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Warhammer 40000 RP: Firedragons

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#1 SquigPie

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Posted 16 August 2009 - 08:40

Warhammer 40000: Firedragons.


When Inquisitor Mathias of the Ordo Malleus scented the taint of chaos upon Powaqqatsi VII, he was in a dire situation, he had long been in the red zone of his ordo. His tactics and methods where looked down upon by the more “pure” members of his ordo, and there where whispers of him being tainted by chaos.
Mathias, of course, knew that this wasn’t true, his faith was as strong as ever, but that didn’t change his situation.
As he stood there on his ship, looking at the planet from orbit, he could feel its tainted presence reaching out to him. Laughing at him, for not being able to destroy it. He couldn’t even send his own men, he didn’t trust them, he knew that most of them where double agents of other inquisitors. He couldn’t call another inquisitor either, they would simply take all the honour, he would be called weak for not being able to deal with it himself. And he would be another step closer to the abyss.
“Emperor forgive me”
He had to do it again.
He had to use mercs.
He had to call the Firedragons.

When Mathias first had met them, and their leader, the renegade marine Coatl, he had still been an Acolyte under Inquisitor Ernest, he had been young and idealistic. He thought that Chaos could be fought with a fiery hammer, like those foolish Puritians, later he had learned the harsh lesson that chaos had to be fought on its own field, with a poisoned dagger in the back. Back then, all those many years ago, he had loathed them, these mercenaries, they where traitors and scum. He hadn’t changed his opinion about that, he still despised them, but he saw them as necessary scum.

Now, after so much struggling and work, he could finally exit the red zone, after the taint had been cleansed, he would make sure that the other inquisitors somehow would find out about his success, he could finally prove that his methods where justified!
The mercenaries where successful (as always), they destroyed the source of the taint (an ancient temple deep within the jungles.) by using “His Almighty God-Emperors Most Holy Explosives of Cleansing Foul Taints and Pestilences, as well as Purging Filthy Xenos and Mutants”. He would then “forget” to pick them up again, and leave them there to their fate. He might have felt bad for betraying their longtime trust, but as an Inquisitor, that would be showing weakness, and weakness eventually lead to heresy, and no good Inquisitors are Heretics.

So the Mercenaries where left on a planet filled with hostile Feral Orks, and with no means to leave, and no populated planets nearby, things where looking grim.

But even in the Grim Darkness of the Grimdark future, things sometimes go Just as Planned.

Only a week after the inquisitor left, the Tau Cadre of Shas’o Tianh arrived, seeing an un-populated planet right for the taking.

While the planet was without resources and Imperial population, it had strategical importance, so Segmentum Command set the Krieg 51th Infantry Division under command of Fieldmarshall Hans Grubern on the job of preventing the Tau from taking the planet.

So now, the small group of Mercenaries are trapped between two massive forces.

Will they survive?

Wut r we doin den?:
You are the Firedragons, a group of mercenaries who take in recruits from all the different races and factions. During your last mission, you where ditched on a planet filled with hostile Feral Orks.


There are currently 8 Character Slots, 6 designated (to limit the amount of people choosing to be Guardsmen/Spess Mehrens) and 2 random (If somebody absolutely have to be a special race):

Slot 1, Space Marine: SquigPie
Slot 2, Space Marine: Liten
Slot 3, Guardsman: Teh Killer
Slot 4, Tau:
Slot 5, Eldar: Brad
Slot 6, Ork: Warboss Nooka
Slot 7, Human: Destiny
Slot 8, Random:

There are also 8 slots for class (Heavy Weapons, Special Weapons, etc.)

Slot 1, Heavy Weapons: SquigPie
Slot 2, Special Weapons: Destiny
Slot 3, Assault: Teh Killer
Slot 4, Demolitions:
Slot 5, Stealth: Brad
Slot 6, Sniper: Liten
Slot 7, Random:
Slot 8, Bashin': Warboss Nooka

There are also 8 Side Jobs (Cook, Medic etc.) you can be:

Slot 1, Commander: SquigPie
Slot 2, Second-in-Command:
Slot 3, Cook, Hunter and Supplies Master: Brad
Slot 4, Medic: Teh Killer
Slot 5, Mechanic:
Slot 6, Ammunition (Carries extra ammo): Destiny
Slot 7, Scout, Pathfinder: Liten
Slot 8, Jack-of-All (does a little bit of everything): Warboss Nooka?

