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In Memory of CommanderJB

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#101 Libains

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Posted 24 July 2009 - 02:15

If there was ever a fleeting glimpse into the soul of what every man, woman or child should aspire to be, it would be the year that I knew James. A charismatic, brilliant individual, James touched everybody that he met with a sense of decency, humility, and overall friendliness that was a testament to his beliefs. He never tried too hard - even when his peers failed or grew weak or weary of their efforts, James would continue to push on - if people are described as giving one hundred and ten percent, James gave at least two hundred. What made him shine was his belief that there was good in everyone. Most of us are harsh in judging people, oft overlooking good traits in order to bemoan poorer qualities. For James, it was the opposite - nothing was done wrong, nothing was flawed, no judgment was too sour - he always looked on the bright side of life.

While many will remember James for his posts on this forum, and his manner of fairly administrating, I will not. I will remember him as somebody that I can only hope to one day emulate, or honor with my achievements. I will remember him as a man, as solid and as unwavering as I have ever met, but capable of seeing good in everyone. I will remember him as a boy, who had his own trials and tribulations, and shone through them, shaking off burdens that many of his peers would struggle to cope with. I recall him fretting about getting a first job, and how wonderfully happy he was when he had returned from his interview. Calling him a man without acknowledging his joy for life that can only come from one of his age would be wrong - there was a wonderful youthful spirit about James that, when combined with his maturity, produced an outstanding individual.

His family, his teachers, his friends, should all be proud of having known such an extraordinary human being, and having each impacted upon his life in a small way. I am glad in the knowledge that James did not suffer greatly, and that he will continue to contribute to others from beyond the grave, in his own, wonderful way.

Words do little justice to him, but they are all that I can hope to offer being so far away. Mark Twain once said:


The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.

I feel that this does James some justice. He lived his life fully, to the utmost, took every chance, loved every moment. I believe with all my heart that James did not fear death. While untimely, he had lived more in his eighteen years than most of us will in our entire lives. I am honored, touched, and greatly indebted to the many times that I spoke with him - he was a rare and wonderful human being, and we are all poorer for his loss.

James, you were my friend, and I cannot express how much that means to me. I wish you well, wherever you may now be. Hopefully, you are soaring among the stars, exploring the infinite Universe in all it's glory.

Bis vivit qui bene vivit


Edited by AJ, 24 July 2009 - 02:24.

For there can be no death without life.

#102 Uburian


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Posted 24 July 2009 - 08:12

I did not know James personally, but from what I have read, he was a nice person.

Good luck James, wherever you are now.

#103 Katmoda12


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Posted 24 July 2009 - 09:27

First time I red this i thought it was a joke. I thought it was a name change or James Brown the actor involved in some kind of joke. but when i've seen the first post i gasped. i said to myself, oh no, no please.
I actually never knew him but for what i red in his scripts create in me some kind of emphaty, i was looking forward to know him, maybe, i thought, we can become friend , forum friend, with our relation that grew a a slow pace (like every online friendship) but like some kind of promise for the future.

I said Oh, no.

this disappearance has hit me more that the one of Jackson (and i was a big fan of him since my childhood), hit me because i knew JB, James Brown for me now on, eventually would transform himself from a surprisingly mature boy to a great man. my sorrow has sweetened a bit when i red about his organs donations, seven,seven!!, he saved seven people at the age of 18.He died as a hero for me even i didn't know him.I red this new yesterday but i didn't fell well to post a thought, only now waking up with his name in the mind i fell is right to post it.

I'll miss you, James Brown.

#104 MR.Kim

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Posted 24 July 2009 - 10:18

This is the sadness moment in our community and I didn't know expect this happen today.

Rest in peaceful, CommanderJB(James Brown).

#105 JJ

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Posted 24 July 2009 - 10:28

Like most of you here, I am not particularly close to JB, but his posts certainly did affect me. He posted comments on work, any work, anywhere, even projects he's not part of. That is one thing me, and I'm sure any contributer, would appreciate, it shows someone appreciates his or her work. His comments are the useful type, with tangible sense in it, not just generic praises.

