
That's what they want you to think.
Richard / Dutchygamer / "Groovy!" zegt (23:48):
you are talking about the Dells or the Necrons :D
Gufu zegt (23:49):
What's the difference?
Richard / Dutchygamer / "Groovy!" zegt (23:49):
Necrons are much cooler than Dells?
Gufu zegt (23:50):
I think them to be the same thing, really.
Richard / Dutchygamer / "Groovy!" zegt (23:50):
I think comparing Dells to Necrons is heresy
*shoots gufu Comissar-style*
Gufu zegt (23:50):
Necrons and Dells ARE heresy
Gufu zegt (23:51):
Richard / Dutchygamer / "Groovy!" zegt (23:51):
You outrank a Necron?

Edited by Dutchygamer, 11 June 2011 - 21:56.

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#3433 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 19 June 2011 - 16:14


Donnie dice:
Well fusion against Angel will murder them
Sgt. Rho dice:
use the ammo with the right damage types against rats
Donnie dice:
confuuusing on first glance *checks a spreadsheet*
well this isn't bad, projectile toilets don't have a substantially bad tracking to large hybrids
Sgt. Rho dice:
projectile toilets?
Donnie dice:
*facepalms then projects a toilet at the wall*

Think Before, not just while writing? :xD:

Edited by Sgt. Rho, 19 June 2011 - 16:14.

#3434 Wizard


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Posted 04 July 2011 - 10:51


[11:48] <+Destiny> Well that was interesting
[11:48] <+Destiny> I've gained a little insight to how Islam is
[11:49] <~Wiz> ...
[11:49] <~Wiz> I would hardly suggest that CJ be the person to give you an unbiased opinion on the teachings of the Prophet Mohammad
[11:50] <+Destiny> Nyahaha that's true
[11:50] <+Destiny> It's fine, not that it actually matters
[11:50] <+Destiny> to me anyway
[11:50] <+Destiny> because I'm going to be isolated from the world in five or six months
[11:50] <~Wiz> and the world rejoices
[11:50] <+Destiny> Yeah


Edited by Wizard, 04 July 2011 - 10:51.

#3435 Hobbesy

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Posted 04 July 2011 - 12:51


<Wiz> Well well well period
<Hobbesy> Dammit Destiny
<Tactical_person> points at Hobbes
<Tactical_person> HE MADE ME
<Wiz> touch yourself?
<Hobbesy> 8|
<Tactical_person> No, I did that myself.
<Wiz> k
<Wiz> :xD:
<Hobbesy> I told you Brad
<Hobbesy> That Wiz missed you
<Tactical_person> And I said lies.
<Tactical_person> LIES.
<Hobbesy> So incredibly dearly
<Hobbesy> Yep.
<Hobbesy> Alias is up there. I'm sure he missed you too.
<Hobbesy> Or something.
<Wiz> We did miss you, Tactical Person
<Alias> whaaaaat
<Hobbesy> No, no man!
<Hobbesy> The line is
<Hobbesy> Saaaay whaaaat
<Tactical_person> gasps
<Tactical_person> MY.. LAST NAME?!
<Hobbesy> You wouldn't believe where I had to drag him in from.
<Hobbesy> Brad was with a bunch of..
<Hobbesy> ..Dutch people
<Hobbesy> Eugh
<Tactical_person> It was pretty bad.
<Alias> 8|
<Hobbesy> Swedes too.
<Tactical_person> They almost had me wearing those silly wooden shoes.
<Hobbesy> He was covered in weed and tulips.
<Tactical_person> It was glorious.
<Hobbesy> Also he had his finger in a concrete wall for some reason.
<Tactical_person> I was experimenting.
<Alias> Did they tie you to a windmill?
<Wiz> bork bork bork

Edited by Hobbesy, 04 July 2011 - 12:55.