Character Sheet:


Quote: (Something that sums up your character, like, if you’re an ork, the quote might be “WAAAAAAAAAGH”)

Name: (Your character title, full name, called name)
Race: (Look above)
Class: (Look above)
Side Job: (Look Above)
Sex: (Male, Female, Asexual (Ork))


Height: (in metres and centimetres)
Physical: (Muscular, large hands etc.)
Facial: (Long scar, broad mouth, red eyes etc.)
Other: (anything not covered by the previous.)


Pre-Firedragons: (Where he/she was born, reasons for becoming an outcast)
Joining the Firedragons: (How did he/she meet them? Why did he/she join them?)
Firedragons: (what happened during his/her time with the dragons? His/hers relationships with the other members).
On Powaqqatsi: (How did he/she take getting left behind on a desolate planet, how have he/she survived?)


Weapon(s): (Shotgun, bolter, plasma gun, shoota, etc.)
Clothings: (Power Armor, Ranger cloak, Flak armor, etc.)
Combat Equipment: (Grenades, extra ammo, etc.)
Non-Combat Equipment: (Booze, food, picture of family, etc.)

This is the thread for joining and discussing rules and style. New Characters will be edited into the first post.



Quote: “The Emperor have abandoned me, I gave up my life, my loved ones, for what? For him, and for Glory. What Glory have I been granted? The glory of murdering innocents, of watching my comrades dying around me. I have lost so much, and gained nothing.
No More”

Name: Coatl Ankantaki
Race/Faction: Human, Space Marine, Sauron Guard (Inka/Aztec/Mayan inspired Marines).
Class: Heavy Weapons
Side Job: Commander
Sex: Male


Height: 3,10 Metres
Physical: Muscular and Massive as all Astartes
Facial: Wooden and emotionless,. Mostly wears helmet.
Other: deep, calm voice. Awe-inspiring


Pre-Firedragons: Coatl used to be a devastator in the Sauron Guard Chapter, one day, during a battle where he watched his entire squad getting murdered, something snapped inside of him, he looted a nearby dead Terminator of his Assault Cannon, and left the battlefield. His chapter never realised this (or wouldn’t admit it out of shame) and listed him as KIA. This is probably why they never hunted him down.
Joining the Firedragons: He didn’t join the Dragons, HE CREATED THEM. After having left the chapter, he spent many years drifting aimlessly amongst different worlds, one day, he gathered a group of outcasts like himself, and thus formed the Firedragons, now,
Firedragons: 150 years later, He still leads them, the original Dragons are all dead except from himself, but members are quickly replaced. Due to the group now being somewhat famous. It have taken him a little time to get used to the new members, but he enjoys their respect, eldar, humans, and orks (His dark green armor, large size, and the high amounts of dakka he delivers, makes him very orky) alike.
On Powaqqatsi: He weren’t exactly happy when he realised that Mathias had left them upon the planet, but he have desperately tried to keep his group together, they have now garrisoned themselves inside a hut in the swamps


Weapon(s): When he left his chapter, he looted an assault cannon from a terminator, this weapon have since served him well. And he have modified it for his own use (imagine it as if he where using a real-life Minigun). In close quarters, he uses a combat knife.
Clothings: an old and battered Power Armor, he usually wears a helmet (Mk 3)
Combat Equipment: Frak and Krak Grenades, and a Melta Bombs.
Non-Combat Equipment: A picture of his home planet (Maya).