Indeed, he is someone to be a role model, everyone, including me, should learn a thing or two from him. Rest in peace JB, rest in peace.

#106 Razven


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Posted 24 July 2009 - 14:47

I'm gone for a bit and see this. I am speechless and what I wish to say has been already said more than a few times by fellow forum members expressing their sympathies to those he left behind. He was a good friend, I regret not having known him better.

C'est la vie.

#107 n5p29


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Posted 24 July 2009 - 15:16

Even I'm not active in this forum, I have visiting this forum almost everyday on more than last one year.
First I see this thread I think this is only a joke. I just know it is not a joke today.

From his posts, I see CommanderJB is a really nice, care, and wise person. He is one of many members here that I respected to.
He is the one that have post with at least two or three paragraph, where each of his sentences in the post is really meaningful to the others.
It's a very sad thing that we cannot see him again in this place, and also in this world. :(

He died too young. He is at the same age with me (now I'm 18 too). It really like losing a friend. I also really scared that I also may be died anytime.

I don't know what I must say anymore. You are really awesome person.
Your memories here will not fade. Farewell and rest in peace, James "CommanderJB" Brown.

#108 SquigPie

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Posted 24 July 2009 - 16:54

wait....no...what the.....

I'm sorry, he was a nice guy, and a good writer, even if he threatened to ban me for every second post i made (mostly deserved). I hope that he have found peace, found the timeless place were dreams are born.

A long way from here
A friend marches towards his fathers
A long way from here
No pain can be felt no more

Can you see their tears?
Can you hear their cries of sorrow?
Can you feel the sadness?
That you left behind.

Cause it’s not the dead ones
That drowns in despair
It’s the ones still here
Whose faces are wet with tears

A long way from here
You will find the gates of heaven
A long way from here
You will finally find

"The dead, are no longer lonely, the living, are more lonely than ever."

Hvil i Fred.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#109 Vaughan


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Posted 24 July 2009 - 21:46

It awakens in me the fact that the living become dead.

I didn't know him personally, as many posters here, but I always recognized the Commander Cody avatar he had up. Whenever I saw it, I'd know it was that "CommanderJB guy".

Death is real, and when it strikes we need to be prepared to grieve for the loss of our comrades. This has happened many times to me over the years, and no matter how many times, it still shakes my foundation to the core. Life is too important to disregard - Just look at what JB did with his, and maybe you'll draw inspiration from it, whoever you are.

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-Tha' rewf iz awn fiyah-

#110 Kyouko

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Posted 24 July 2009 - 23:41

This is a terrible, sad event. I always admired him due to his posts, which were full of flesh and had good grammar. I hope that there is indeed an afterlife of some sort as he deserves a good one.

#111 Magma


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Posted 25 July 2009 - 17:24

This event really made me wordless... I really hope his family will make it through.

Rest in peace.
Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it... It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more.

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#112 Nodlied


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Posted 25 July 2009 - 18:39

Rest in peace James. Its realy sad that this happend. I hope you still watch us from up there.
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Some people claim that they have seen the light at the end of the tunnel. I say it is the headlight of an upcomming train.

#113 tank50us


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Posted 25 July 2009 - 22:43

I guess we all have to face our own mortality sooner or later, it just sucks when it's someone so young. JB, you're reading this post in heaven somewhere, I'll give you a 21 gun salute. Although I can't get the guns, I'll atleast give you the next best thing I can offer.
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#114 Jamie^


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Posted 26 July 2009 - 00:51

Unfortunate, R.I.P
A work in progress, leave me alone.

#115 partyzanpaulzy


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Posted 26 July 2009 - 16:44

Quite shocking news (I haven't been here for few days, but still I felt something's wrong),
life is so fragile
and the Death is bitch (with all the respect to the rules I think he deserves usage of this word here).

Few famous people accidentally died, Xeno (legendary cameo artist) from PPMSite died on brain cancer (in his 19 I think),
now CommanderJB. |8

Although I never knew him personally, his death hit me.
He was one of the most important people in this web community,
the one who helped with his knowledge not only of the military stuff...
the good guy.