#3436 Wizard


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Posted 05 July 2011 - 12:02


[13:00] * TheDR (chatzilla@lemon-F0FD52CD.range86-184.btcentralplus.com) has joined #fstudios
[13:00] <~Wiz> HOLY SHEEP!
[13:00] <~Wiz> A human Doctor
[13:00] <Krieger22> If you want. Oh hai Doctor!
[13:01] <TheDR> Afternoon gents.
[13:01] * Pav3d (Pav3d@lemon-DD4EC643.hari.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #fstudios
[13:01] <Pav3d> YAAAY
[13:01] <TheDR> Hey
[13:01] <~Wiz> FUCKING HELL
[13:01] <Pav3d> I was on the wrong server, an irc noob, is i
[13:01] * ~Wiz collapses from all the activity

#3437 Wizard


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Posted 05 July 2011 - 12:25


[13:18] <~Wiz> Doc, when Retirbution GET?
[13:18] <~Wiz> *Retribution[13:19] <TheDR> Has it been on sale?
[13:19] <~Wiz> Derp
[13:19] <~Wiz> yes
[13:19] <TheDR> Next time its on sale then :xD:
[13:20] <~Wiz> for the amazingly low price of only £22.49, you can TLS with Liten and I
[13:21] <TheDR> I haven't spent that much on a game in a while, let alone an expansion pack.
[13:21] <Pav3d> 22:49 is way too much to pay for an old game, download only, with no box or cd
[13:21] <~Wiz> Retribution is not an old game... D:
[13:22] <~Wiz> And you can get TLS for less than that if you just get TLS standalone
[13:22] <TheDR> Box/CD doesn't really matter to me anymore.
[13:22] <~Wiz> ^ agreed
[13:22] <Pav3d> it so does!
[13:22] <~Wiz> it harms the environment 8|
[13:22] <Pav3d> I polish my mass effect special edition boxes everyday
[13:22] <~Wiz> I bet you do 8|
[13:22] <Pav3d> harms the enviroment, my asss
[13:22] <~Wiz> consider this
[13:22] <TheDR> Thats different, you are obsessed 8|
[13:22] <Pav3d> sitting there and collecting dust, isnt harmful at all!
[13:23] <Pav3d> if anything its helping the environment, by collecting dust that could effect other organisms
[13:23] <Pav3d> such as dust sensitive human beings, and such
[13:23] <~Wiz> electronic only vs artificially manufactured plastic and cardboard and whatever the fuck the cd is made from
[13:23] <~Wiz> all that pollution so you can "polish your knob"
[13:23] <~Wiz> *Mass Effect CE

#3438 Pav:3d


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Posted 05 July 2011 - 12:34

CD is also made from plastic :xD:

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#3439 Wizard


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Posted 05 July 2011 - 12:35

View PostPav:3d, on 5 Jul 2011, 13:34, said:

CD is also made from plastic 8|

Haven't you got a your special "collectors edition" to go and polish :xD:

#3440 Wizard


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Posted 07 July 2011 - 13:59


[14:55] * Destiny (Rabbits@lemon-EA2E690E.singnet.com.sg) has joined #fstudios
[14:58] <~Wiz> pleased to see people actually coming to the IRC these dyas
[14:58] <~Wiz> *days
[14:58] * Liten (Liten@lemon-FBEAC72C.dynamic.se.alltele.net) has joined #fstudios
[14:58] * ~Wiz spoke too soon
[14:58] <~Wiz> D:

#3441 Krieger22


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Posted 08 July 2011 - 12:00


(7:20:23 PM) Wiz is now known as Wiz|away
(7:20:52 PM) Zhao: I don't get it , is he asking me to Wizz away -.-
(7:21:00 PM) Zhao: Cuz i don't really have to go to the bathroom:/

You won't believe what happened during that meeting of yours, Wizard.

Sareen said:

NOOO NO NO NO NO NO NOOOO ...*closes ears* lalalala that never happened!

#3442 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 10 July 2011 - 15:51


(16:47:09) Wiz: bah
(16:47:15) Wiz: £250 for a trip to the vets
(16:47:15) Wiz: :|
(16:47:43) Bob: I think your kid deserves better treatment than a vets :xD:
(16:47:58) Wiz: :xD:
(16:48:02) Bob: :​D ?
(16:48:09) Alias: You have a pet?
(16:48:09) Alias: wat
(16:48:25) Alias: Is your pet a giant container ship? :xD:
(16:48:39) Bob: lol
(16:49:25) Wiz: :|

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#3443 Destiny

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Posted 11 July 2011 - 14:33

[22:30] <Liten> CJ!
[22:30] <CJ> LITEN!
[22:30] <Destiny> SMIT!
[22:30] <Liten> Lets do it!
[22:31] <CJ> m'kay
[22:31] <Destiny> :xD:
[22:31] * CJ slaps Destiny
[22:31] <CJ> BAD DESTINY, BAD!