Edited by SquigPie, 18 August 2009 - 08:54.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#2 Liten

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Posted 16 August 2009 - 09:41

Name: No one on the team knows his real name, they just call him Scout
Race: Human
Class: Sniper
Side Job: Scout/Pathfinder
Sex: Male

Height: Varys, Depending on the surrounding
Physical: About avarage on everything
Facial: Always have a brown hood over the head, blue glowing eyes. Always wear gloves
Other: Doesn´t Speak much

Pre-Firedragons: Born on Calderis, He served under Captain Thule as a Sniper, however he was overwhelmed during the Tyranids raid on Calderis and lost both legs. Were used in an Experiment, which resulted in him getting a pair of Cyborg Legs. Left the Space Marines shortly after.
Joining the Firedragons: He first started as a proffesional assasin. After a few succesfull jobs, he caought the Firedragons attention
Firedragons: Hardly has any relations to anyone in the group. Is for the most part quiet and only speak when necessary.
On Powaqqatsi: Didn´t really care that much, survied by using his stealth and sneak tactics to avoid enemies

Weapon(s): Sniper Rifle, Bolter and knife for close Combat
Clothings: Light armor
Combat Equipment: Smoke and Flash Grenades
Non-Combat Equipment: Nothing

I hope that was enough :P

Edit: Bla Bla Bla ;)

Edited by Liten, 16 August 2009 - 10:39.

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Kyle Carter said:

Harry Potter is the safety scissors of the Fantasy genre

#3 SquigPie

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Posted 16 August 2009 - 10:37

Yeah, I guess that will do. Have reserved the spaces you choose for you.

Also added my own character, the squads. The leader of the Mercs.

EDIT: Its spelled Tyranids, not Tyranoids :P

Edited by SquigPie, 16 August 2009 - 10:38.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#4 TehKiller

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Posted 16 August 2009 - 15:00

Name: Anatoliy "Doc" Wormar
Race: Human (Imperial Army)
Class: Assault
Side Job: Medic
Sex: Male

Height: 1.88m
Physical: Average build, +/-80kg heavy, agility is his strenght, left handed
Facial: Standart issue helmet, scar going over his right eye
Other: Has a eye implant (explained below)

Pre-Firedragons: Born on Karrik. Father mechanic, mother civilian. Joined the Imperial Army and got stationed on his homeworld. His unit got decimated when defending an outpost against an Ork attack. Thought to be KIA since then.
Joining the Firedragons: He survived the attack but was heavily wounded and lost an eye. The Firedragons found him and decided to save him at a cost of working for them. Realising the Imperium abandoned him he decides to accept the offer.
Firedragons: He serves as the Firedragons medic.
On Powaqqatsi:Wasnt really happy for being left behind for the second time but kept a cool head and followed the orders of the commander

Weapon(s): Hellgun, Plasma Gun
Clothings: Power Armour
Combat Equipment: Frags
Non-Combat Equipment: Medical supplies

that enough?

Edited by TehKiller, 17 August 2009 - 09:12.

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#5 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 16 August 2009 - 16:06

I had a quick read through of the previous RP thread in an internet cafe. I can't play as chaos though, so I doubt i'll join.
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#6 General

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Posted 16 August 2009 - 18:40

'' This member got the meaning of the thread wrong so decided to not get in ''

Edited by Gabriel Angelos, 23 August 2009 - 06:55.

#7 SquigPie

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Posted 16 August 2009 - 19:23

 TehKiller, on 16 Aug 2009, 17:00, said:

Weapon(s): LASCANNON, Plasma Gun
Clothings: Power Armour
Combat Equipment: Frags
Non-Combat Equipment: Medical supplies

that enough?

Wow, your Guardman character can wield a Lascannon?

I'm impressed.

Great to see some people joining. Didn't expect a Tau player, a good surprise.

Edited first post.

 Ion Cannon!, on 16 Aug 2009, 18:06, said:

I had a quick read through of the previous RP thread in an internet cafe. I can't play as chaos though, so I doubt i'll join.

Sorry to hear that :P No, I don't think that Chaos followers would be allowed in the merc group. Sorry.