Really if the people were good just a bit as him, the world would be much better place to live.

I hope James is on some better place (not-boring-heaven or new life).

Rest In Peace James!
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+ equivalents :p

#116 Izzy


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Posted 27 July 2009 - 02:41

condolences :(
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#117 Su8perkillr

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Posted 27 July 2009 - 15:18

i never heard about JB, just read a few posts of him, he was always very kind, so rest in peace JB.
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#118 TunguskaM1


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Posted 27 July 2009 - 18:50

Rest in peace James.

#119 Fincer

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Posted 28 July 2009 - 18:46

Wh...what to say....totally shocking piece of news. :P
Is this real one? How can this be happened to so young and friendly person? There's no any word to describe this event.

Although I never knew James personally, due to the nature of an Internet community, I get familiar with him as an somekind of SZ advisor for my team. He was a great help for us, always active, helping and critical speaker. He handled greatly his stuff, such as military knowledge which he shared for just a pleasure. Generally speaking, he was really friendly & warm person and his character stays forever in my mind like that. Personally, when I saw the familiar "Commander-guy" avatar he used here on the left side of forums, I expected and knew that there's a guy who really says something wise in pleasant way. Always, always I recognized that. This world lost a great guy, positive entertainer and one more talents our world needs.

Especially I'm sorry for his family, friends and dear acquaintances. People, who straightly knew him. He would have had a great life in future and every possibility waiting for him but someone in Heaven decided otherwise. He was a schoolboy, having not a real touch in mature life with all new relationships, girls but also duties and great possibilities. That event is totally terrible, how this can be happened? I just can't believe it. And I'm really sad I even couldn't say goodbye to him until he already left this place and lives now in somewhere, some place we all will settle upon when the day comes. For James, the day came too early, much too early. James is there, in Heaven, maybe looking us and smiling, having no stress of life here, on Earth. He's in paradise. I'm always really happy and respectful for his help and chatting with me. Thanks James, CommanderJB, I will miss you. We will meet in some day.

I really wish that his family members can go on and stay in positive side though this is really hard and depressive lifetime for them all, without questions.

Rest In Peace, James 8|

Edited by Fincer, 28 July 2009 - 18:47.

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#120 tank50us


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Posted 29 July 2009 - 06:54

Just as a Suggestion, maybe we should all make something to send to his family, a kind of show of support for them. Since attending his funeral would be slightly impossible for many of us, it would still be a nice gesture from all of us. He was one of us, he is still one of us, and we should honer him any way we possibly can. Use your imagination, I'm sure the rest of us would do the same for you if something tragic happened to you.

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#121 Major Fuckup

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 07:13

id support that

I question the general assumption that i am inherently deficient in the area of grammar and sentence structure

#122 Aro


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Posted 29 July 2009 - 09:57

This reminds me of our mortality. Life is so fragile and so many of us take it for granted (myself included).

Rest in peace & my deepest condolences to his friends and family.
Aro - Leader of Twisted Insurrection and Evolution.

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#123 Libains

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 10:44

View Posttank50us, on 29 Jul 2009, 7:54, said:

Just as a Suggestion, maybe we should all make something to send to his family, a kind of show of support for them. Since attending his funeral would be slightly impossible for many of us, it would still be a nice gesture from all of us. He was one of us, he is still one of us, and we should honer him any way we possibly can. Use your imagination, I'm sure the rest of us would do the same for you if something tragic happened to you.

His family have been linked to this topic, and as such have read everything that has been said here. Showing them how much James affected people across the globe, how great their son was, well, I can't think of a better something to give them.

And for everybody's information, James' funeral was last Sunday. He is safely resting now.
For there can be no death without life.

#124 Destiny

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 11:45

Thanks for that information, AJ. Glad to know his family has read this little thread.
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#125 Mbob61

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 22:53

I didn't know James half as well as i would have liked but i spoke to him enough to know what a person he was.
His long, articulated posts and calm, kind attitude on everything really shone out like a beacon.
I'm afraid i don't really have the words to express what i mean :(
R.I.P good sir.

Thanks to Pav3d for the awesome sigs
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