Kenobi's Art Stuff
Posted 30 July 2009 - 01:24

My first attempt to skin.

It stills W.I.P.

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 30 July 2009 - 08:12
I don't really know what this is, some kind of supplytruck was my first guess.
Are you using Custom, EA or CnP textures ?

Posted 30 July 2009 - 14:16
It's a dock core. =P

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 30 July 2009 - 16:26

Please note: First attempt to skin, so feedback is welcome.

Based in this: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars...starfighter.jpg
Fighter...needs a name: 1616 polys =P

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 30 July 2009 - 16:30
Otherwise it is looking pretty good for a first go.
Posted 31 July 2009 - 02:02
It's a dock core model. That's why i carrys materials such as bricks, wood, metal (i'm goign to skin it).

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 31 July 2009 - 06:12
It's ok for first time skinning. But the problem I see is that the faces don't really flow into each other. It looks like there's a different skin on each face.
It's probably because your model has a rather unusual shape, so there aren't really any EA-textures that look good on some parts of your model.
You should try to improve the skinning, if you don't manage to skin all faces, try to cover up those that suck with housecolor.

Posted 31 July 2009 - 13:44
Stalker, on 31 Jul 2009, 3:12, said:
That's what i used =P
Thanks! I'll be improving!

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 05 August 2009 - 14:27

Somekinda of APC that you'll see at PE.
366 polys.
Edited by Gen.Kenobi, 05 August 2009 - 14:27.

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 05 August 2009 - 19:01
Only problem is the turret. In Zero Hour, you cannot limit the amount of degrees the turret can turn, so it would intersect with the chassis and shoot through itself.
You might want to consider putting the turret on the roof, or the turret will have to not rotate at all, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but may not have been what you were hoping to do.
Posted 05 August 2009 - 19:58
now for something constructive: those intruded windows on the cockpit part are really not needed since those can be skinned on without anyone noticing.
Posted 05 August 2009 - 22:50

Thanks for you all for the feedback!
@Camille: Nah..i like intruds =P
@jordam: Thank you so much! I thnk there's a way to make the turret just turns 30º or 45º..n5p29 may find a way...he's the master coder.
I'm the master of low-poly modelling =P

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 06 August 2009 - 00:13

in the end though, if you have tons of polies you can spend on whatever you want, go ahead and spread the love. no one will complain. not even me.
Posted 21 August 2009 - 15:48

If you're complainning about the "back" it's based on the first airplane ever built: 14 Bis by Santos Dumont

Forgot to put some old tanks here =P

Edited by Gen.Kenobi, 21 August 2009 - 15:54.

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 27 August 2009 - 23:25
Sorry for the bad quality...JPEG

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 28 August 2009 - 06:11
Gen.Kenobi, on 21 Aug 2009, 11:48, said:

I never noticed these tanks, but I do like them. The last one reminds me of the GLA Scorpion, and if I dare say, each looks like it could fit the US, Chinese, and GLA quite easily. The first going to China (just the way the turret is designed), the second going to the US (minus the spikes on the front armour), and the last going to the GLA (which has a sort of Renault FT-17 in it...but only trace amounts).

Posted 28 August 2009 - 10:45
PNG is way too large and eats up bandwidth like a hungry bear.
Posted 28 August 2009 - 17:52

Make them smoother, and get rid of all the sharp angles.
Posted 29 August 2009 - 14:26
Posted 29 August 2009 - 23:54

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 01 November 2009 - 00:26

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 01 November 2009 - 20:37
not everyone is blessed with marvelous bandwidth...
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