Edited by SquigPie, 16 August 2009 - 19:31.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#8 Brad


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Posted 16 August 2009 - 21:57

Sounds very intresting. I think I'll join in ;)
If I get in, don't use my character's name in the class list, fo clarity.
Name: Shlaereen (Means Silent Death)
Race: Eldar
Class: Stealth
Side Job: (I'll let you decide what is best for an Eldar)
Sex: Female (There has to be one :P)

Height: 2.89 metres
Physical: Slim
Facial: Never wears a helmet, finds them hindering.
Other: Often has small, irratic visions, usually unclear.

Background: Born in secret on an Eldar controlled world. Growing up she often claimed to have visions, although everyone ignored her, her family never having such privliges, some became correct, others never happend. She went on to learn the arts of becomming a banshee, and upon becomming of age, she saw her first battle. Her ferocity and determination impressed the exarch leading the battle, and she was given the chance to learn a second art of combat, however she was still young and unexperience and the elder Eldars refused her to learn. After many years, that chance re-apeared, she chose to learn the art of the warp spiders, though unusual, she was accepted.

After years of training, she was once again cleared for battle. Upon landing on her first battle, she saw over-whelming odds stacked against the Eldar, she begged for the Exarch incharge to order a retreat, to save themselves for another battle. The Exarch refused, stating that they could win. Shalaereen stared in horror at the sight of her fellow Eldar being gunned down. She decided to use her skill of stealth to try to persuade other Eldar to retreat, but none agreed. She could not understand why her comrades would not move. But she was determined to stop the enemy from killing anymore. Against the Exarch's orders, she used her teleporter to appear behind enemy lines, and kill the enemy manning the artillery. She tried to use the artillery to her her fellow Eldar, but not knowing the technology, she accidently set the co-ordinates of attack right on the lines of the Eldar. She watched in horror as she saw the misslies raining down on her fellow Eldar. She saw them being blown to pieces, incinerated.

She immedietly got out of there, heading towards a small Eldar shuttle. She thought herself an outcast, a traitor. She decided to flee to a plent called Powaqqatsi, this is where she met the Firedragons. The Firedragons took her in immedietly, thinking an Eldar would come in very useful. In the Firedragons, she often kept to herself, although she treated her fellow squadmates like family, as this was her family now.

Weapons: Mirror Swords, A Shuriken pistol, and A pulse laser
Armour: Standard Warpspider armour, coupled with extra spots for gear
Combat equipment: Often going around lightly, she only takes what her armour can carry. She hold a few Eldar grenades.
Non-combat: She lost it all during the battle.

Sorry for the long background, I couldn't stop myself.

Edited by Brad, 17 August 2009 - 12:23.

You almost did, didn't you?

#9 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 16 August 2009 - 23:42

Right then, after some deliberation with the set up of this RP, I've decided to play.

Name: Dagbolt Skimrokk His fellow Nobs called him Dag, and the Firedragons have resorted to calling him Skimrokk

Race: Ork

Class: Nob/'Ardboy

Height: 3,43 meters (will grow depending on the amount of fighting seen)

Quote: "You lot, folla me or I'll giv ya a thump!"

Physical: Twice as broad as a Space Marine in power armour. Extremely muscular (even for an Ork) with shallow scars scattered randomly on his arms. Because of his size and battle experience, Dagbolt is an exceptionally dark green, with speckles that are a few shades lighter.

Facial: Red iron gob to protect his jaw. Thin checkered pattern runs along the bottom of the gob. Bottom tusks have a slight yellow tinge to them and protrude above his gob by half a foot. His eyes are sky-blue, which he believes are a result of being "blessed" by Gork & Mork. If a more accurate description is needed, Dagbolt's eyes changed from red to sky-blue when he witnessed the death of a rogue psyker. He has an "L" shaped scar that starts just above his left eye and runs down to the middle of his cheek. His right ear bares two gold earrings and one larger one on his left ear.

Other: Used to have an ammo runt, but lost it due to being transported by the Warp. The Grot was driven mad by the powers of the Warp and exploded.