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#3444 Wizard


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Posted 19 July 2011 - 10:01


[10:56] <~Wiz> Finally
[10:56] <~Wiz> someone else online
[11:00] <Destiny> Lovely use of the maarfixed
[11:00] <~Wiz> ty
[11:00] <Destiny> I think my replies in that thread will consist of 90% images and 10% text
[11:01] <~Wiz> as opposed to your usual replies which compose 90% gibberish and 10% links
[11:01] <~Wiz> :xD:

#3445 Liliana

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Posted 21 July 2011 - 06:46


[08:43:50] <@Yuri> Earlier, people were enthusiastic about the SLUT, but now they say its a waste of money.

...the next day...


[06:10:52] <@Yuri> Hi. ^^
[06:11:32] <@Yuri> I took the SLUT today. Total ripoff.


[08:10:12] <@Yuri> I don't think I'll ride the SLUT again.
[08:10:19] <@Yuri> I don't want to risk catching something. :/
[08:10:29] <@Yuri> I just can't afford the price. 8|


Anyway,the China's army is a modernize army,this army can bear down all country's army.
I hope SWR team can modification the China in the RISE OF THE RED and SHOCKWAVE mods.China is a modernize country.Maybe in thirty years later,the China will be a big and powerful country,overrun the US


[22:23:32] <J8a> why would i read a eula anyway?
[22:23:41] <J8a> they're not written in english

#3446 Nid

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Posted 22 July 2011 - 21:42


[Kayleigh S]
that was on sirens the other day, a guy had a carrot stuck up his ass cause his girlfriend made him
[Kayleigh S]
'it was alright the first few inches, but its a fucking bit carrot! and then well, it just sorta got sucked up'
vile story to have to tell the doctors at hospital ahaha

This is why I love my flatmate.

Edited by Nid, 22 July 2011 - 21:42.

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#3447 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 02 August 2011 - 08:31

Sgt. Rho said:
but I guess I forgot the purpose of ctrl+c
I think I'll worship that button now as my savior

Tank50us said:
having learned basic programing and webdesign, trust me... you don't just worship ctrl+C, you build a friggin church around it and offer it sacrifices

Sgt. Rho said:
I need to quote that.

#3448 CJ

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Posted 02 August 2011 - 13:34

Surely you mean CTRL+S? :)

View PostChyros, on 11 November 2013 - 18:21, said:

I bet I could program an internet

#3449 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 02 August 2011 - 13:40

Nope, ctrl+c and by extension ctrl+v

#3450 Wizard


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Posted 12 August 2011 - 07:50


[08:47] <Destiny> Don't tell Bob but, I wonder if Guernsey is capable of even having rioters :xD:
[08:48] <~Wiz> I doubt they are as well
[08:48] <~Wiz> unless the cows rise up
[08:48] <Wanderer> cows with guns...
[08:49] <~Wiz> that'd be udderly awesome
[08:49] <Destiny> Cows manning the coastal artillery...
[08:49] <~Wiz> xD


[09:41] <Destiny> I wonder why none of the major military powers have attempted a 'trap' ship =/
[09:41] <~Wiz> wat?
[09:42] <Destiny> A ship, full of military men hidden or in disguise or automated shotguns, for pirates to try and hijack
[09:43] * ~Wiz sighs
[09:43] <~Wiz> I can't even begin to start with where that sentance is wrong
[09:44] <Destiny> It's nothing wrong
[09:44] <~Wiz> is there even such a thing as _automated shotguns_ ?
[09:44] * Wanderer (Wanderer@lemon-4B717703.elisa-laajakaista.fi) Quit (Quit: )
[09:44] <Destiny> Of course
[09:44] <Destiny> Your average robotics dude can make that
[09:45] <Destiny> Buy a shotgun, build a robot that pulls the trigger, motion sensor, voila
[09:45] * ~Wiz does not blame Wanderer from leaving

Edited by Wizard, 12 August 2011 - 08:46.

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