Weapon(s): Kustom 'uge choppa and kombi-snazzgun (looted and cobbled together from a Tau Fusion cannon, kustom burna, and scrap iron sights.)

Armour: Left shoulder pad has a single row of spiked studs, while the right pad is sourced from a Blood Angel Terminator suit. Chest plate bares the somewhat faded mark of his clan (Blak Pyratz, a freebooterz clan most akin to the Deffskullz with some Blood Axez mixed in for good measure). Each wrist wears black leather studded guards, which Skimrokk believes are lucky.

Combat equipment: Wears extra dakka a la Rambo. Is always searching for gubbinz to make his gun and choppa more shooty and choppy.

Non-combat: Wears a "top-knot" of crimson hair through the skull of a Kroot Warrior he killed not long before the Rok incident. One of the many reasons he doesn't get along with Shas'O T'au Mont'yr.

Pre-Firedragons: Was part of a massive WAAAGH! on board an Ork Rok headed for the Beakie world of Charadon. The Rok encountered a tear in the Warp mid voyage and instead of being torn apart by the savage powers of the Warp unlike his ammo runt, was transported to Powaqqatsi where he lived off the land for a few years (occasionally ravaging the local wildlife in search of food and sport).

Joining: Dagbolt did not join the Firedragons by choice. He was instead, captured by the Firedragons out of fear for his size and battle style. Instead of being interrogated and then killed (which is what the Guardsman suggested at first), Skimrokk was bribed into staying with the promise of all the fighting he could ever want and first dibs at any loot they encountered.

Firedragons: Skimrokk vehemently detests Coatl Ankantaki (mostly because of their difference of who's in charge and the fact that the Commander is a Beakie), as well as Shas'O T'au Mont'yr (which he insists on calling a "blue fishey", or just "fishey"). Surprisingly, he is indifferent toward the Guardsmen (too poonie to make for a proppa fight), even though they were the ones pressuring Coatl to kill him, and feels nothing for the Eldar (disappearin' panzee). As if it were any surprise, Dagbolt keeps to himself, preferring to be in the group, but not of it. He trusts no one and is seen as greedy because he refuses to share any loot he brings back with him. What Dagbolt would call his pile of gubbinz an' gunz, the rest of the group quietly refers to it as a pile of rust, scrap, and tattered nonsense.

Powaqqatsi: To put it mildly, Skimrokk hates being stranded on this planet, especially given the recent company. He only cooperates because he's allowed all the choice loot after a battle (something the other nobs and Warboss would have gotten their mits on). Skimrokk has it in his head that he's going to get off Powaqqatsi, whatever it takes, and whoever he has to go through, with the emphasis on "through".

Edited by Warboss Nooka, 19 August 2009 - 06:06.

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#10 SquigPie

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Posted 17 August 2009 - 05:35

Good to see that you joined Nooka, and managed to keep up da orkyness.

 Brad, on 16 Aug 2009, 23:57, said:

Sounds very intresting. I think I'll join in ;)
If I get in, don't use my character's name in the class list, fo clarity.
Name: Shlaereen (Means Silent Death)
Side Job: (I'll let you decide what is best for an Eldar)
Sex: FEMALE (There has to be one :P)

IT'S LIKE YA READIN' MA MOIND! (Ya ain't a wierdboy are ya?)

Edited by SquigPie, 17 August 2009 - 05:38.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#11 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 17 August 2009 - 06:27

@ Squigpie: You can classify Dagbolt as "jack-of-all-trades", but being that he's an Ork means that he doesn't do stealth, hunting, or scouting missions too well (though he has found that sneaking up on prey is just as effective as barging in and blasting things to bits). His main focus is to run into battle, his kombi-snazzgun blazin', and blast, burn, or chop whatever gets in his way. He's incredibly strong, so he can lift heavy objects, but it's probably best to not have him carry the most precious of things. Also, given that he's a rather large Nob, will mean that Dagbolt isn't afraid to make leadership "suggestions" shall we say, and he will make his "opinion" heard if he deems the attack plan "stupid", or "dull".
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#12 TehKiller

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Posted 17 August 2009 - 09:10

 SquigPie, on 16 Aug 2009, 20:23, said:

 TehKiller, on 16 Aug 2009, 17:00, said:

Weapon(s): LASCANNON, Plasma Gun
Clothings: Power Armour
Combat Equipment: Frags
Non-Combat Equipment: Medical supplies

that enough?

Wow, your Guardman character can wield a Lascannon?

I'm impressed.

LOL made some mix ups... fix'd it now :sly: (though on a side notice...wanted to have a Lasgun but remembered a better one)

Edited by TehKiller, 17 August 2009 - 09:13.

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#13 Destiny

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Posted 17 August 2009 - 11:19

Quote: "..."

Name: Koryu "Dispenser" Nagano
Race: Human
Class: Special Weapons
Side Job: Ammunition
Sex: Male

Height: 1.70+ meters
Physical: Pale, frail
Facial: Azure eyes
Other: Silent physically, softspoken but will respond when engaged in conversation.

Pre-Firedragons: No records of his existence exists. Wandered around even on war-infested planets, all the while loaded with all sorts of ammunition of any warring factions. Seeker missiles, Hellfire bolts, Assault cannon rounds, combi-weapon ammunition, etc. could be found on him.

Joining the Firedragons: Joined the Firedragons when he was wandering around a battlefield, and came across them running out of ammo during a drawn-out firefight. Apparently someone joked "Need a dispenser here!"

Firedragons: Nothing really significant happened while he was with the Firedragons, doesn't interact a lot with them without a reason, mostly only when they needed ammo or whatever 'Special Weapons' assistance was required. Carries a buncha stuff around that he doesn't actually need like Camo Cloaks and Auspexes, presumably for the other dragons. Still lugs around ammunition for practically any type of handheld weapon there is, as he had before he joined the Firedragons. Dragons can literally give their weapon feeds to him and expect to be firing on for some time before they move out.

On Powaqqatsi: Apparently he might not have emotions since he didn't seem to even react when they were left behind. He didn't get shot at a lot for some unknown reason, maybe that contributed to his survival besides being unaffected by multi-spectral lights and sonic bursts, not to mention all the ammo they're getting from him.

Weapons: Grenade-Missile Launcher, Mole Mortar, Webber (etc.)
Clothing: Carapace armor
Combat Equipment: Lots and lots of ammo for everyone and their weapons, Refractor Field, Camo Cloak, Auspexes, Voxcasters, spare grenades, Melta bombs
Non-Combat Equipment: Books, spare MREs.

Just some stuff I thought up, might need cleaning up, editing out stuff etc. :sly:

Edited by Destiny, 21 August 2009 - 06:57.

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#14 SquigPie

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Posted 17 August 2009 - 12:06

Yeah, we've already got a Silent-No-Talky character.

Just one more, and I'll get this shit started.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#15 Brad


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Posted 17 August 2009 - 12:14

 SquigPie, on 17 Aug 2009, 6:35, said:

Good to see that you joined Nooka, and managed to keep up da orkyness.

 Brad, on 16 Aug 2009, 23:57, said:

Sounds very intresting. I think I'll join in :P
If I get in, don't use my character's name in the class list, fo clarity.
Name: Shlaereen (Means Silent Death)
Side Job: (I'll let you decide what is best for an Eldar)
Sex: FEMALE (There has to be one :sly:)

IT'S LIKE YA READIN' MA MOIND! (Ya ain't a wierdboy are ya?)


This post did have meaning to it, but now that meaning is lost

Edited by Brad, 17 August 2009 - 12:23.

You almost did, didn't you?

#16 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 17 August 2009 - 12:24

I'm the goof that suggested Brad change his class to Warp Spider, thinking that "class" was for within one's own character's race, and not the mercenary group. I made the same mistake for Dagbolt.
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#17 SquigPie

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Posted 17 August 2009 - 13:31

Did some ninjaing happen or something?


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#18 SquigPie

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Posted 17 August 2009 - 16:06


Rule Nr 1: You are NOT God, I am
This is a Railroaded/Interactive Styled RP. That means that I (as GM) control WHAT HAPPENS and WHEN IT HAPPENS. You choose how to react to it, and also minor situations dealing with your character.

Example of WRONG way to do it:

Me: We get surrounded by tau, they quickly close in, what do you do?


And then the RP is ruined.

Right way to do it:

Me: We get surrounded by tau, they quickly close in, what do you do?
Goodthinker: I quickly join my friends on the wall, watching the green monsters closing in on us. I ready my customised combo-plasma-flamer-heavy bolter and say “Yippie-kay-yay motherf*ckers!” Then I open fire and kill 2 of them.

You control small-scale events, like an ork jumping you from behind, a couple of them managing to get over the wall, and stuff like that, but anything major or important is up to me to control.

Rule Nr 2: No discussions in the RP-thread

All comments, discussion, trollings, flammings and other such thing are strictly for the Discussion thread.

Rule Nr 3: Know the limits.

There are no designated amount of max kills per post. You decide how many you hit with those 2000+bullets you fire, and how many goes down, but you know that its getting silly when you kill 20+ Crisis Suit armoured Tau with those 2 laspistol shots. You will be notified if the amount of kills you commit are over-the-top and imba. And if you continue to be an *sshole, I’m gonna go Dauth on your *ss and make sure that you never, ever touch this thread ever again.

Rule Nr 4: No 5-word posts.

If you’re in a hurry, don’t post, there’s nothing to kill the flow of an RP like somebody writing “I kill an ork and duck for cover”, then not showing up before 5 days later. Write detailed descriptions of your characters thoughts and movements, if you aren’t good at that, do your best.
However, 1000-word posts kill the RP just as much, if the rest of us are drowned in endless descriptions of hair and clothing. Then there’s not much fun in it either.

Rule Nr 5: Don’t be inactivity.

If you have to go on a business-travel for 4 days, remember to notify me, so I can set something up (your character goes into coma or is captured by the enemy), for you to return later. If you are inactive for 3+days, rocks fall and you die.

Rule Nr 6: Be in character.

How do your character react? How does he think? An Ork wouldn’t start quoting Shakespeare, no matter how much you love that guy. Some are better at this than others, but if your female character suddenly can stand up and pee, then shit is gonna hit the fan.

Edited by SquigPie, 17 August 2009 - 16:10.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#19 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 17 August 2009 - 16:08

What are you testing for mate? If we can't get an 8th member, is it possible we could start the RP without and pick up an 8th later on?
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#20 SquigPie

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Posted 17 August 2009 - 16:15

Was just testing the colour thing, edited it to "The Rules" now.

I'm expecting to open the thread tommorow,if nobody joins by then, we will pretend that there never was 8 members of the group, if somebody joins in later, we will simply pretend he was out on the shitter while we where fighting, and have returned to kick ass


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#21 General

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Posted 17 August 2009 - 16:30

Oh wait, about activity thing, I may not be active in it, I though this will be something different, I think I got it wrong :sly: Someone may get my character or you may kill me as you wish :P

#22 SquigPie

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Posted 18 August 2009 - 08:44

Frak, anybody wanna take over his char? Or maybee just fill out his space?

Wel, RP will start today or tommorow as scheduled.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#23 General

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 19:00

Sorry for that dude, I messed the thing up, I thought ' you ' will be the one to write this thing , I didn't pay attention RP means role-playing :)

#24 D.K.


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Posted 21 August 2009 - 21:16

Oooh... Interesting.

Still some place for me? I've always wanted to impersonate the Grey Knight.
Requiescat in pace, James.


#25 SquigPie

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Posted 21 August 2009 - 21:58

No Grey Knights for you sorry. A renegade Grey Knight would be like a peace-loving Khorne. But you are free to play a Renegade Marine, or something else.

Look at the list of Factions, Classes, and Side Jobs for more info.

You'll have to wait with actually joining. we need to get a reasonable reason for you not turning up before.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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